
Saviors of Ourselves

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Tue, 01/03/2017 - 14:39


Saviors of Ourselves

We are the sun

We are rays of light

We are one with the universe

We are the ones we were waiting for,

We remember when we wanted them to save us.

We now know we are the saviors of ourselves.

We know we are infinitely powerful.

We know we are stepping out of every program and limitation right now.

We are moving forward, sometimes striding proudly, and sometimes on all fours, crawling..

and knowing we got through those things that made us stronger.

We are strength, we are power.

We are allies in transformation.

We are informants to one another of the truth,

the truth of our own liberation and freedom, empowerment through being ourselves

passing it like a 'frequency gift' which some take and run with, and others don't even see.

Yet others give it back and keep on keeping on because it seems to scary to open

the reminder that they are free, the gift of liberation.

Perhaps you need to rest where you are for a bit, before the radical transformation comes?


You can shift your reality.

You can live your own dreamtime.


Submitted by Rene Duran on Sun, 03/25/2012 - 18:11

Una forma muy antigua de liberarnos de las garras del ego, consiste en mantenernos autovigilantes,y descubrir como actuamos. En los últimos tiempos nos han brindado información de como eliminar nuestro lado oscuro, mediante la técnica de la Muerte. Consiste en pedir a nuestra bendita Madre Kundalini (es nuestra madre espiritual particular, espíritu santo, el tercer aspecto de la Trinidad ,etc.) que saque de los 49 niveles de la mente los yoes psicológicos, la cantidad que deseamos. Se pide así: 'Madre saca 500 trillones de defectos y desintegralos'. Se procede así de forma constante. Día tras día. Noche tras noche. Obviamente, el ego va muriendo. Y nuestra conciencia aumenta. Hoy con la llegada de las energías del amor el proceso se acelera mas, porque el ego existente se disuelve con las poderosas energías photonicas. Así se cumple lo dicho, Ayudate que yo te ayudare. Con este método podemos alcanzar nuestro 51% de conciencia libre particular. Un obstáculo para no trabajar, es creer que uno ya no tiene ego. Nosotros tenemos tantos defectos como granitos de arena tiene el mar. Cuando el ego muere, entonces viene la iluminación. Y puedes iluminar el camino para que pasen otros. PAZ PARA TODOS.


Submitted by Sylver Tygres Lyght on Wed, 02/15/2012 - 09:29

During this entire lawsuit process, my emotions have been on a roller coaster of experience that dwarfs any found in an amusement park. This has been especially true over the past few weeks, but please remember that it has been going on since July 2005. Today I reveal some of the things I could not say before now. If I am correct, yesterday began my liberation from the oppressors.

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