
Embracing the Pure Potency of September

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Tue, 08/25/2015 - 15:08

What is going to happen in September? There are some potent eclipses and an Equinox in September. Lots of predictions are circulating which have a range of many perspectives. Some people are concerned and some are ecstatically hopeful. What will happen in the world? Nobody really knows what will happen, and I see these shifts like the recent August 8th Lion's Gate or Infinity Portal Date as days to align the self, to come into balance, and to be more connected with source and embody our higher selves in our human forms. I laugh as I sense the galactic beings are all on the edge of their seats watching Earth to see what happens. That is why Planet Earth is one of the most exciting Reality TV shows for watchers and guardians because we are co-creating, collectively what the future will be. We do that with the vibration of our hearts, our vibrational voting with our level of attunement within and unity with the universe.

I do know that the more we go inward into our hearts, step into love and release negative expectations or fear, the better will be our own experience and the experience of everyone. Let us do that now! Enough hearts can change any predictions toward the good of all. It is really all about our internal mastery, and internal shift within. We are each experiencing the journey on earth as individuals, and we also experience our ascension process individually in our own ways. Yet we are connected and doing it together. It is like timeship Earth is going through some experiences that we as a collective experience.

WHY YOU ARE HERE Channeled/Scribed by Jeff Fasano

Submitted by Angel News Network on Fri, 07/31/2015 - 06:55

                                                      “Walking The Path”

You are now beginning to walk the pathway.

You have crossed the “beginning” line at the starting gate. The gates to the new pathway into the unknown have closed behind you and you have moved onto the pathway, now walking it and moving deeper into it. You have made decisions and choices. And these choices are about moving into the new and creating the new, changing yourself and old habits patterns and rituals by looking at them and your attachments and at what was old.  You have asked yourself, does this resonate for me? And you have come to the decision that it doesn’t and now realize you are walking into the new. The gates have closed behind you and are now locked. You know that going back into the old is no longer a viable reason for recreating it. You have made the decision to walk amongst the energies of the new. And you are finding that these energies are new, and as you walk among them you give yourself a chance to release remnants of the old. It is as if you are creating a chemical reactionary conclusion. What We mean by this is, the chemicals or the new energies from outside of you are now mixing with the old energies or the chemicals coming up inside of you. And this mixture for some becomes quite volatile. The old is now coming to the fore and you find that you are no longer able to control anything.  It is completely about surrendering to “what is” and this is most important now. What is? Where am I? It is now a moment-to-moment existence. Being in the now consistently. Where am I? What is?  So continue asking yourself this.

How to See the Positive in a Situation

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Tue, 11/25/2014 - 13:36

If you define a situation as positive, no matter what the circumstances, it can then morph into that experience with the expectation you have. It is easy to know this yet hard to do it unless you get deliberate and intentional in how you experience the world. This is a call to change your perception to not defining something as bad, and to be open to how it could play out if you don't define it at all or if you are able to see any situation as potentially positive for your path. We are conditioned to judge situations as being bad or good for us, and it is hard to expect something good to come out of what has happened to you that is causing unhappiness when we think about it. That being said, we have to feel the emotions authentically first in order to move to a place of seeing the potential good. Maybe it involves stepping back and observing ourselves to do this. Reframing any situation toward the positive completely changes what is possible, though.

How do we see the good in a situation that at first seems bad?

What if you have a story playing out in your head about something, causing distress? It is often about another person. Let me share my personal situation in which feeling emotionally upset. In dealing with this, wanting to shift my perspective, upon asking for solutions, my higher self, while in meditation, gave some answers. In meditation, I receive pictures that have meanings which I can then interpret the meanings.

Sitting in the Eternal Circle of Creation

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Mon, 05/26/2014 - 12:54

A circle of dreamers sit in a circle of remembrance from all realities, in cosmic eternalness. The circle spirals out as a new person sits and adds herself or himself to the unity oneness.

The dreamers have their eyes closed and are deep in mediation. At the same time their own dreams are playing in the space of their hearts while a unified dream is playing within all of them, being different notes in the same octave of creation. They spiral out like stars, holding space eternally in this now for creation to birth from. These are the dream weavers of the new earth and we are they. They are cosmic higher selves and a more cosmic unified higher self of the all. I see how the humans tap into the spiral of oneness. Each being who taps in takes a seat in the evolving spiral outward getting bigger. More light is shining from the whole we are, as each dream weaver being is connected to an earth angel human doing the building from the architecture of the divine blueprint, and the one divine heart.

Avocados and its Important Nutrients for a Healthy Heart and Body in General

Submitted by unataft on Sat, 03/15/2014 - 16:26

The buttery green flash of the avocado is a rich source of monounsaturated fats, which are important for a healthy heart, and is packed with other important nutrients.

Avocados are very high in fat, but this fat is mostly monounsaturated, which can in fact help to reduce bad blood cholesterol levels. The oleic acid contained in monounsaturated fats has also been linked with a lower risk of breast cancer.

Read more at http://www.foodplacesfun.com/avocados-and-its-important-nutrients-for-a…

Tapping into Potentials for the Equinox!

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Fri, 03/14/2014 - 19:28

The Equinox is coming up, and it feels like big gateway in which I am seeing a magical doorway, to something special. I am taking this question into meditation to discover what this energy is about that we are coming upon. Everyone experiences energies and this shift we are going through in very different ways, so I am wondering how I can speak about it in a way that the variety of people and their possible unique experiences will be acknowledged. I bring that question in...as I have a belief that we are all consciousness experiencing itself through different eyes. We came to experience earth and ascension, this change in consciousness, in different ways. The Equinox feels very big. Now in meditation, I am here in this crystal cave representing the akash of old souls feeling how our vibration effects one another and how we are hearing each other's songs. I see clusters of crystals together. I also see lotus flowers which I am told represent our unfolding, our opening to source at the crown and that we are blooming in different stages but all blooming and opening none- the -less. This addresses how we are experiencing the same energy on earth with this Equinox yet experiencing it in different ways. My higher self/inner guides says: We don't tell you how it will be but more we tell you what the potentials are. I like that, potentials, and it feels like the highest and best potentials! 

The Truth of Who You Are

Submitted by AndrewMartin on Tue, 03/04/2014 - 14:44



Greetings, Dear Ones!

Today we wish to speak to you about your perceptions of who you are. As you continue forward upon the path of living from your Hearts, the true nature of who you are will become clearer to you. There is so much that has been kept from you and that you have forgotten about the truth of who you are. 

There is the saying on your planet that we are very fond of: “We are all spiritual beings having a human experience”. At the core of this statement is the beautiful truth of who you really are. We know that when you go to the quiet place of contemplation and meditation that you can feel the truth in this statement. From where we stand we see you as vibrational beings of Love and Light and your physical appearance is quite secondary to your true identity. 

From our perspective you are merely another aspect of The One. We know that for many of you this is an ideal way of thinking of yourselves and that many of you strive to relate to one another in this way, and yet there is still so much importance placed upon your physical representations. 

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