mass arrests

Reply to Drake on Canadian Executive Orders as Socialist BS

Submitted by drmoe on Thu, 07/05/2012 - 07:34

Reply to Drake on Canadian Executive Orders – Maurice Turmel PhD

July 5, 2012


I've read those Canadian Executive Orders through twice now and I have no idea what you are complaining about Mr. Drake. Is there really a Communist or Socialist behind every tree?  Perhaps in your mind, but not in mine, and I sincerely doubt, in the minds of most Canadians who have read this document.


When I first read those Orders I was blown away. Yes, I am Canadian, for 67 years now. I was worried that we weren't really contributing anything to this Ascension 2012 Agenda, especially this part where the World is moving quickly to neutralize and or get rid of the Dark Cabal. Yes, I'm referring to the Mass Arrests that you and many other sources have been preparing us for.


Well along comes this document that lays out in pretty specific detail what a new Canada is going to look like once the smoke clears. It has everything from compensation from the St Germain Trust, which by the way will be available to Americans as well as the rest of the world, to statements about disconnecting us from the British Monarchy, to, yes, Free Healthcare, Free Education, abolishment of Income Taxes, abolishment of other usury taxes and more free benefits, benefits, benefits!!!

And all you can see here is a Socialist Plot? Really???


Where are your American Executive Orders, those that would be the equivalent to these Canadian Executive Orders that you take exception to? How will those American Orders differ and how will they reflect the New America that you're proudly supporting in your role as an information gatekeeper for your White Hat Military?


Master White Dragon Drake Update -- No Mass Arrests (so far)...

Submitted by Unity Consciousness on Wed, 07/04/2012 - 19:00

Website for Drake's update is...…


Call in number is: (646) 716-4984


Changes To Planned "Mass Arrests" Process


1. The military tactical plans have changed, to accommodate tactical moves by the cabal.

2. No Mass Arrests have taken place so far.

3. Some arrests are being made for individual cases, as are evident in the news.

4. Plan is to arrest key individuals, and potentially make mass arrests later.

5. They may or may not take place later, depending on how this process goes.

6. The military good guys are playing a massive gave of chess with the cabal, and must take their moves carefully.


It is self-evident that most callers are very concerned (or angry) that the mass arrests have NOT happened, and is presently uncertain whether or when they will happen.


Drake stated that the green light for arrests related to the Keenan/Shrout lien(s)  has still NOT yet been given.  As we know, the original lien was withdrawn, to be refiled at a later date with more information and for greater impact.


There have been various topics addressed, but they were mostly ancillary issues related to the big event, which obviously has not yet happened.  Some of the items mentioned were those already covered by other news articles, so won't be mentioned here.


Regarding the fireworks were told to sit back and watch, there is no further update.  It is almost 10pm EST now, and PST will start their (normal) annual fireworks in about 2 1/2 hours.



Submitted by Naedrazu Gestuvok on Fri, 06/29/2012 - 07:33

Be free my brothers and sisters! Free in your thoughts, actions and voice! It is not about how many times a day you meditate, or how many people you are able to awaken from moment to moment. It is the ability to know the truth and find your true Divine joy in that truth! Your freedom can never be taken away from you. Your freedom can never be restricted. Each and every one of us has an inner flame that burns brighter than any star in the universe. Simply allow it to be recognized by you and it will shine for all! Who cares when the the mass arrests occur. Who cares when first contact is made. There is one Divine truth and that is this, we are the Divine light and no matter what happens that can never be taken away or extinguished! Let that thought, that truth be your inspiration and strength! Shine every single moment of your existence on this beautiful sentient being! You will have a much more profound effect than any protest or movement imagined. The smile in your heart will do more for humanity than any voice or idea! Make that your strength and share it with all. Embrace yourself at all times no matter how many moments you get caught up in worry. Embrace yourself no matter how many moments you spend crying or depressed. When you do this you are embracing all of humanity with Divine love and acceptance!
I love you all and I send my Divine light to each and every one of you! No matter the illusion of physical separation it is felt by all!

The Brotherhood of Light - World Liberation Day

Submitted by drmoe on Thu, 06/28/2012 - 11:17

The Brotherhood of Light


World Liberation Day

(Received and Edited by Dr Moe)



The Light has finally shone down on us this day,

this day we shall call Liberation!


The Light has lifted Itself up to praise and honor those Lightworkers below, standing guard on Mother Earth.


Be at Peace!  Be at Peace!  Be at Peace!


The Light says "trust your heart now, for that is the only way to Heaven from this day forward."


How to Occupy Facebook, Easy Sneezy.

Submitted by Doreen Smith on Fri, 06/22/2012 - 16:05

This is in response to "Arrest of the Cabal 6-21-2012"


Juliamay11 made this video of "How to Occupy Facebook, Easy Sneezy". She is the Divine sister Drake asked everyone to listen to with the message to the Cabal... Juliamay11 tells us how to Occupy Facebook for a start to help all who use Facebook put a stop to these dark forces. There are instructions in the comments how to do this for the good of ALL..


We need to know what we need to do to get WARRANTS out as well on all who have commited crimes against humanity!!


Let's not stop at the Warrants for their detainment...We can also boycott these companies and refuse to use any of their services or products...Hit them in THEIR pockets!! Don't forget to send out Light and Love to them so they will surrender and at last, truly be connected to Source and finally be ONE with Divine Love and Light..


The Trilateral Commission
The Committee Of 300
The Club Of Roma
Skull & Bones
The Organization Of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
The Bank Of International Settlements
The Bank Of International Securities
The World Bank
The International Monetary Fund
The United Nations
N.M. Rothschilds & Sons, Ltd. UK
J.P. Morgan Chase
Royal Dutch Shell
British Petrolem
Brown Brothers Haraminn
KBR (Kellogg-Brown-Root)
The Carlysle Group
Bush Exporation
The Saudi/bin-Ladin Group
The Priory Of Zion
The Vatican (The Holy See)
The Council Of Thirteen
The Rothschilds Family
The Rockerfeller Family
The Astor Family
The Li Family
The Bundy Famly
The Kennedy Family
The Onasis Family
The Disney Family
The Collins Family
The DuPont Family
The Van Duyn Family
The Reynolds Family


Dow Chemical


Push the mass arrests to happen

Submitted by gwendolynsutherland on Tue, 06/19/2012 - 12:22



if you're like me and so eager to get this show on the road all ready, you'll do anything possible to push it along. i take part in most of the global meditations and conduct  energetic clearing on myself regularly.


because we are the ones with the bodies, we have the most power. and combining focused thought and prayer with the physical actions is where its at. that's the sweet spot. and in light of this, instead of waiting for these alledged mass arrests to happen, i took drake's advice and made some calls and sent some emails. as he said, the squeeky wheel gets the oil. if enough of us call, maybe someone in some sort of position of authority will finally be swayed to take action. either way, the intention ripples that this action will send out cannot hurt matters.


you might want to remain anonymous if you do this and make up names and phone numbers and emails to protect yourself from harm.


below are the three places drake suggested contacting and the script i used.


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