I AM Presence


Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 10/15/2018 - 05:48


Beloved Readers,

Yesterday I was invited to attend a very laid back church with a friend. It was lovely, we sang songs and the atmosphere was very relaxed and happy. The main sermon, if you can call it that, had to do with fasting. I had to smile, and I could almost perceive a smile on my I AM’s face at that subject, because don’t we all use food as a form of resistance and comfort when things are becoming a little challenging for us? I know I do. I will sit down to write a blog or decide to spend time in meditation and my human mind/ego will suggest something like, “Let’s have a nice cup of tea…… wish we had biscuits….!” It’s a classic with me. My I AM just smiles and says “It’s okay, tomorrow is another day!” The main thing is not to beat yourself up, forgive yourself because you are human! It’s human nature to resist something that it considers not within its ‘normal’ safe space.

Sunday Musings ~ The Magic of the I AM in action!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 08/12/2018 - 10:11

Beloveds, isn’t LIFE magical? Life really is meant to be magical! We just get so bogged down by ‘what is’ around us that we fail to see the magic inside of us. We fail to see the whole picture because we get stuck in our minds and forget we have hearts…

Beloveds, the heart is where magic lies. Once we fully embrace a heart based way of life we can begin living as we were meant to live, as one big happy family because we are all connected, all of us. We are all made of the same stuff, intricately and wonderfully made with perfection, and JOY is our natural state of being.

If only we could see that, understand that and believe that, life would be so different. The world would be a different place!

Einstein said , ‘If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.’

You want to know why? Because fairy tales are magical, and they bring out the imagination in people and it is through imagination that we create experience.

Life is all about experiencing stuff. Simply experiencing it. If there is some experience you don’t like you can use your imagination to change it. You have that power. You have that choice.

Energy is alive and waiting to be shaped into whichever experience you wish to give it, and give yourself. That is the joy of creation!

I've fallen in love with Jesus!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 03/25/2018 - 23:12

Falling in Love with Jesus

Dear Readers,

I’ve fallen in love with Jesus…
Falling in love happens when you integrate more with the Christ Consciousness and the I AM of your Being, so it is quite normal in the ascension process to fall in love with Love! The more Light you hold, the more you embody the Flame of Love, which is sparked into Life by your I AM.

We are all in the process of becoming efficient co-creators with our I AM, so that we can manifest again the Gardens of Eden on Earth as it was meant to be eons and eons ago.

It is our I AM who is the Spark that fires into creation our manifestations. It is up to us as its human counterpart, to set the intention, and to use our innate creative imagery and passion to keep the intention alive and clear by feeding it our love and gratitude, until it manifestations into form.

Think of it this way…. Our I AM is the spark plug that causes our car engines to burst into life. Without that spark we cannot go very far. The same metaphor applies to us as humans. We are the physical vehicle that our I AM sparks into life each day. Therefore it would be prudent to be in congruency with this precious and vital aspect of ourselves. As we become congruent, of ONE Heart, ONE Mind, with our I AM, through our clearing work, we are elevated into the higher dimensions of our consciousness.

Energy Update ~ Ride the Waves of Change into 2018 – the Year of Luminosity

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Fri, 11/10/2017 - 08:35

Dear Readers,

The 11.11 Gateway is upon us Dear Ones and the Earth is being flooded now as we speak, with the most powerful Blue Diamond Fire Light Coded energy emanating from Source ever to be received upon the Earth plane.

These powerful Fire Codes of Light are going deep and blazing, clearing, away all that has been deeply hidden within the recesses of your sub-conscious, forging a pathway into the Light as never before, and propelling you forward into a deeper sense of knowing Who You Truly Are.

These Light codes are clearing you from the ‘inside out’, so to speak. The last to go will be your outer shell – the crust, or the suit of body armor you have been wearing as your dense physical form, so you can move into BE-coming Light – a Body of Light -  translucent and transparent as never before.

You may feel like you’re being stripped clear and clean of everything you ever knew, everything you have ever believed or thought you were. You may even feel slightly ‘alien’ when dealing with those who are not in resonance with where you are presently on an energetic level. This may dredge up feelings of insecurity and instability, and may even bring up feelings of hopelessness, we therefore stress the importance of maintaining a stance of BE-ing more withIN your Heart and less in your lower ego mind.

This state of BEing within your Sacred Heart is what is known as 'Presence' dear Ones, and where you will find your Beloved I AM, which is your Source of Everything - understanding, compassion, unconditional love, peace, divine grace and harmony, which can only be found within your Sacred Heart.

Energy Update ~ Your Ticket to Freedom is at hand!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 01/08/2017 - 10:47

Don’t start out your day without checking in with the highest part of yourself, or you could find yourself having a rather bad-ish day which can end up going from bad to worse if you allow your ego any say in the matter.

Too many times we’re in a rush to get going and do whatever it is that is needing to get done and we forget what is most important in our lives. We miss the BIGGER picture, quite literally, and end up losing the plot or the sale!

