

Submitted by hollyirenecardoza on Wed, 07/09/2014 - 13:20

"A view of the complete Kalachakra Sand Mandala constructed for the 33rd Kalachakra Empowerment in Leh, Ladakh, J&K, India on July 8, 2014. (Photo by Manuel Bauer)" -Dalai Lama



It's show time, really.

Submitted by SophiaLove on Mon, 06/04/2012 - 09:11

Those of you, who’ve read my blog in the past, know I mostly focus on love.  Today, I will focus on what happens when you love yourself enough to believe you are worth something.  Today I would like to talk about power.


We are stepping into a sort of “suspended belief” system – a way of living in a world that is not quite the world we have expected.  This feels strange and yet we know that it is temporary.  It will change decidedly when we do something to make that happen, and not before.  It is, and has always been, up to us. 


This change is gradual, it cannot be sudden and dramatic; our ability to assimilate it demands that this be so.  We are unable to recognize and absorb radical, we are associative beings. The reason advertising and propaganda and the education system works so hard transmitting a message (conform, obey, work, defend, fear, etc.) to us over and over again is because they knew a long time ago the truth about us.  We will not need to be convinced that anything new is not true – we will disbelieve it all on our own.  We have learned to trust “authority” more than our own gut.


David Icke has said for a very long time than an army of enforcers has been created – each one of us is our own police force.  Fear will keep us quiet and distrusting of anyone who speaks out.  Fear will keep us obedient.


Time to Fill the Bucket

Submitted by SophiaLove on Tue, 05/15/2012 - 08:58

With all this talk of arrests and change and off planet beings and collapse, it feels like we need some love.  At the core of this there is just you.  The one in charge, the God force, the only one making decisions for your life and how it feels, is you.  You are here now to transform a world.  You are here now to transform yourself.  You can’t draw water from an empty well, it’s time to replenish.


You are and you have been many things.  At the very center of all that you are – is love.  They have “proven” that love is the most powerful force in the universe.  But, really, didn’t we know that all along?  Nothing happens without love.


Yes, there is saber rattling, warnings and even physical destruction with fear – but love has not been doused, nor can it ever be.  Love is the source of it all, including those spewing fear.


Love cannot be outdone.  Your very source is love.  It is your soul essence, the God force, the infinite energetic.  It is that which fuels you; it is that which you are.


God breathed you into life and here you are – a being of magnificence here to show the way.  What will you do?  As you live and work and hear the news, remember one thing.  It is your voice, our intentions, your thoughts and our collective feelings that are deciding how this goes.  There may be some louder; some fancier and some with better broadcasting tools but none of them have more of an effect than you do.


ONE is truth.   Unity is reality.  ONE is a force.  It is you.  It is me.  It is us.  We are writing this story.  We are reading it and we are reacting as well.  We – the collective called humanity are directing this show.


The Bull in the China Shop

Submitted by SophiaLove on Fri, 03/30/2012 - 08:45

It is raining here.  All morning we could feel the skies rumble with this approaching storm.  The house shook and our cat moaned.  It was dark and we could not see the clouds move in.  But we knew.  When it broke at daybreak, we all relaxed.  The cat curled up and finally slept, calm again.  We all settled comfortably in to another day of familiar.


Most days now feel anything but routine.  There are spaceships in our skies, brutality from our police force, criminals in our banks, corruption in our government and discomforts in our bodies.  We cannot necessarily see the approaching changes, but we know something is coming.  We look forward to the day when we once again, can settle in to the familiar.


Yet it is not so much the familiar that we are yearning for, but the wonderful.  It is from that state we have come and it is to there that we are trying to return.


You know the way, and once you arrive it will feel like home. Not, perhaps, the home of your very human childhood, but the home waiting for you in the state of wonderful.  You will get there with love.


When searching fearlessly within, you discover your truth.  You are more than a man or woman, brother or sister, father or mother, sister or brother, doctor, teacher, librarian, student, lawyer, electrician or business owner.  You are beyond beautiful and greater than any championship.  These human roles are costumes; what’s real is beneath the mask.  You are so much more than you pretend to be.


"You Shall Not Pass!"

Submitted by SophiaLove on Thu, 03/29/2012 - 10:02

Yesterday, I experienced a moment of “really?”  It happened while reading the latest message outlining catastrophic earth changes for the planet this year.  For a moment or six, I forgot how this works, and believed the “rubber suit” was real.


Remember the earliest of monster movies?  The ones where, if you wanted to step into the action, you had to forcibly suspend your disbelief in the reality of the creature – EVEN THOUGH YOU COULD SEE THE ZIPPER ON HIS COSTUME?  For the full experience, you’ve got to buy the “rubber suit”. 


It’s not that yesterday’s messenger was unreal.  It’s that reality is subjective.  Reality depends on what you expect.  Reality for each of us is created by each of us.  WE ARE THAT POWERFUL.


This 3D world is mesmerizing, overwhelming, thrilling and yummy.  It is easy to forget who made it that way.  It was, and is, us. 


We are the most powerful beings in our worldYOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS CREATING YOUR LIFE.  The reason we’ve become so popular with the celestial and galactic beings is because of our power.  We are doing a really cool thing here, and we are doing it together; without even knowing it.


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