Light body

Experiencing the Eclipse and Beyond

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Tue, 09/29/2015 - 16:49

photo by Angie Love

The Eclipse day, for me was magnificent. I started the day meeting with a friend on Skype who lives in Scotland. Ann is a “crystal awakener” and has worked with all the waterways and mountains of Scotland to bring them to 5D. This was a huge job and too awhile. She worked with my crystals that I was bringing to the mountain for a ceremony later that day. Some big orbs including a golden one showed up on camera as I met with her, and she caught a photo of me and the orbs.

Global Heart Synchronization and Activating Light Bodies

Ten Minutes In The Fifth Dimension

Submitted by Reiki Doc on Fri, 12/06/2013 - 21:12

I have been called to be a witness to a lawsuit of a colleague. Many doctors are expert witnesses. My other friend Doctor Jane once actually sued a company that her medical office had a bad business thing with (I'm not clear on the specifics).

She says this is an opportunity for me to learn some new skills.

And for about ten to fifteen minutes, she 'coached' me on what to expect, how to present myself, and the basic strategy of the entire legal process going on.

She is a healer.

A healer who out of concern for me, shared her experience and time, from her heart.

And the most amazing thing happened!

With my third eye, Doctor Jane began to 'transform'. I saw her energy core predominate and her 3D body looked like a projection coming off of it. 

The LIGHT of Doctor Jane was 'real' to my third eye, and I was seeing it clearly, because her energy/heart/mind were connected for my good.

Her 3D body, which I had thought was 'real', was actually not, according to what I saw.

Master Lanto: You Are Full and Conscious Divine Beings ~ Channeled By Fran Zepeda ~ September 19, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Thu, 09/19/2013 - 17:25

Master LantoMaster Lanto:


Hello dear ones, It is I again, Master Lanto, bringing you wonderful news on your progress in your ascension process.

As it stands right now, your illumination and the development of your crystalline bodies has increased tenfold, even a thousandfold from just a little bit of time ago.You are growing and expanding in leaps and bounds and your radiance is astounding and magnificent. You are all looking like beautiful stars to us here in the Celestial and Galactic Realm.

The Symbol of Creator

Submitted by Claire@profoun… on Wed, 02/20/2013 - 08:10

Claire from Source of Goodness talks about Creator's Flower of Life symbol (currently being used by many healers in its powered down state) and shares the news that this symbol was been powered up to its full working state 12 February 2012 as The Fully Reactivated Key of Life Symbol. Creator is gifting this to humanity for this time and beyond. It is the foundation stone that must be laid by humanity and primarily by the healing teachers in order for our ascension process to move forwards. Claire also talks about how negative ego programing is affecting many healers from reaching fullest Truths and impacting on the decisions they make. She shares how fullest Truth can be accessed with dedicated inner work and meditation. Also covered is one of the many reasons why others are resistant to these Truths and how cosmic attachments are impacting on humanity.Cosmic attachments are highly prevelent in the energy fields. They impact on our emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual well beng. Many are using outdated methods to clear their fields.Many do not have any methods to clear their feilds at all. Many are in denial about Cosmic attachments exisiting. These Truths must be faced. There is too much confuson regarding attachments and all denials about attachments comes from lack of awareness and education. Being blissfully unaware does not make something True. Times are moving on and if we are to be of fullest assistance to the whole, then those whose role it is to anchor in the Fully Reactivated Key of Life are being called to awaken, to go deep within their heart centres and to connect to Melchizedek for guidance on the Fully Reactivated Key of Life symbol and why it is so important to the ascension process. I am not a movie maker, so this video is not here for entertainment purposes! It is here to share guidance on what is currently holding back the spiritual community from being a more powerful force for good. Thank you for listening. Have a beautiful day.

Your Light Body is Perfect

Submitted by Reiki Doc on Sun, 09/30/2012 - 07:20

This is a rebuttal to a blog post at the Galactic Free Press in the above link: '6 Body Parts Doctors Think Are Useless, Medical System is Severely Flawed.'  :

I work on souls.

I work on souls in human bodies through my body, which is human.

I am an anesthesiologist and I see what God has written in your post today, the one that I responded to. All of it was very third dimensional. I did not like it. So now it is time to set the record straight.

Your Light Body is Perfect
Your Light Body is a replica of you, that exists in a higher dimension. When we go to all that, your lost limbs will reappear, your missing teeth will sprout back, your organs shall be returned and all shall exist in Divine Perfection. This is YOU, in your natural state of being. You are flawless and Holy and Light.

For some reason, and for some Purpose, you came down from Heaven and came to Earth.

Your Earth Body is a 'projection' of your Light Body into the Illusion called 'reality'
I see it with my clairvoyance brightest in the O..R. while I work with my patients.

There is a big tunnel of white light that goes in the head and through you and comes out the feet. It is about six inches wide, and sparkly bright white.

Your perception is what allows how this Light is to come through into the Chakra energetic system.  This is how Chakras get 'imbalance' in the first place. Emotions, personal reactions to events and the inner world that you are influences greatly this metaphysical to physical process.

