
November Energy Forecast & Special Offer

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Thu, 11/01/2018 - 10:53

Beloved Readers,

Our Full Moon Workshop last week was without a doubt one of the most powerful so far. And as most often occurs when a huge step forward is taken in positive action, we experience afterwards “the can of worms” such positive action opens for us in the form of doubts and fears, bouts of deep sadness, and feelings of abandonment. powerlessness, anger and resentment that comes with feeling separated from Source. These feelings have been stored over eons of time within the very depths of our sub-conscious and it is normal for them to rise to the surface during these clearing workshops. Remain in the space of acceptance and forgiveness and be willing that your I AM and Higher Self, who is waiting in the wings so to speak, remove them from your energy field, now and forevermore. Remember you are pure Love and Light! This is the ultimate Truth.

You may well be asking yourself by now, “Will we ever reach a point when we have cleared enough?”, and the answer is a resounding YES!! And this tipping point is not so very far in your future Beloved! You may say it is just beyond your horizon or scope of vision at this point, but each day we are getting closer!


Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 10/15/2018 - 05:48


Beloved Readers,

Yesterday I was invited to attend a very laid back church with a friend. It was lovely, we sang songs and the atmosphere was very relaxed and happy. The main sermon, if you can call it that, had to do with fasting. I had to smile, and I could almost perceive a smile on my I AM’s face at that subject, because don’t we all use food as a form of resistance and comfort when things are becoming a little challenging for us? I know I do. I will sit down to write a blog or decide to spend time in meditation and my human mind/ego will suggest something like, “Let’s have a nice cup of tea…… wish we had biscuits….!” It’s a classic with me. My I AM just smiles and says “It’s okay, tomorrow is another day!” The main thing is not to beat yourself up, forgive yourself because you are human! It’s human nature to resist something that it considers not within its ‘normal’ safe space.

21/9 Equinox & Full Moon Celebration Workshop

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Tue, 09/18/2018 - 07:01

full moon workshop equinox seraphim angels

This month of September holds the jewel of the Equinox – equal day/night – the start of Fall or Autumn in the Northern hemisphere and Spring in the Southern Hemisphere. It will be a time of rebirth and renewal for some and reflection and retrospection for others. The Equinox also holds a great deal of magic as the equal day/night allows for a unique balance in energies to occur that opens a magical window of opportunity for those who have the courage to walk through into the unknown/unseen inner parts of themselves!

So our intention with this workshop is to provide you with a balancing of your energy centers – chakras – to prepare you for this special Equinox energy. This energy clearing is being sponsored by The Golden One’s – the beloved Seraphim Angels who will step forward to assist us.  You will want to be as clear as you can possibly be at the time of the actual Equinox which takes place on Sunday, the 23rd September at 03.54 South African time. Please do check the actual date and time in your time zone here.

Clearing & Healing the Lemurian & Atlantean Trauma

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Fri, 08/10/2018 - 19:14

atlantis lemuria sinking clearing trauma

Dear Readers,

We are in the midst of a massive shift that is affecting everybody on this Planet whether they are aware of it or not. Most of what is being addressed now has to do with clearing the separation and victim consciousness of humanity, most of which has come from the Atlantean and Lemurian trauma’s suffered over 12000 years ago.

My guides have informed me that ultimately no one is going to be left untouched by this shift and that eventually, once we have moved through this transitional gateway, things will lighten up considerably.

In the meantime, we are guided to do what we can to help speed things up!

It is our wish to re-establish and anchor into the hearts and minds of Humanity the Diamond Code of Prosperity that will serve to restore us to our original DNA blueprint. In order to do this, we have to make way for these high frequency codes to come into alignment with our being.

And so, we are offering a workshop in which we will in effect clear and heal our past records which have stood in the way of Humanity reaching their full potential in this regard. In so doing, we hope to be instrumental in clearing the dross of the huge trauma’s suffered by our forefathers so long ago. In fact most of us guided to do this work are here for this very purpose and feel responsible to take action in its clearing.

True Archangel Michael Stories by Deborah Faith

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Tue, 09/19/2017 - 02:31
The Feather

In October of 2012 I had a dream that felt so incredibly real. In the dream a large dark ominous looking ‘thing’ was moving towards me. I was terrified and screamed out Michael’s name 3 times and the next thing I knew I was being physically lifted out of the dream. I woke up safe and sound in my bed and as I turned the light on I noticed the most perfect white feather I’d ever laid eyes on. It had been carefully placed on my side table, where he was sure it wouldn’t go unnoticed. I knew then that he’d saved me! What I didn’t know at the time was that he’d saved me from a figment of my mind and over active imagination. I had been listening to the fear-filled stories of my online friends and these stories had released a deep seated fear for demons which had been installed within my psyche from a young age.

