Great Central Sun

All have been pulled through the Eye of the Needle

Submitted by lynmarie8 on Sat, 09/21/2013 - 17:42

All have been pulled through the Eye of the Needle:   Cosmos, Galaxy, Universe, Solar, Great Central Sun, Central Sun, Sun, Planetary  systems, including Gaia, Humanity, Animal Kingdom, Elementals, Elementary’s, Crystalline Grids, lay lines, Meridians, All of God’s Creations, As Above, As Below.

Releasing of Duality into Polarity for all.

All has been done with assistance of my team.

Enjoy the Ride







Copyright ©2013 by LynMarie8 All rights reserved.  Please share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included and the message is complete and Credit is given to the author. or email:

Lion's Gate 2013 ~ A New Doorway of Opportunity

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Thu, 07/25/2013 - 22:17

Period of Activation:  July 26th through August 12, 2013


We, at Walking Terra Christa, want to acknowledge the energies of the Lion’s Gate so we and others can have a clearer definition of what these upgraded frequencies represent within the 4th dimensional world we live in.  This information resonates with the messages that Lord Adama and the Team of Light have shared in the past few weeks that we are about to be hit with some very intense vibrational changes.  The following transmission is being guided by the Elohim Councils of God and the Elders That Surround the Throne of Grace that represent the 12 Rays of God.  We thank them for their message of love.



Greetings My Beloveds,

We thank you for taking the time to receive these energies of understanding.  We have come together with the Elohim and the Elders in group consciousness to assist the divination of light in order to have an understanding of what we are expressing in these moments.  It is important that we have a general knowledge of the changes that are already happening within the planet in order to fully grasp the conditions that you will be receiving in the next couple of weeks.

Each of you is at a time when changes will occur within you and you will go into a deeper part of your essence.  It is all part of the plan that has been set since December of last year.  It is important to realize that the energies that are existing upon the planet are in need of great assistance but it must come in stages of growth.

Fran Zepeda ~ Mira the Pleiadian ~ Readiness is Key ~ July 30, 2012

Submitted by franheal on Mon, 07/30/2012 - 19:33

Mira the Pleiadian ~ Readiness is Key ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ July 30, 2012




Mira the Pleiadian:


Greetings, I am Mira of the Pleiadian High Council on assignment with the Earth Council.


I greet you with much anticipated news of the developments for your highest awakening. Every moment we come closer to the tipping point of what is needed for the Light to prevail and Higher Consciousness to reign in the majority of the population on planet Earth.


We are so close, dear friends. Much is waiting to transpire. You are so close to meeting your Galactic friends. Many of you have reached out and many are waiting for contact.


The atmosphere in your hearts approaches the necessary climate for this meeting. We have contacted many of you in your dream state and we have contacted many of you in your waking state. You are feeling us closer. You are accepting us more. You are eagerly awaiting further contact.


Mira the Pleiadian and Sananda ~ Be Your Multi-Dimensional Selves ~ July 18, 2012

Submitted by franheal on Wed, 07/18/2012 - 19:52

Mira the Pleiadian and Sananda ~ Be Your Multi-Dimensional Selves ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ July 18, 2012




Mira the Pleiadian and Sananda ~


Greetings, Lightworkers and Light Beings alike.


We come before you today to speak of progress, progress in your Light Bodies and progress on your World, on Mother Earth.


Many facets of your Being are coming alive as we speak. As you plug into the Great Central Sun, many parts of you that were once dormant are coming alive. It may be a little difficult for you to discern completely, but take our word that it is happening.


You are moving away from duality more and more and accepting your Multi-Dimensional Selves as a vital part of your Being.


Take a moment now to ponder these questions, as we pose them to you: What are your priorities? Are you getting pulled into old ways of thinking still? Are you still focused on survival? Or are you learning to let go and trust that you are so much more than your physical bodies in duality and dare to venture out into the unknown?


