
We've been in war for a long, long time!

Submitted by Awakenjesse12 on Fri, 06/22/2012 - 19:48
Okay messege of the day: Jesse Loya

As far as we can see since the Annunaki (Reptilians) invated Earth,
They have been ruling this planet for about 300 thousand years,
And a secret of their agenda is that hey have been maipulating humanity,
... By bringing emotional trama to merge and destroy themselves,
Since Anunnakis also fight eachtother because of disagreement,
They use Humanity as a game plan to play some kind of a war game,
They control our goveremnts and our powers by bloodlines, our world leaders!

Lets take a look at us,
We been fighting each other for senseless and pointless reasons,
Since our middle ages we fought large wars, like Romans, Greeks, 300 wars,
Look at today, territorrial invasions, revolutions, world wars, operations and terroroism all since the 1900's,

Since the 1900's we've been in war for 209 years!!!!
Since the middle ages,
We've been in war for over 2209 years!!!!!!
Or We can call it Human Civil Wars on planet Earth in the Sol Star System!!!!!!!!

To be honest, the world has to Wake Up!!!!!

-Pleiadian Agenda

We've been in war for a long, long time!

Submitted by Awakenjesse12 on Fri, 06/22/2012 - 19:48
Okay messege of the day: Jesse Loya

As far as we can see since the Annunaki (Reptilians) invated Earth,
They have been ruling this planet for about 300 thousand years,
And a secret of their agenda is that hey have been maipulating humanity,
... By bringing emotional trama to merge and destroy themselves,
Since Anunnakis also fight eachtother because of disagreement,
They use Humanity as a game plan to play some kind of a war game,
They control our goveremnts and our powers by bloodlines, our world leaders!

Lets take a look at us,
We been fighting each other for senseless and pointless reasons,
Since our middle ages we fought large wars, like Romans, Greeks, 300 wars,
Look at today, territorrial invasions, revolutions, world wars, operations and terroroism all since the 1900's,

Since the 1900's we've been in war for 209 years!!!!
Since the middle ages,
We've been in war for over 2209 years!!!!!!
Or We can call it Human Civil Wars on planet Earth in the Sol Star System!!!!!!!!

To be honest, the world has to Wake Up!!!!!

-Pleiadian Agenda

Humanity and the ancient War of the Gods

Submitted by Awakenjesse12 on Thu, 06/21/2012 - 16:58

Messege of the day- jesse loya


"There are multitudes and societies that live through out the vastnes of space,
These multitudes and societies have known this planet since the very beginning.
It was in a lost ancient galactic war when humanity was genetically changed from their origin and slaved,
And it is a universal law that does not allow advance civilizations to interfier with the development and evolution of younger species.
Thats why humanity has been kept in a lack of information and in a lack of communication by a great enemy,
This galactic war was called the War of the Gods.
When light lost the battle and darkness took over, humanity was enslaved,
In time humanity forgot who they really were and forgot the whole history,
The truth is outhere. And deep inside our dna. Our chakras. In our Awakening."

"The Astar Galactic Command" messege 1971

Submitted by Awakenjesse12 on Wed, 06/06/2012 - 22:05

-By Jesse Loya

"The Asthar Galactic Command"
-600 advance civilizations in union


In 1971 they sent us a messege via radio interrupting a broadcast,
A Pleiadian named Vrillion spoke in our language telling us an urgent messege,

They said to be aware of the false leaders and rulers on this planet,
These leaders and rulers will bring us no hope,
They will only suck our energy, we call money and resources,
And they will only bring harm making us think that everything's alright,


Who's behind these false rulers,
Behind these rulers there a control system,
Behind these leaders theres a green scaled being,
These leaders and rulers are manipulated and operated by the dark reptlians,

Who are they?......the Illumminaty!!!!, the NWO , the Secret Goverments and the Batican.... theres are actually more.......


Also to be aware of the planetary chages as our planet enters the new shift,
A NEW ERA OF AQUARIOUS, when we enter the process of awaeking and great consiousness....we call evolution,
When the era of darkness falls and a new era of light rises,
When the changes of our planet activates our Pleiadian unfuctional DNA,
Activating the unfuctional DNA: A third eye, enlightment, wisdom, great cosmic energy and great conciousness..
Our reconection with the universe, the alliance and interstellar traveling :)

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