Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/18/12 ‘The First Ascenders of Humanity’
Turning another page in your history book we come to a very exciting and well worth waiting for chapter in your story. We have come to the point where it is now the time in your story to meet your friends, your family, your guides and your higher selves, those who have been sharing with you their wisdom, their light and their love for many long eons of time. It is time now for the curtain to rise for some of you, not for all of you, as it is not yet your time, but it will be in many cases your time very soon. You will not have too much longer to wait than the others who will get a ‘head start’, if you will, who will be the pioneers of this grand endeavor to bring together in reunion those from the higher dimensional worlds and you of your lower dimensional world.
The time is now upon us where these two worlds will merge, where these two worlds converge into one another. This is the crossroads. This is the next stop on your journey, and it is the stop where some of you will be getting off this ride and will begin a new journey donning a new suit of armor to ride forth into a new day with new challenges, adventures, excitement, fun and learning tools. This is where it has all been heading for many of you, and you have brothers and sisters who will now lead the way by testing the waters of what we have created to allow this merging of yourselves and of your world with those of the higher realms and the worlds that exist here beyond your limits of your site, your sound and your touch, but not beyond the limits of your imagination, and this is the key.