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I love you all unconditionally. I know what love feels like and I experienced the absence of this in the chat room when being banned for not doing anything.
I know you may say its ego but all I know is that it does not feel very good to get banned from anywhere.
Thanks a lot. I appreciate it Father God.
Nice knowing you for this short time but know I will not tolerate anything less than unconditional, infinite love.
Good morning! I am looking forward to a Divine Light party. Come join us in person or stay where you are, no problem. All you have to do is "tune" and receive.
Buenos dias ! Estoy feliz de anunciar la fiesta de Luz Divina , unanse con nosotros en persona o desde donde esten , todo lo que deben hacer is relajarse y ser habiertos a recibir
Like this post or comment to be added to the list or shoot me an email at ryan.w.mccarthy@gmail.com.
Para agregar su nombre a la lista dale me gusta a este post o manda un email a ryan.w.mccarthy@gmail.com
I am very fortunate to be able serve the Source and totally enjoy the opportunity.
Soy muy afortunado de servir a La Luz Divina y disfruto estas oportunidades
Remember beyond all else that the effects come from you doing this for you. You are connecting with Source via You. So all the benefits should be honored from the Source as gift of harmony. Consider me as a witness at most :-)
Recuerden que mas alla de todo los efectos de esta transmission son debido a sus propios esfuerzos . Ustedes mismos se estan conectando con la fuente de esta energia , entonces todos los beneficios deben ser honrados como regalos de esta fuente como un regalo de harmonia . mi trabajo solo es de presenciar estos milagros.
Love you all, see you tonight. 7pm-10pm EST
los amo a todos , y los veo esta noche
CBS News story. A touching example of Love in action.
Presented with Love for all Humanity.
"There comes a time when we heed a certain call - when the world must come together as one."
Ok, some comments, the page has comments disabled, so Im posting them here.
This is good info over at 2012ascention.
Thank you for the summary, done a wonderful job. Yes, I believe there will come, is coming a date when "Jesus will come", or at least the GFL, the LIGHT, the LOVe of the UNIVERSE will play a role.
Now I havent been on the Commander's website in a minute, so i cant give all the details, but it seems even the GFL(in its entireity, angels included) are a bit pissed as to why we havent taken the 'path of the light' as one sighting report puts it. The CABAL and Governments here are partially to blame...(isnt US GOVT always to blame..)
Basically, 'those left behind' as it were, are either, those causing harm, or those not awakened yet, which will have plenty of time to awaken.Thank you those upstairs for the clarification.
Need to REMAIN aware and vigilant. I caught a group today trying to mark us all off as a 'religion of false ideals'...keep filtering these FRAUDS off the internet please. Viewpoints, i dont really care what they think of us, there will always be nay sayers...but theyre doing the same to us to call us false, when we know this is of higher mind and light to promote, and help awaken others. As we know, it is THIER choice to awaken, and when. Not all it seems like this new process....and will fight to the death in words or in other means apparently to stop us.
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