Submitted by Doreen Smith on Wed, 05/02/2012 - 16:24

"Now is the time that all those who are here to work for the light join together.

In spite of differences in perceptions of spiritual matters and spiritual paradigms, in spite of differences of culture, personality, preferences and life style, we ask you to put all of that aside now and join with the unity of the heart, the one place you all share without difference. If you want to see the victory of the light and a new and Divine World to emerge, you all must sacrifice this last bit of egoity which still lives in the illusion of competition and a sense of separation."


Much Peace, Joy, Light and Love to ALL! NOW! :) <3

Don't throw out the baby with the bath water

Submitted by SophiaLove on Wed, 05/02/2012 - 08:40

There is a preoccupation with the physical right now, a focus on the body – the body human.  Listening to “Drake” reports and planning for a possible disruption of supply brings up questions – “Do we have enough?” “Have we thought of everything?”


“Yes” and “Yes” would be the answers here, yet I wonder even at the questions.  I’ve come to this conclusion – I’m human.  I’m not “just” human, or “only” human or “human, too”.  I am human now.  I am a being of light of incredible power experiencing this human life.  It’s all true.  The experience of being human at this level of density is not less than any other.  It is to be savored.


I have spent some time in the “humans are less cool than other life forms” camp, as well as the place where “earthlings rule”.  Polarization.


What’s true is that we are all equally “cool” and everything counts.  We’ve spent so many years believing we were flawed that to compensate we’ve inflated our importance and see others only as competition. 


So where does that leave us now?  Where does this human in 3D fit in this imminent new world?  We fit exactly where we place ourselves.  Although much of what we’ve believed to be true isn’t, we have created incredible beauty and steadfast love.  We will not be leaving this behind.  We aren’t replacing our current life, we are improving it. 


One of my favorite places is the dining room, surrounded by family.  I like knowing I’ve prepared this meal my loved ones are now enjoying and laughing over, even when it’s burnt.  I don’t believe it would have the same “juice” if I had pressed a button to produce it; the main ingredient here is love in ample amounts. 


Seeing the Picture clearly

Submitted by SophiaLove on Tue, 05/01/2012 - 08:36

It is May. In the Midwest U.S., a time for flowers and graduation ceremonies; transitions.  The arrival of the new, even if we’ve seen it every year, is celebrated.  It brings us to the past – perhaps our own graduation or last years tulips.  We are systemically changing this month, without anything to relate to; a bit disconcerting.


Our brains are associative.  We won’t even see a thing unless we have something else similar to relate it to.  Moving forward without a map is part and parcel to the way seer manifesto.  This is untraveled ground.


Brand new thought sticks out there like an optical illusion. Sometimes even after being told its there, we can’t make it out.  It takes concentrated effort and intention.  We will need both as we proceed, we are entering uncharted territory.  This is the fun part.


My entire body sort of hums now.  Several weeks ago the internal motor started and today the subtle vibration and sparkling is constant – I barely acknowledge it.  This week there are waves of energy, resulting in a sensation of spinning.  My diet and sleep patterns are all over the map, which is true for my entire family.  Something new shows up almost every day and we adjust to the level so that the next stage can occur.  Ascension or the move to the “next dimension” has to happen gradually so that we can assimilate it comfortably.  The plan here is for amazing yet not shocking.  We want to enjoy this.


So let’s relax a bit.  As our eyes and bodies adjust, let’s see and feel the change without worry or confusion.  We are brilliant beings of light who have been tasked with moving a planet and her people out of density in “real time”.  We will live through whatever scenario we collectively create.



Submitted by SophiaLove on Mon, 04/30/2012 - 08:54

Outside, nothing is moving.  The trees aren’t blowing in the breeze.  I hear no sounds.  Inside not much is happening either – not fear or excitement or determination or worry, but pause.


This is new for me.  As a writer, there are always scenario’s played out in my head.  Today, the stage is empty.  Perhaps this is waiting.  Maybe this scene hasn’t been written yet.


If that’s the case, let’s be sure it springs from a solid base, loaded with good material.  Let’s fill this space with love. 


On Saturday, about 500 of us completed another Quest for Love.  Here are a few of the things we explored…


In "Love & Unity"

Submitted by Bluesword on Fri, 04/27/2012 - 14:36

To my brothers &n Sisters,I come to say hello,

Its really feel like home here,


I hope,that we may,be in Honesty and Truth

toward each others,


Remember This,In "Love & Unity"

We can do more,,,


For those,who hearts,is still like stone,

Let them be,Sooner or later,their heart will soften


Their arrogance,s will soon, fade away,into the mist,,,

When you share from your hearts,with no

condition,it will flow back to you,,,


When you love some one,it will never fail,

it will come back to you,when your not looking,,,


Remember this,treat each other with kindness,repect,love

even to those,who do not,do so in kind,


Sooner or later,they will remember that day,that deed,

you have done,


I myself have serve The Galactic Federation,Many life-streams

It's time to push the red button

Submitted by SophiaLove on Fri, 04/27/2012 - 09:04

How many humans does it take to change the world?  Apparently 144,000.  There is an event, (World Liberation Day), playing out on our stage May 5/6th.  Global change will occur as a result.  Here is more information: and a video as well:


This is a moment to see if it’s true, take a step towards self-determination and grab the wheel.  It takes awareness of the time and about 5 minutes of your day, if that.  No special location, chanting, outfits or incense is necessary.  This is perfect.


