Lord Sananda

18/2 Full Moon Workshop Invitation

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 02/11/2019 - 06:51

The Moon Goddess


Beloved Readers,

Next Week on Tuesday its the Full Moon! Before each new Full Moon Workshop Daniela and myself say "Wow this is amazing! How does it get any better than this?", and yet it does! Time and time again.
We have both been bowled over by what is coming through and it's as though the Masters converge on us with new ideas every month!

I've fallen in love with Jesus!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 03/25/2018 - 23:12

Falling in Love with Jesus

Dear Readers,

I’ve fallen in love with Jesus…
Falling in love happens when you integrate more with the Christ Consciousness and the I AM of your Being, so it is quite normal in the ascension process to fall in love with Love! The more Light you hold, the more you embody the Flame of Love, which is sparked into Life by your I AM.

We are all in the process of becoming efficient co-creators with our I AM, so that we can manifest again the Gardens of Eden on Earth as it was meant to be eons and eons ago.

It is our I AM who is the Spark that fires into creation our manifestations. It is up to us as its human counterpart, to set the intention, and to use our innate creative imagery and passion to keep the intention alive and clear by feeding it our love and gratitude, until it manifestations into form.

Think of it this way…. Our I AM is the spark plug that causes our car engines to burst into life. Without that spark we cannot go very far. The same metaphor applies to us as humans. We are the physical vehicle that our I AM sparks into life each day. Therefore it would be prudent to be in congruency with this precious and vital aspect of ourselves. As we become congruent, of ONE Heart, ONE Mind, with our I AM, through our clearing work, we are elevated into the higher dimensions of our consciousness.

Feeling the Power of Oneness with Lord Sananda

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Tue, 04/15/2014 - 16:51

On April 15th the world will have experienced the Festival of the Christ energies within a powerful full moon and lunar eclipse.  This event is spoken about to be the most intensified frequency of light to come into the planet this year.  Many individuals are sharing information about this frequency of light that will be occurring.  In fact, we are already in the midst of these energies and are experiencing great changes through our full body system.

Walking Terra Christa held a special open call for this event on April 14th with Lord Sananda as the guest speaker along with Lord Maitreya and Master Kuthumi.  The specifics of the Festival of the Christ represent Love, Resurrection, and Contact with others.  Lord Sananda share such an eloquent message of love with powerful Light Codes through Rev. Meleriessee.  We gathered together in the Temple of Oneness within the Ballroom of Crystalline Light to walk through another doorway of beauty unto a deeper part of ourselves.  Master Kuthumi is now working more fully with Lord Maitreya in the office of the Christ and shared his essence of experience to help lightworkers move through these next phases of ascension.  Each of these magnificent beings shared their hearts unto each of our hearts to help us through our initiations that will require great strength and courage.

In addition, this full moon represents the sign of Aries with Libra which is a perfect relationship between our physical self (Aries) and our spiritual self (Libra).  This moon will assist in the connection between both essences to become one.  The Lunar Eclipse also represents relationships of changing circumstances by accessing our “inner wisdom”.  This is a perfect time for each individual to fully access their higher self within the physical body for the Divine Union of the Self.

The Three Upcoming Ascension Festivals

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Tue, 04/15/2014 - 16:41

We are at that time of year once again when we will be experiencing the three Festivals of Light that represent our role with the Spiritual Hierarchy to advance ourselves into a higher existence within our mastery pathway.

Each of these festivals falls upon the full moon cycles within Aries, Taurus, and Gemini.  Each of them is a stepping ground into one another.  This means that each festival represents our Divine Purpose on this earth and how we can assist ourselves on deeper levels to become more of what we were previously.  The festivals also help with the transformation of every sentient being upon this Earth whether an individual participates consciously or not.  It is a time of high acceleration and understanding more about them helps a soul to fully accept the challenges and achievements that they will encounter through this three month cycle.

The Festival of the Christ ~ April 15th, 2014 ~ is the first of the three events that we celebrate within the mastery pathway.

This festival occurs during the full moon in Aries .  It represents the living and incorporating the Christ Consciousness Within.  It is the first of the three festivals connected to planetary and cosmic ascension. The second being Wesak, and the third, Humanity.  Each of these festivals are stepping stones for each initiate to move further up the ladder of their initiation phase as they walk on the Mastery Pathway.

Golden Solar Logos Divine Energy Transmission

Submitted by onica on Tue, 10/22/2013 - 23:21

Shared from Facebook with accompanied text and permission from Au Ri-An Hu Atla-Ra with Many Thanks and Blessings

October 4 
new download in today while meditating into our Great Central sun, I passed through the Great Central Sun and ended up in Venus with Sananda and received the energy of the Golden Solar Logos, so I am eager to share this lovely Divine energy so find a comfortable place to relax and accept this blessed transmission which has been imprinted upon this image, allow anywhere between 5-15 minutes for the transmission to take place, Adonai.........

Fran Zepeda ~ Mira the Pleiadian and Sananda ~ Let There Be Light Bodies! - August 2 2012

Submitted by franheal on Thu, 08/02/2012 - 20:10

Mira the Pleiadian and Sananda ~ Let There Be Light Bodies! ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ August 2, 2012

Mira the Pleiadian and Sananda:

Greetings, beautiful Souls that you are! I am Mira of the Pleiadian High Council, together with Lord Sananda, here to bring you, with Love, more information for the successful continuation of your Ascension Process.

Many of you are feeling light-headed with feelings of pressure around your heart. Do not despair. This is good news. You are progressing nicely.

It is necessary for your heart to expand in this process; increments of energy are constantly being downloaded to those who accept it fully, to expand and upgrade your hearts, and the combination of heart pressure or even palpitations along with a feeling of light-headedness is part of the process.

Do not fear it, but allow it. The Light quotient in your Light Bodies is increasing steadily.

You are such brave Souls. You are such cherished Souls. You are magnificent beyond all words. Please keep allowing this process, for there will be great rewards in the end.

Now it is necessary to take some time to ponder some more questions. Yes, we have more questions for you. Take a look at yourselves now from a perspective of your Light Bodies. Identify yourselves with your Light Bodies. Are you able to connect and identify with this true essence of yourselves? This will take some practice. And it is always helpful to do this in meditation. Eventually you will find yourselves very comfortable in it and with it.

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