Fran Zepeda ~ Yeshua and the Company of Heaven ~ May Your Light Shine Brighter ~ July 15, 2012

Submitted by franheal on Sun, 07/15/2012 - 23:47

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven ~ May Your Light Shine Brighter ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ July 15, 2012

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven ~


Greetings, Beings of the Light. We greet you from the Company of Heaven.


Much has transpired in this very critical period of transformation. So much Light has entered your Being and your Earth that a significant change has transpired.


All around your World, there is preparation for a greater awakening and anchoring of Love energy. It is becoming a way of life for many now. The world of duality is starting to fade as you embrace the Light and Love being sent to you in greater amounts than ever.


All is well and all is on target. Many are feeling the changes as their Light Bodies become more engorged with Light and their DNA becomes more on-line. There is no turning back. You are on a fast-track to Ascension.


There is so much help for you now; you just have to think about it and ask from your Heart and you will receive it. All is in full gear for your path to Ascension, dear Ones. This is what you have been preparing for.


Pay attention to the signs. Pay attention to the whispers in your Souls. Pay attention to the guidance being given to you in abundance, dear Ones. The only way you can avoid it is if you turn away from it. But why would you? These are your moments, when you can stand at the top of the peak and survey how far you have come.


Fran Zepeda ~ Abide by Your Hearts ~ July 9, 2012

Submitted by franheal on Mon, 07/09/2012 - 23:28

Sananda ~ Abide by Your Hearts ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ July 9, 2012



Dear beloveds, I come before you today to speak of Trust. There is much talk these days of this concept and issue. Many are wondering whom and what they can trust and many are getting disillusioned with matters of Trust.


Do not be discouraged, for it is in experiencing this that you are coming to a greater understanding of what is really true. However, the subject of Trust has always been a subject of emotion and sense of stability, and can often shake people to the core when they discover they feel a lack of trust, or betrayal.


Dear Ones, I am here to tell you that it all centers on your heart, not what you believe others have done or not done to shake your sense of trust. Being pulled away from your heart brings you down a rocky road of disillusionment, especially when you grasp at the words of others as Truth without running it through your heart first.


Please stay centered in your hearts and know that reality and truth changes with your perspective. That is why the only true litmus test is what you feel in your heart, what you know by becoming still and connecting with your Higher Self; the more you do this, the more you become integrated with your Higher Self and thus connected with Source, and there will not be so much discrepancy in what you observe and experience.


Fran Zepeda ~ Yeshua ~ Abide by the Light ~ June 28, 2012

Submitted by franheal on Fri, 06/29/2012 - 01:00





Greetings all beautiful Beings of the Light! I send you my Love and abiding protection.


These are intricate and delicate times, dear Ones, times of decision of focus. The amount of Light and observance of the Light within you and without will be the tipping point to your journey to Oneness.


This is your moment, dear Ones. How will you play it? Will you choose to focus on absorbing and building on the Light from the great Central Sun and make it your World? Will you use it as building materials for visions and dreams for what you want in your life and your World? Will you start to see yourself as one and the same with Source and All That Is?


The moment of decision has arrived, and it is what you do with it that will determine your future. Are you concentrating on the Light and what you want to do with it? Are you constantly processing it through your Light Bodies, allowing yourselves to become more enlightened each moment?


Fran Zepeda ~ Sananda ~ Breaking Illusions ~ 10 June 2012

Submitted by franheal on Mon, 06/11/2012 - 14:48

Sananda ~ Breaking Illusions ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ June 10, 2012







My ascending Lightworkers, I greet you again. We gather far and wide to usher in the New Earth. Preparations are being made and the stage is set for a glorious new future, which is becoming evident to you now.


By all observations from the Spiritual and Galactic Realms, you are proceeding splendidly and we offer our deepest appreciation for all your brave, hard work.


Today, I wish to address the subject of illusion. You have been immersed within it for such a long time and you are beginning to break the chains and restrictions that have held you back.


You know it was necessary to be fully immersed in the illusion in order to gather all you needed to transform yourselves into the Divine Beings you always were, but forgot for the sake of experiencing duality to the fullest. And so the time has come to step out of that role and welcome the true essence and reality of your multi-dimensional lives.


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