Your Earth Body is a 'vehicle' for Learning Life Lessons and it talks to you through illness

My Light Body Just Jumped In

Submitted by daughter of rebekah on Fri, 07/13/2012 - 13:04

A few days ago I noticed a new sensation: my body felt heavier, more solid, and with much more power than I used to have. It is like the mental power of will has inhabited all of my cells. It is like the 'ki-yai' of Karate, the power from Hara warning an attacker, deciding to place a welcome mat at the door and moving in to everywhere else in my body too.

I used to be quite floaty. For years it has been uncomfortably so. Over the past seven years, I have experienced more grounding and stability through my major life lessons at this time.

In the past six weeks, I have developed a hunger for sunlight. It resets everything deep inside of my body, my emotions, and gives me great sense of peace. Instantly  I am feeling a tingling sensation throughout pathways inside my body, like invisible wires but not nerves. I sense the travel of light inside my essence. It is good, and it is satisfying. Ten minutes of direct sunlight seems to be enough.

My appetite has decreased recently, as also has my need for sleep. I used to require six to eight hours. Now I function happily on four.

Somehow I know my Light Body is in my Physical Body. I just know it. I can't explain it any better than I have. I don't have words to describe it the way I would like.

My Light Body Just Jumped In

Submitted by daughter of rebekah on Fri, 07/13/2012 - 13:04

A few days ago I noticed a new sensation: my body felt heavier, more solid, and with much more power than I used to have. It is like the mental power of will has inhabited all of my cells. It is like the 'ki-yai' of Karate, the power from Hara warning an attacker, deciding to place a welcome mat at the door and moving in to everywhere else in my body too.

I used to be quite floaty. For years it has been uncomfortably so. Over the past seven years, I have experienced more grounding and stability through my major life lessons at this time.

In the past six weeks, I have developed a hunger for sunlight. It resets everything deep inside of my body, my emotions, and gives me great sense of peace. Instantly  I am feeling a tingling sensation throughout pathways inside my body, like invisible wires but not nerves. I sense the travel of light inside my essence. It is good, and it is satisfying. Ten minutes of direct sunlight seems to be enough.

My appetite has decreased recently, as also has my need for sleep. I used to require six to eight hours. Now I function happily on four.

Somehow I know my Light Body is in my Physical Body. I just know it. I can't explain it any better than I have. I don't have words to describe it the way I would like.

Spirit says this is important and that I should share with you. So I am. I hope you find it helpful. If you would not mind sharing back if you are having likewise I would appreciate it very much.



Yeshua and the Company of Heaven ~ Accept the Light Fully ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ May 3, 2012

Submitted by franheal on Thu, 05/03/2012 - 22:50

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven:


Hello and Greetings, all of the Light. As you take yourselves deeper and deeper into the Light and don the monumental undertaking of your birthright, we remain at your side in eternal service.


Many now have reached a pinnacle of energy. Part of what you are experiencing is indeed a new influx of all-encompassing refined energy, a very purified and concentrated energy that you are now ready for.


A new level has been reached, Dear Ones. Once you see the full manifestation, you will never want to go back. You are going full speed ahead, with ever-increasing help from the Spiritual Realm.


Please allow for many more ratchets of your frequency levels by paying close attention to your physical bodies and the changes in them. Many of you are experiencing deeper meditations and some disorientation and discomfort, which may make it difficult to continue regular activities that have been the norm for you up until now.


Do not fight it or feel discouraged, for these changes are the very thing that will bring you more solidly into the new energies. Abide by your present heart-based thoughts and feelings in the Now moment and proceed from there. This is the way to open new patterns of thought and ways of being that you would be unable to access if you were to adhere too closely to your old schedules and patterns of thought.


Message from Yeshua ~ Be Expansive! ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ 4.3.12

Submitted by franheal on Tue, 04/03/2012 - 23:32

Many of you are entering a phase where thought patterns are undergoing a shift. There is a shift from ego-based thoughts to heart-based thoughts.  There is a subtle shift in perception in many. It is like trying on a new set of clothes, in a new style. It may feel a little awkward and scratchy at first, but as time goes on, it feels more normal. Wear this new set of clothing, this new set of attitudes, lightly and with grace. You do not need to worry about how it looks. From our perspective, you look magnificent. You are learning how to navigate the switch from linear thinking to multidimensional thought.


With all the changes in your DNA and Light Bodies, nothing is the same, minute to minute. There appears to be no starting point or threshold to base things on anymore. You are flying free, dear ones, and learning to navigate your wings, so to speak. As you leave 3rd dimensional frameworks, the sky is the limit as to what you can create. It will be tempting at times to go back to the old ways of thinking, the old ways of doing things. But try and launch yourselves off from this point and explore the possibilities.


As you spend more time in meditation, allow yourselves to soar into unknown territory. Conjure up new combinations of realities. Mix and match and consider new perspectives in solutions. Expand your brain. Your DNA will go the length with you now. Open up those doors that are being presented to you now and venture to go through them. Be brave. You are all equipped with the blueprints to shatter the parameters of your realities. Meditate on this and take it as a Truth and see where it takes you.


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