
Dolphins and Whales Bring Pod Consciousness to Earth

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Sat, 05/17/2014 - 12:58
In each of the last few days, I have shared about the ascension codes arriving on Wesak. I learned of this via a shared mulitidimensional meditation experience with a friend. Our combined information is shared here, for those in resonance. 

More was shared on that day, as to what other consciousnesses want to interact with us and uplift us. This shall further explain what codes they bring in and why. Wesak was the Full Moon on the 14th, and was a day dedicated to the Buddha. It is when the spiritual hierarchy floods us with celestial light for our upliftment. As part of that, we humans were honored to be energetically supported by two groups that I mention today (among more),  which are the Fairy collective and also the Cetacean collective which are the whales and dolphins. 

The Fairies

Maya, Goddess of Illusion

Submitted by wisdomteacherbev on Sat, 05/10/2014 - 07:57

In Vedic philosophy, Maya is the Goddess of Illusion. Maya means the illusion from a limited consciousness, or the absence of Wisdom. One who knows life only through the physical and mental aspects, and has become enmeshed in the illusion…the covering of the true Self.

Maya is not real, since it disappears on the dawn of Wisdom. Maya is the veil that each person must remove before she or he can see behind it ro the Creator of All Life.

Ponder: Maya originally meant wisdom in the earlier languages of many cultures, but its meaning has transformed over the years to mean "illusion."

Live Your Wisdom, You’ve Got It, Too™!

Wisdom Incarnates All

Submitted by wisdomteacherbev on Sun, 05/04/2014 - 08:08

We each have been incarnated by Wisdom, God-dess. She infuses All Life, and lives as each and every life form: humans, animals, plants, water, earth, planets, etc. It is Her Heart that supplies the energy to All Creation. It is Her Breath that fills our lungs with sweet air and breathes us. It is Her Awareness and Creativity that pulsates through our cells and Her Dream that we live in. If we look to Nature and equally honor all It encompasses - be it the peaceful or wild and wonderful expressions of Her Being - we will have a greater respect for the rest of our family...all creation.

When we erroneously remove Wisdom/Sophia from Nature, we can easily abuse and say we have domination over It.

Live Your Wisdom, You’ve Got It, Too™!

5th Dimension 101

Submitted by Mario on Fri, 05/02/2014 - 23:06

Well I experienced the 5th dimension and above (I'll explain below) a couple of times now and since I go in and out within this dimension at different events in the years I can see how I'm not ready yet to be there all the time. It's hard when your not following in the good feed and sometimes it is hard to find it and get on it. Clearings and such is important to get all the necessary experience to be able to manage when where up in the fifth dimension since others around may not be at the same construct or vibrational patterning from where you have grown to, they can cause casualty's in the space that you hold or are at and it takes a lot of practice to be able to stay in the higher constructs when things don't always go right and bring about challenges. A difference between a 5th dimensional user will see more options accordingly to what is to be solved... take in note your awareness will be greater than the average persons, it will be more lighter=more senses=open than dense=closed=brick wall. While the lower density or ego (Which have levels to how your ego is formed and operates the lower denser levels are the ones we have the most problems with while the lighter ones are the ones ascending or learning to go in process) so the denser ego may as well defend for his own security of whom he is and what he has... beliefs.... Beliefs which are the most dangerous things to mankind and evolution in my book. That's why I always say they can be constructive or de-constructive I'll give you an example; "what I know is not a belief, it is what I know and It is truth," now another being can read/hear/watch what I have written and he can form a belief around that thus he creates a belief, that example of the belief, he would say; (he doesn't know what he's talking about he's confused.) That's an example of a De-constructive belief (there are no limits to what beliefs you can create...

The Dark Mother and Her Power of Transformation

Submitted by wisdomteacherbev on Fri, 05/02/2014 - 16:53

Each person must eventually come face to Face with the Dark Mother. She is the fierce devouring energy that unravels us so we can heal and become whole once again. She is the complementary balance to Light – the pure rich darkness from which we are nurtured and birthed.

When organized religion took away the The Dark Mother, they took away our connection to Nature, the cycles of seasons and the moon, death and rebirth…. When this happened, we no longer knew how to deal with aging, death, change, or transformation. People became confused about how life worked.

The patriarchy demonized and distorted the Black Mother because of her power of transformation – transformation through darkness. The patriarchal God is solely of Light – the only "darkness" you see is when he loses his temper and throws lightning bolts of condemnation and judgement – you know, the ominous wrath of God stuff (very similar to the Greek God Zeus). The Black Mother's nurturing was removed when the patriarchal version of God was promoted. Church Fathers maligned Darkness and contorted Her gift of transformation to suit "The Devil," thereby creating a sanitized God.

A Few Words on Remember Past Lives

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Sat, 04/26/2014 - 17:14

Past life memories can come in in vague rememberance, or maybe a feeling that you love a certain time and place, or were a Lemurian. Something attracts you to a past self which some say is not really past as time does not exist.

Parallel simultaneous realities could be the same as a past life, if you take this idea of no time further. It is my understanding and belief that we hold the information, the memories and knowing from past existences or parallel existences of ourselves within the DNA. As DNA activates and as we go through an awakening process, we come to remember who we are and were. Being around others from these times and places, mostly our soul family, ignites our understanding and memory. It can also be being around objects like crystals that relate to that time. I could be visiting geographical place, walking our etheric footsteps in which we come to recall these times. It may not be until years later that we understand. I sense visiting the old city with the tomb of Christ plus the Qumran in Palestine where an Essene community was along with the Dead Sea Scrolls had this effect on me. I recalled my Essene lifetime a few years later even though at the time, I had no idea what this trip to Israel was about. Sacred sites raise your vibration and I know a person who says she experienced her spiritual evolution through this way. If it triggers some memories via energetic download, all the better.

We are Dream Weavers of the New Earth

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Wed, 03/19/2014 - 19:58

The Lyran Women who are dream weavers inspire me, and I heard about them in Judy Satori's book Sunshine Before the Dawn. It is a beautiful metaphor for manifestation and creation. The dream weavers of Lyra weave “the Strands of Dreamtime’, because whatever they dreamed of and envisioned together at this time, could then be created. The important thing was to design the correct vision and have both the energy capacity and degree of focus to hold fast to this intention. The Lyran women were able to very precisely, connect to the energy that was of the mind of God, or universal consciousness. They could create the correct mental images that would then synchronize an image or intention into manifested creation in the world of form.(quoted from Sunshine Before the Dawn)

A Hugh Love Wave For The Water Of Our World

Submitted by Essence Ka tha'ras on Sat, 03/01/2014 - 14:47
Greetings Everyone,
As some of you may already know, a Dear Friend of mine, Keya Rainbow Heart, started an Event on FB entitled… A Huge Love Wave For The Water Of Our World, and invited me to Co-host it with her.
It has been an AMAZING experience, and I can only thank her for asking me to be of assistance in this most Sacred of Work. I shared an invitation with the members of that Event Page, and even though I know many of you have already joined in the work we are doing there I would like to extend this invitation to everyone here on Shambahalla – New Earth who may not know about it yet.
Following is the invitation. If it resonates with you, please join us for this most Sacred Work. 
Greetings Magickal Water Weavers, What an Amazing and truly Magickal Wave of Love has been created here within this cyber-family! I truly feel blessed to be a part of what has, and is happening here. 
I want to share something I have personally decided to do as a part of the work we are doing here, and invite each of you to do it in a way that resonates and works for you individually if you so feel called to do so.


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