Over the next couple of months Michael patiently worked with me helping me to overcome my fears. He taught me there is nothing to fear except fear itself and even then it shouldn’t be feared because fear is an illusion. Only love is real! He showed me how powerful the human mind can be.

Since then he’s never left my side. He’s been my confidant, my mentor and closest friend. He taught me about unconditional love and he continues to guide me in every area of my life.

Read more stories here: http://www.archangelsanddevas.com/archangel-michael-stories/

Thank you!


Healing the Wounded Psyche for Lion's Gate Energy

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sat, 08/05/2017 - 03:29

Amethystia, the Lady Purity, Twin Flame of Archangel Zadkiel, and Mikaela, the Lady Faith, Twin Flame of Archangel Michael, team up in Soul Consciousness through their grounded aspects, Rosita Bolin in Sweden and Deborah Faith in South Africa, to bring to you an in depth view on healing your emotional wounds.

Emotional wounds can be so severe sometimes that people become so caught up in the emotional trauma that they find it difficult to overcome the hurdle.


Submitted by Joe Barnett on Sun, 06/25/2017 - 14:22


Dr. Angela Barnett
Joe Barnett


Note by Joe Barnett about the Power of the Eternal Life Album:

In 2008, I was in a car accident on the freeway near Redding, California. I was run over when I was on foot in a freeway lane by 3 Mack trucks and 5 cars. They took me to the Mercy Medical Center Redding - hospital in Redding, California.

When they took me to the hospital the doctors announced that I was dead and then Dr. Angela Barnett kicked the doctors and nurses out of my hospital room and raised me from the dead and completely and fully healed me through her spiritual healing work and and the use of our Eternal Life Album we had created for ourselves a few months earlier.

I was dead and had thousands of broken bones.

21:D How I Interpret the Healing Energy Being Known As Archangel Metatron

Submitted by Rick Keefe on Sun, 12/11/2016 - 17:43


21:D How I Interpret the Energy Being Known As Archangel Metatron

by Rick Keefe



After exploring and studying, to various and lesser degrees, many of the world’s religions, I realized that I was not inclined towards religious doctrine, because I learned to view any religion as a control system over people which granted a huge, imbalanced amount of power and control to the human beings who ruled at the top of their pyramid structure.

To me, religions can help to begin to lead people towards spirituality, until, invariably, the innocent seekers get caught up in the control mechanisms within religions.

I value freedom of spirit. Religions were too confining for me, and I don’t like the fact that so many wars were fought, and blood spilled, in the name of religions and their associated deities. So, after my years of religious exploration and after coming to my conclusions about religious structures, I avoided religion and chose to keep seeking spiritual wisdom anywhere I could find it.

Due to the very difficult domestic situations in which I found myself trapped during childhood, I found myself needing emotional and spiritual relief and comfort. I became a very enthusiastic collector of benevolent wisdom and philosophies for my own spiritual path, actively doing so since I was about age twelve.

Eliminating DISTASTE from the River of Life

Submitted by Tinahyah on Tue, 11/22/2016 - 18:00

11/20/2016 10:03am CT

2 days ago, while waking up from sleeptime, I heard someone knocking.
Q: Is there a reason for the knocking? NO.
Q: Is there a purpose for the knocking? YES
Q: to ask me to do something? YES
Q: with creation? NO
Q: Inner Earth? NO
Q: another dimension? NO
Q: the New Earth? NO
Q: the Old Earth? NO
Q: In this time? YES
Q: Someone I know? N
Q: From the future? NO
Q: from the past? NO
Q: whoever knocked has a problem? NO
Q: whoever knocked wants to stopa potential probelm? NO
Q: Whoever knocked desires guidance? NO
Q: Was it Elohim who knocked? YES
Q: Do you desire me to intervene? YES "PUT IT AWAY"
Q: You desire that I put something away? YES
Q: in my own life? NO
Q: for the River of Life? YES... DISTASTE
Q: Do you desire that i intervene for Distaste? YES
Q: Am I to transmutate Distaste? NO
Q: Am I to transmutate? YES
Q: The River of life? NO
Q: Those holding Distaste? NO.. BEGIN

Having been told to 'begin'... and I don't feel like I have all the details that I prefer to have prior to interveneing... I obey and just figure out which note I am to utilize to do the transmutating.

Hold the note for 5 minutes.

Q: Did I transmutate the situation regarding Distatste? YES
Q: Is there more that I am to transmutate? NO
Q: was there another reason for the knocking? NO
Q: was there another purpose? NO
Q: What did I transmutate? THE SOURCE OF THE DISTASTE.
Q: Is distaste an emotional state? YES
Q: is distaste eliminated? YES
Q: Is there a level of distaste in the River of Life? NO
Q: is there a percentage of distaste in the River of Life? NO
Q: What would be the consequences of this intervention? GREATER DISCERNMENT BY EVERYONE.



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