The reason this is ideal is because it allows for unique expressions of one truth – the truth of Unity.  On a fundamental level we are One.  We have never taken that idea out of our sacred texts and meditation circles.  We’ve never declared our Oneness.  At one moment, all over the planet, we will next weekend.  We will speak as One.  This is our chance to tangibly experience our truth.


Some of us have known of our oneness for awhile, others of us just want to be free, yet all of understand a change is necessary.  There are forces mobilized to carry out the initial event, the arrests and removal of those who understand only domination.  They are waiting for a signal to do so; they are waiting for us to give it to them.  It is time to push the red button.


Once it is pressed, our responsibility for action does not end.  The expression “freedom isn’t free” applies here.  Our effort to press that button, although unprecedented, will pale in comparison to what comes next.  It will be time to walk our talk.


Sananda ~ You Are The Light of the Divine ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ 4.26.12

Submitted by franheal on Fri, 04/27/2012 - 00:20





Greetings, beautiful Souls of Mother Earth and beyond. I come before you today to bring you news that will lift your heart and cleanse your soul.


Many events are about to commence, Dear Ones. All around the Universes, beings wait with bated breath and awe at what you have all done to increase the Light and raise the energies all around you. We bow before you, for you are all great beings of the Light, all you Lightworkers and Lightbearers who have come to witness the great awakening, to herald it and bring it about.


I am in no way different from you in that I want the Light to overcome and infiltrate all who is here to the degree that there is so much transformation in each being, with so much Joy and so much Love.


Many of you are feeling the Shifts so much that you are in awe; you are feeling a sense of anticipation and wonder. You are starting to forget what you have been experiencing for so many eons, and starting to remember your True Selves, your God Selves, your Divinity. It is a wonderful spectacle to behold, dear friends.


If I could take you by the hand and lead each of you personally to your final destination, I would. The truth is, you are leading yourselves. You are taking to heart the deep, deep wisdom spewing out from within yourselves, and taking it forward.


How Pink are we talking about?

Submitted by SophiaLove on Mon, 04/23/2012 - 08:28

This day has dawned with hope and relative quiet.  There are unseen actions certainly; dramas playing out on this 2012 stage.  Yet here the sun shines and the birds repeat their spring song – “All is Well”, “All is Well”, “All is Well”.


This is a moment to reflect. What am I doing and why am I doing it?  December 21st, 2012 will arrive in less time than it takes to grow a baby.  We are at the point now when the discovery is usually made – you’ve missed a cycle. After twenty dollars and a few anxious moments you are looking at the truth – you are pregnant. 


Once I called that 800 number on the skinny, pink Early Pregnancy Test box, not believing what was in front of my eyes.  I sort of blurted out “How pink does it have to be?”  I could hear the nurse smile as she responded “Congratulations!”


So, Congratulations!  In just 8 months our new world will be born.  We’ve sort of settled on a name (“Next Dimension”) but beyond that is anyone’s guess.  Specifics and personality are as yet undetermined.  We can’t do much about that part anyway.  The one thing we can do is take care of ourselves, the number one priority of every mother to be.


You are a microcosmic version of what is happening to us all – oneness.  This shift in consciousness is here and you are it. Perhaps, as in a human pregnancy, you’ve been a little bit ill and have had to change your eating habits and rest a bit more.  There’s a sense that these alterations have not quite “fixed” the problem.  This would be true.  This is not a problem to be fixed but a process to be lived.


Message from Yeshua ~ Be in the Light ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~

Submitted by franheal on Fri, 04/20/2012 - 18:55

Photo of the Sun Love,

sacred beautiful geometry with elemental

By Earth Allie Dawn Christine

Hello dear friends, there is much talk of Ascension these days, as should be. The concept is a little abstract for some and it takes a bit of a stretch of the imagination still for some to understand and absorb. But as you know, it is not really a concept. It is your Reality staring you in the face, gripping you in the heart, and laying out a worldview that is so enticing, yet a little intimidating for some.


As time marches on, you are being prepared and inundated with such intense Light and Love that it is becoming the milieu in which you swim. And this is good, because you are getting your feet wet, so to speak. The ante is being raised, dear ones, and you are up for it, equal to the task, as they say. You were built for this endeavor, and you have all the tools at your disposal; you always have. They are being uncovered as we speak.


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