
The Only Purpose is Love

Submitted by AndrewMartin on Thu, 02/27/2014 - 09:29


Greetings Dear Ones,

We bring to you today a message about purpose. So many of you wish to know why you are here and what the point of all of this is. 

The answer simply is: Love. 

You are here to discover what stirs your passion and to do that now. You are here to align with and to allow in the divine vibration of Love and to do that now. You are here to follow your bliss and to do that which brings a smile to your lips and a tear of joy to your eye and to do that now. 

You have become so adept at the 3D way of living through struggle and strife and through battling the nature of duality that you have forgotten the simplest of truths.

Love is all that there is. Love is all that is eternal.

In Anticipation of The Event

Submitted by drmoe on Sun, 02/23/2014 - 06:25

Bring It On!


Are you ready for The Event?  I am. Bring it on. Once in a while I need to vent. Maybe you do too.  I can safely say it has a powerful cleansing effect while it releases a lot of internal stress having to do with how slow things appear to be moving. The following is a re-post from last year. With the nonsense and harm the cabal continues to try and propagate on this planet and her inhabitants it is time to let loose once again. This is how I feel and at times like these it feels good to say so. Back in my practice days, as a psychotherapist, I would support abuse victims in their desire to confront their abusers, once they were ready to do so. It was a very powerful moment for them and every client who took this brave step reported the same result - An end to feeling like a Victim. We are no longer victims when we stand up to those who would try and control us. Let us do so as often as necessary until the job is done.  Badda Bing, Badda Boom!



"I Apologize Therefore I'm Cured" - Really???


I am feeling angry and upset with the current state of world affairs, with the miscreants, the cheaters, the predators in suits, the military abusers of mankind. These sycophants can now readily be identified and found among our world leaders, the people who allegedly run things for the rest of us. Let them all be evacuated from Earth as far as I’m concerned, ship them off to a prison planet of their own making where they can be held to account for their oftentimes murderous abuses of mankind.


Do NOT Feed the Fears

Submitted by MarisaMoments on Mon, 11/11/2013 - 16:31

Sometimes I get carried away by my thoughts.  I become enveloped in the blanket of woulda-coulda-shoulda's and find myself paralyzed from sitting under the weight of sorrows, fears and disappointments.  I ask questions and never seem to get the answers that I want.  To make it all-the-worse, I sometimes sit and listen to music that exacerbates the emotions that I might be feeling at any given moment. 

Why do I do this to myself!?

The Bridge to the Heavenly Kingdom, Enter the heart!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 09/23/2013 - 11:19

Good Morning Beloved, it is always a pleasure to meet with you. We come today with information that will assist and empower the limited consciousness to a state reconciliation with the divine within oneself.

To begin, we will ask the Great One, to assist in this process, and begin the transmission.

(In meditation last evening, the energy was overwhelming to a point of tears.

I was mentored not to move from the candle or the meditation until I cleared all of my thoughts of separation that were not aligned with the higher aspects of myself.

It took about 15 minutes to calm the mind and get to a place of peace and calm. This felt most comforting and unusual, the feelings that transpired from this meditation left me open to receive all evening in dream time what I am about to share with you today. ) messenger’s words…

Beloved, the bridge to the heavenly kingdom is about centering in the heart. If your heart is open, you can receive the many gifts that hold pure bliss and fulfillment of any purpose or dream.

We are here to drive home the idea that you are your own creation. In that your thoughts create who you are in this now moment.

You are at this very point in time where you were guided and meant to be. Through your thoughts and actions.  A dream, is placed in the mind and you are living that dream. You may not remember it in your mind. However, your body knows, your heart knows.

Truth in Light - Calling your home

Submitted by reneesnider on Fri, 09/20/2013 - 05:12

There is a grand intensity of increase in the energies coming in and through us.  Do NOT fear that which is happening as many souls will now leave this realm.  We speak not only of the human soul, but of your animals, mammals and those of the Devic Kingdom.  They too are ascending with you in both physical and non physical realms.  There is nothing to fear.  All is in a grand state of elevation of frequency.  Mankind is taking another step up per se.  Life as you know it is becoming more real and alive.  The truth is unfolding before you and it may be unpleasant to see for man has lived in the shadow of himself not knowing the Light of thy Creator.  

Release attachment to things, people, places, situations and beliefs.  The puzzle pieces of your reality are now showing big gaps, holes and nothing may make sense...as you human mind in no way can grasp the level of quickening that is happening as you are shifting right along with the grand mix.  Your heart is the place that knows and is at peace with all that takes places.  Your heart is your connection to your highest truth.  Your heart is your path to your I AM creator connection.  Take, make and honor your time of going within to be ONE with All That Is.  Find your peace that is within you and is soon to evidence itself in your outside experience.

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