

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 10/15/2018 - 05:48


Beloved Readers,

Yesterday I was invited to attend a very laid back church with a friend. It was lovely, we sang songs and the atmosphere was very relaxed and happy. The main sermon, if you can call it that, had to do with fasting. I had to smile, and I could almost perceive a smile on my I AM’s face at that subject, because don’t we all use food as a form of resistance and comfort when things are becoming a little challenging for us? I know I do. I will sit down to write a blog or decide to spend time in meditation and my human mind/ego will suggest something like, “Let’s have a nice cup of tea…… wish we had biscuits….!” It’s a classic with me. My I AM just smiles and says “It’s okay, tomorrow is another day!” The main thing is not to beat yourself up, forgive yourself because you are human! It’s human nature to resist something that it considers not within its ‘normal’ safe space.

Enough!!! It is enough. Please, let there be no more suffering!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Thu, 02/15/2018 - 23:35

Dear Readers,

Divine Love is the ultimate healer, and will mend all broken hearts. That much I know for sure. Divine Love is the glue that holds everything together,  the fabric of the universe is held together through the Love of the Divine.  I know also that through forgiveness, we set ourselves and others free to feel the Love of the Divine work its magic in and through our hearts. A hardened heart cannot feel Divine Love.

In the words of the Prophet Isaiah "They shall beat their swords into plowshares...". I Google'd the phrase this morning and to my surprise found there is a wall with these exact words inscribed upon it across the road from the United Nations building in New York, in the United States of America. 

I believe that these words apply not only to nations but to ourselves as individuals also. When we stop the killing among ourselves we will find peace as nations and in our World. I pray that day comes soon...

Let there be no more need to point fingers, and no more need of judgement either, for it is in our understanding already that whatsoever we do unto ourselves, we do to each other, and vice versa. For remember,  there is no other in the eyes of God, we are all One.

Earthly Guides Intervening for ALL!

Submitted by Tinahyah on Wed, 04/12/2017 - 16:52

I am a healer. I have clients who are on the way to being healers as well. I have been accumulating brief 'remarks' that are initiated (dare I say magical) on behalf of many different targets. I decided that these initiated remarks are so powerful and interesting that they need to be shared with others. I will just post these without comment and let the words speak for themselves. ENJOY!

Each of these sentences have NOT been edited.
Each of these sentences meet a 'formula', that starts out with "I INITIATE... " because each of these personas are 'guides' to assist others energetically. Each of these 'guides' are triggering powerful changes, as requested by God, to make everything better.

I never know 'who' the recipient or 'target' is when the request is first made. I just pay attention and hammer out the words of truth for each sentence ... and the recipient is revealed.

Note - You will probably not 'get' what is going on. Just know that good things are being triggered and manifested into life.

Here is an unedited listing of each power sentence....

I initiate pitstop of these flourenes _________ into the future.

I initiate disarm the 'toplet' bombs.

I initiate transfer all 'toplet' bombs to inside flourene.

I initiate white rain to WET the 500 flourene.

I initiate transfer of 15 molecules of NaCl and no more into the flourene


I initiate all the necessary constructs to establish PEACE as sound and connected with itself in all places, dimensions and times.


I initiate the goodness of nature

I initiate The Ring of Fire for Ten'ka

I initiate upon these shores DEFEAT of the scoundresl in all time.

I initiate hearing to be BORN amongst all the critters of the River of Life.

Speaking through the Heart's Knowing: Spiritual  Activism

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Sun, 09/25/2016 - 14:07

spiral of the galaxyAsking and Receiving on the Subject of Karma
A Download and Vision for the World To all Consciousness Ambassadors

I offer you a download and vision received in meditation in answer to the questions about karma. It begins in a question answer format in order to bring through information from beyond my own mind, from a higher source and perspective. It led to a fascinating vision for the world. 

Do you wish to share about karma?
Being in the stream of love releases the karma. Individuals, can see where they need to clear karma, on a personal level. What is that, what is karma? n the third dimensional regular world, Karma is the law of cause and effect in that your reap what you sow in life depending on your actions. We speak of the energy that karma is, in a form of multidimensionality, beyond linear definition as you have in the 3D world. We gift you a higher perspective from our stream of seeing. 

Pathways and Spirals: Love for the Self and Love for Other as a Metaphor

An image to explain - we see pathways as a spiral going inward and also going outward. To clear karma is to unblock of energy with others between forces that are polarized, between one and one, or many. What clears karma is to do good works, to serve and to love others as yourself. You can clear the pathways between yourself and others. The process is an internal thing, a shift in one's consciousness in which to see "the other" as a child of God, a part of God and having a right to exist.

In Anticipation of The Event

Submitted by drmoe on Sun, 02/23/2014 - 06:25

Bring It On!


Are you ready for The Event?  I am. Bring it on. Once in a while I need to vent. Maybe you do too.  I can safely say it has a powerful cleansing effect while it releases a lot of internal stress having to do with how slow things appear to be moving. The following is a re-post from last year. With the nonsense and harm the cabal continues to try and propagate on this planet and her inhabitants it is time to let loose once again. This is how I feel and at times like these it feels good to say so. Back in my practice days, as a psychotherapist, I would support abuse victims in their desire to confront their abusers, once they were ready to do so. It was a very powerful moment for them and every client who took this brave step reported the same result - An end to feeling like a Victim. We are no longer victims when we stand up to those who would try and control us. Let us do so as often as necessary until the job is done.  Badda Bing, Badda Boom!



"I Apologize Therefore I'm Cured" - Really???


I am feeling angry and upset with the current state of world affairs, with the miscreants, the cheaters, the predators in suits, the military abusers of mankind. These sycophants can now readily be identified and found among our world leaders, the people who allegedly run things for the rest of us. Let them all be evacuated from Earth as far as I’m concerned, ship them off to a prison planet of their own making where they can be held to account for their oftentimes murderous abuses of mankind.


Mother Mary: Let Yourself Soar Into The Stillness That Is Your Core ~ Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ May 19, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Sun, 05/19/2013 - 20:55




Mother Mary:


Dear Souls, Love everlasting that you are. I come to you today to bring my love and my support for you in your journey towards greater enlightenment and towards your divine purpose and your Divine Selves.

Up until now you have had just an inkling of your power as well as your breadth of power in your divine nature. Be prepared to experience it more in the coming days. It is important to surrender and allow it to come forth in greater degrees. For yours is not to “try” but to allow and absorb and BE within the expanding matrix of ascension into the higher dimensions.

My beloveds, breathe Love and Light in deeper and with more determination now. Feel the expansion 24/7. Get comfortable with it. You are so much more than you have been experiencing of late. And the process will be speeding up.

Feel my love for you. It is delicate and strong, silky and sweet; it is powerful, yet oh so subtle at times. This is the quality of Love you can experience, that you do experience. Embrace it, dear ones.

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