
Ashtar Announces *Eagle Meditation* + *Importance of Empathic Skills* ---> Flying to Higher Dimensions With Love

Submitted by JTariah on Fri, 09/07/2012 - 20:09

Ashtar Announces *Eagle Meditation* + *Importance of Empathic Skills* ---> Flying to Higher Dimensions With Love, Activating Your Light Body, Letting Go of Others' Emotions, Retaining Self Godhood <---


Project: Eagle Triad (Ashtar's Trinity)
** Channeled, Current, Cosmic, Charging the Grids! **
(Scroll down below the Meditation and Channeling for information about what we do, and the grids we work with!)

More information about Ashtar's Trinity:

Email Janisel at to get started!

The Eagle Meditation

by Ashtar
Channeled Through Aryaan of Sananda's Eagles


Submitted by JTariah on Tue, 09/04/2012 - 11:05


Channeled instructions are below -- please join our global trinity meditation with your powerful intentions! Your ***LIGHT*** matters, and every lamp lit changes reality for all of us, as ONE!


swimming in the waves of love. wait, WHOA! (scary!)

Submitted by LightBiscuit86 on Tue, 08/21/2012 - 06:37

So i know this is long overdue, and i offer my apoligies (however you spell that word) as its been bothering me everyday that i keep telling myself im gunna write this blog, but even on the most boring days, i cant find the time to write it out. i guess maybe i wasnt floating in the right groove to explain it properly until this morning. who knows. that being said, lets get this scary shit going here =p 

Meditation and Visualization experiences

Submitted by yourgypsysoul on Thu, 08/16/2012 - 08:58

I was feeling weird yesterday so I took the afternoon off work. After running some errands I came home. It was unbearable for me to sit inside so I sat out on our swing on the back porch and listened to the rain come down on our metal awning. It was incredibly peaceful.

There were some awesome cloud formations. The first one I saw was a low, dark, misty sort of cloud. I literally thought it was the Dark Mark at first. I watched it for a little while. Then Josh came out and I talked to him for a few moments. I looked back and it was all but gone. Only a few wisps remained.

A little while later another cloud caught my eye to the west. I can't even explain what it looked like. A light cloud in front of a darker cloud. And then all of a sudden it looked like a dolphin shaped cloud came out from behind the light cloud. It was really surreal. I'm fairly certain I was watching with my jaw dropped. The "tail" of the cloud even seemed to be kicking like a dolphin would!

I came inside a little after that as it had stopped raining. And also, I was hungry. It started raining a little while later after that and the sun was out! There was a gorgeous rainbow. It was a perfect ending to the day.

me under a rainbow

I also meditated outside in the rain for the first time ever. First time ever meditating outside. I guess it was just a bonus that it was raining. So peaceful. I started out with a greeting to any other beings who might be listening. I started out with a few mantras -- whatever came to me at the time, but I finally settled on the following:

I am pure energy. Pure being. Pure light. Pure love.

Transmuting the Mass Consciousness: A Meditation for Mother Earth Now: Change Reality with Your Heart: Assist in Mother Earth's

Submitted by JTariah on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 19:07

Transmuting the Mass Consciousness: A Meditation for Mother Earth Now: Change Reality with Your Heart: Assist in Mother Earth's Ascension NOW

Transmuting the Mass Consciousness
into L O V E 
by Sanat Kumara
Channeled through Rev. Janisel

Does your Intuition feel good or bad?

Submitted by sarah shepherd on Sun, 07/29/2012 - 09:43

I felt the need to post this as I feel that we all want to connect more with our guides and angels at present.  So to start with, I wanted to share with you a youtube video called a Guided Meditation Meeting Your Spirit Guide.  Here is the link: I found this meditation to be really useful and I still use it now. 

I know that a number of people would like to communicate with their guides as they see psychics do, however there are a number of ways to hear your guides, not just by being clairvoyant (vision).  There are the other 'clairs' which are; Clairaudience (hearing/listening), Clairsentience (feeling/touching), Clairalience (smelling), Claircognizance (knowing) and Claigustance (tasting). 

The best way overall, in my view, is just connecting with yourself and listening or feeling what your intuition is telling you.  Practice how things make you feel.  Even though I am clairaudient and clairsentient, so I hear and feel my guides clearly, I always check in with how I feel about something.  Does it feel good or bad?  For example, say you are offered two jobs and both look the same on paper, how do you choose?  See how they make you feel!  One should make you feel better than the other and that is your intuition letting you know which is the better choice.  I normally feel 'the feeling' in my stomach, but everyone's different and you need to find ways of feeling and listening to your own intuition.

The time is now

Submitted by SophiaLove on Thu, 07/26/2012 - 08:20


These 2012 Olympic Games are ripe with speculation and prediction, headlines and focus.  As a single statement, the voice of humanity, what is it that we are saying?


Our expectation, belief and intent are creative.  For the next 2 weeks, most decidedly during the opening and closing ceremonies, our collective power is amplified.  Many of us, significantly more than usual, will be focused on London. 


If you’ve seen “What the Bleep” or done any reading on random generators, you know that they are altered (become not so random) when our focus is unified.  They were altered during other world changing events and they’ll be altered on Friday.  The power of our intent will be magnified.  It will be as if we have a microphone.  Our collective voice has a bigger effect at these times.


The research on group meditation tells us that intent matters.  In study after study, violent crime was significantly decreased via the concentrated efforts of people in focused meditation to do exactly that. 


Another shade of green ~ July 4th Global Healing Meditation

Submitted by SophiaLove on Mon, 07/02/2012 - 09:58





It is a time to focus on green, the color of healing.  Let’s hold a global meditation on July 4th, 2012 for healing our planet.  Like open wounds we are now amidst a surface world torn wide open with misplaced power.  It will not take much effort to find an announcement to either validate or expose or justify or deny these events.  It will be like watching a series of train wrecks.  We must remain ever in control.  Our emotions are the key to how our life is created.  In every way possible, give yourself the gift of quiet today and these next few days.  It is vital to what we create from this point on.


You are beings of love.  Immeasurable sources of light.  This is your moment.  Surround yourself in affirmation, fill yourself with love.  Nothing on the news is more important.  It is happening.  All that you can do now is bring a sense of love to these times. 


This is what you came for.  Find the music, the place, the position, and the words that bring you to balance.  Go there as often as possible.


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