At this time in your transition, you are fully aware of your multi-dimensional Self up to a certain frequency level, whether you perceive of this or not, it is true.

You are hearing the many voices of Self and you are choosing which voice you wish to listen to. Learn to block those voices that do not resonate to the highest frequency of Love and tune into those that do.

At this stage, you are learning to become the Master of your own energy field. You will need this training so that you will be able to consciously navigate the sub-planes of the 4th dimension of which there are seven, and beyond into the sub-planes of the 5th dimension.

It is in the 7th sub-plane of the 4th dimension that you are merging with your I AM Presence, the Highest Light within you.

Once you are in the clear of all the unwanted baggage you had stored within the lower, emotional and mental sub-planes of the 4th dimension, your merging will take on a higher level of Light frequency that will serve to propel you over the threshold into the lower sub-planes of the 5th dimension. This is your ‘ticket’ to freedom and it is close at hand! However, bear in mind that your dominant state of consciousness always determines your reality.

Be assured that it is your I AM Presence that is governing your transition and monitoring your progress.

Sunday Musings ~ Even the bad times are good!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 04/24/2016 - 06:46

Image – View of the Outeniqua Mountains from Sedgefield Lagoon in Eden, along the Garden Route of the Western Cape of South Africa

It’s been a long time since I’ve written one of my Sunday Musings, and today seemed like a good day to write one again. So much has happened with me on an energetic level, and I’m sure with you also. Nothing ever stays the same. We are always changing, which is the very nature of energy. We are an ever-changing energy. Forever contracting and expanding. More expanding than contracting thankfully, but contracting non-the-less. It is during the contracting stages that we grow and therefore get to know ourselves at an ever deeper level. And this is good!

The song I’ve been hearing lately is “Even the bad times are good”, reminding me not to take on the energy of guilt or blame for what I think I should have done or not done during those ‘bad’ times.  I am reminded now that nothing has meaning until I give it meaning. I have the power to decide how something (or someone) affects me and my state of being.

New Earth Frequency Update ~ Oct 21 2014

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Wed, 10/22/2014 - 12:43

The New Moon & Partial Solar Eclipse of Oct 23, 2014 represents a period of REGENERATION

Greetings and Blessings to All,

We are the Unified Whole Command within the 144th dimension of Oneness as the Great Divine Director, Master Thoth, and Master Einstein along with the many Christed Beings of Light.

The energetic exchange of the Universal Consciousness is being felt in many levels of existence.  We are sure you have been experiencing it within your feelings, thoughts, dream-states while walking upon the Earth.  Since the Autumn Equinox there have been extensive light energies that have ensued upon the planet with the Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon moving towards the partial Solar Eclipse and New Moon.

The portals of light that have been actualized within GAIA are here to help every individual to receive more of their higher essence within the avenues of their physicality.  In the midst of these elements it is causing more debris to be removed from the Etheric level of the Earth along with each human being.  So as a result, it causes a feeling of uncertainty within each individual unless they fully understand that those thoughts and feelings do not belong to them any longer.

Some may say, “What do you mean they don’t belong to me?  I live upon this earth; I have emotions and I am affected by what is happening within the world.”  This is so very true but since the earth is going through her acceleration, the light infractions coming into the core of Gaia’s being are affecting more Light to be acknowledged than the Darkness.  But in order for the Light to be realized, the Darkness must be removed.  So what happens is a period of regeneration, the old leaves in order for the new to be realized.

A Few Words on Remember Past Lives

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Sat, 04/26/2014 - 17:14

Past life memories can come in in vague rememberance, or maybe a feeling that you love a certain time and place, or were a Lemurian. Something attracts you to a past self which some say is not really past as time does not exist.

Parallel simultaneous realities could be the same as a past life, if you take this idea of no time further. It is my understanding and belief that we hold the information, the memories and knowing from past existences or parallel existences of ourselves within the DNA. As DNA activates and as we go through an awakening process, we come to remember who we are and were. Being around others from these times and places, mostly our soul family, ignites our understanding and memory. It can also be being around objects like crystals that relate to that time. I could be visiting geographical place, walking our etheric footsteps in which we come to recall these times. It may not be until years later that we understand. I sense visiting the old city with the tomb of Christ plus the Qumran in Palestine where an Essene community was along with the Dead Sea Scrolls had this effect on me. I recalled my Essene lifetime a few years later even though at the time, I had no idea what this trip to Israel was about. Sacred sites raise your vibration and I know a person who says she experienced her spiritual evolution through this way. If it triggers some memories via energetic download, all the better.

Mother Mary: You Are Spreading Your Divine Love Wherever You Are – Channeled by Fran Zepeda – March 31, 2014

Submitted by franheal on Tue, 04/01/2014 - 23:29

Mother Mary (Received March 31, 2014):


Hello my sweet, dear ones. I come to you now in a Divine Breath: A divine knowing of who you are….A divine imprint of your True Being. We are one. We are eternal together. We are the Love and the Light together. We are immense and deep in our connection.


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