I've fallen in love with Jesus!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 03/25/2018 - 23:12

Falling in Love with Jesus

Dear Readers,

I’ve fallen in love with Jesus…
Falling in love happens when you integrate more with the Christ Consciousness and the I AM of your Being, so it is quite normal in the ascension process to fall in love with Love! The more Light you hold, the more you embody the Flame of Love, which is sparked into Life by your I AM.

We are all in the process of becoming efficient co-creators with our I AM, so that we can manifest again the Gardens of Eden on Earth as it was meant to be eons and eons ago.

It is our I AM who is the Spark that fires into creation our manifestations. It is up to us as its human counterpart, to set the intention, and to use our innate creative imagery and passion to keep the intention alive and clear by feeding it our love and gratitude, until it manifestations into form.

Think of it this way…. Our I AM is the spark plug that causes our car engines to burst into life. Without that spark we cannot go very far. The same metaphor applies to us as humans. We are the physical vehicle that our I AM sparks into life each day. Therefore it would be prudent to be in congruency with this precious and vital aspect of ourselves. As we become congruent, of ONE Heart, ONE Mind, with our I AM, through our clearing work, we are elevated into the higher dimensions of our consciousness.

The relationship with our I AM is the most vital relationship we will ever have here on Earth and it is imperative that we get to know this loving part of our Self intimately, because we are going to fall in love with it, I promise you!

Lord Sananda and Lady Nada hold the energy of Divine Love for our Planet, and they have selflessly dedicated themselves to helping humanity return to this state of pure Love Consciousness through their ministration of the Love of Christ, which is one of the focal points of the Sixth Ray ~ the Flame of Resurrection.  Lady Nada is also known as the Goddess of Love for Earth and her symbol is the Pink Rose.

Next Thursday the 29th, Lord Sananda and his Twin Flame, Lady Nada, will help us build momentum with their Flame during a Workshop we are hosting.

Our intention through invoking the Flame of Resurrection is to resurrect all the attributes of our divinity, and along with the Violet Flame, it prepares us for our Ascension, which is the ultimate purpose for our being here at this time.

If you can’t make the live event, it’s okay because all the energy will be present in the recording, and this energy will become stronger as we continue to build momentum with the Flame, so we can listen to it many times over. The Dragons also come forward again in this workshop to assist us in our clearing work.

Daniela and myself are both looking forward to creating a great portal of Light with all of you so that we can bring in the energies needed to facilitate a great clearing for Gaia, and for the Collective.

We leave you with our love and blessing for a wonderful and peaceful Sunday.




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Deborah Faith

USUI Diamond Light Reiki Healer & Master Teacher, NLP (SA) Practitioner, Energy Re-Sourcing™ Therapist and Intuitive, Messenger for the Realms of Spirit., Teacher, Mentor and so much more...


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