
Natural State of Ascension Acceleration Now

Submitted by reneesnider on Tue, 03/05/2013 - 13:44


LOTS of changes in the physical and in the non-physical of our very personal Selves.  Heads are foggy and floating.  Out of alignment things Gaia continually is rearranging and aligning (with Great JOY) with her new platform and octave.  The Sun sending always sending in massive amounts of energies with loving spectacular seeming random displays of brilliant bursts of Light, each with a special sacred Fire Code of Enlightenment for all.  Balance...difficult at best at this time as we are being taken apart, rewired, upgrade and there is no putting back...this is continual!  We are like learning how to tap dance, chew gum, sing opera, listen to mathematical problem solving, while keeping an eye on an illusionary solid object!  We are quite amazing!


Let Go of Your Past and Be Free

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Thu, 02/21/2013 - 14:56

Recently whilst reading one of my favorite books I came across a passage that said "Let go of your past. Stop clinging to it. You are not going to drown without it. You are drowning because of it." This is something that most people are caught up in, living in the past. But why is it so important to let go of it?


It's important because people tend to identify themselves with their past and what they have experienced or achieved. But you are not your past. You are so much more than that. And identifying yourself with your past is preventing you from seeing yourself as you truly are.


It's rare for us to look back at our past and not judge ourselves for what we created, assuming of course that you realize you created it. We are not victims here. There are no victims in any circumstance, lest you choose to be one. Yet most of us consider ourselves to be victims if we've experienced something unpleasant or really terrible. I am going to take an example of someone I know that was sexually abused by her father for most of her childhood. Today as a grown woman, married with two adolescent children, she is still suffering from this abuse and so too is her family. She cannot accept what happened to her, and so she cannot forgive her father, neither can she forgive herself.


Some of you might consider my example as extreme, but know that sexual abuse such as this is not a rare occurrence. And there are many women as well as men, who remain in victim mode throughout their lives because of it. Yet I have said, there are no victims here in our experience as humans, not in any circumstance. How can this be?


The Forgiveness Dialogues Series 02 – I Forgive You So That I Can Be Forgiven

Submitted by JoshuaZack on Wed, 10/10/2012 - 22:19


I Forgive You when you interrupt me, cut me off in traffic, or come against me when I am in high spirits.





I Am Forgiven when I am impatient, anxious, and selfish to another as now I see that those reactions are born in me and is up to me alone to take full responsibility for what comes out of me even when everyone around me is lashing out against me; it still is my decision to respond in haste or with a fire extinguisher.


I Forgive You when you slam doors in my face, yell obscenities at me, and diminish my self-esteem as now I have realized that I am my own keeper of empowered resolve. My self-esteem is impervious toward your actions because I know I am rich with humanity.


I Am Forgiven when I become frustrated when communing with others; When I bring others into blindness I am so alone in that moment that I feel helpless and so I attack all those around me so to feel better about my lonesome status in life. I see now I must ask for a helping hand to heal these wounds. Thank you for being patient with my lack of understanding.


I Forgive You when you verbally and physically abuse me on a daily basis because you see me as your only hope for survival.


The Forgiveness Prayer

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Tue, 10/09/2012 - 08:35
I'm sharing this today because we are releasing more and more each day of what does not resonate with our future self. This prayer will help you release karma~  Blessings & unconditional love ♥
If there is anyone or anything
that has hurt me in the past,
knowingly or unknowingly, 
I forgive and release it.
If I have hurt anyone or anything in the past,
knowingly or unknowingly,
I forgive and release it.
If I have hurt myself knowingly 
or unknowingly, 
I forgive and release it.
For the highest loving context for others and myself.
And so it is. Amen.

Thank You Mother Earth!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 05/13/2012 - 11:51

Thank you Mother Earth for all that you have endured during humanity's generations of life. Thank you for every breath, every bird, flower, coloured orb of love and light!

You oh one of beautiful emerald waters and shores

are the strongest of the strong!

We love you so much!



“Love: the religion of new, a convincing worldview.”

Submitted by angelfish on Sat, 05/12/2012 - 01:45

A personal perception rooted only in evidence, logic and existential repugnance.  Love and working through the worldviews of today demand a strong faith in truth and its priority to discover it.  Love is often a fluctuating, overflowing emotion constricted by the walls of its own flesh. No matter the challenge; God, the quest to achieve and maintain the ultimate reality, and a strategic and pure discovery and application in ethics will always be available and viable as an optional and objective resource when seeking the truth of the Sole. 

      Since we as humans are wired with an intense set of emotional energy and intelligence, we are forced to address that and take a 360 degree review from inside and outside perspectives, in our journeys to the “Big Picture”.  Love, is the one, Global commonality that nobody can deny, unless the Nile is the only venue our boat chooses to sail.  This was an imperative component to consider when discovering my or anyone’s vibrational frequency to which they resonate.  Love is also the only tangible artifact that has been a constant throughout all of history and global existence of all things.  Yes, we all may have our own eyeballs for viewing but regardless of language, the interpretation of the “feeling” is all translated to the same conclusion.  Thus, perfect evidence to value when forming a flawless worldview. 

False Prophets Stand Forth into the LIGHT!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 05/10/2012 - 07:04

Inner Beauty by my brother D.W. Olsen

This writing is intended for many audiences. It is deeply personal and touches on subjects that may be uncomfortable for those not ready to face the complete truth of what is happening to people all around us right now. The account addresses subjects relative to human dignity, religion, mental and physical care, independent living, the homeless, treatment by the RCMP, 911 agencies, government agencies and so much more. This blog is a work in progress and the story continues to evolve. I will make edits as the story unfolds and the respectful authorities step up and respond to this situation. This is simply one account but represents a microcosm of the macro story happening around the world. It is intended to show base levels of truth and without judgement on all of the highly-intendedl lightworkers who are working in positions relative to the care, safety and well-being of people in care, the parenting of our children, and the love and respect for all of humanity, Mother Earth, and all light beings around us. Use discernment as the account is personal and written from an experiential view. Emotions are high.


Dear Everyone at Nanaimo Serenity Lodge

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 04/25/2012 - 09:21

Introducing Mr. Robert Benson, Warrior for Light & Love !

Letter posted on Robert Benson's door morning of April 25, 2012

Dear Owners, Management, Staff, Trustees and Residents

Nanaimo Serenity Lodge

Hereonin, the health and wellness of Mr. Robert Benson is a public story and all who care for him are in the public eye through the work of the Galactic Free Press. Our work is intended to lift all of humanity into the light of truth. As of this moment, the treatment of Mr. Benson is of interest to the world, and you each have an important part in this journey. Together, we are the ones we have been waiting for. [with some editorials as I can't remember exactly what I wrote and camera#2 the Rebel has just bit the dust].

Where darkness can no longer hide !

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 04/23/2012 - 09:07

Archangel over Serenity Lodge April 22, 2012

Last night, one of the residents suggested our presence wasn't welcome, because the candle we lighted outside left a mess for one of the lady residents to clean up. In fact, someone called the police who intruded on residents' personal space, including Mr. Robert Benson who a few a months ago was robbed and beaten at the top of the hill - at the very spot where these photos were taken.

See CTV interview via the following YouTube Video:

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