
Brain Hack(s)

Submitted by Mario on Mon, 01/23/2017 - 18:59

Brain Hack(s)

A Channeling by Mario Arseneault

Hello whom ever this may be for, I am Amira, and wish to let you know today, from you READING these words today, that I have died Recently and Passed Away on the Other Side of the Veil… Mario, my “Transcriptor” will allow me (Through Him) to wright these words for YOU! The Reader. This is Called a Channeled Message.
Brain Hacks, This is how we will Show you, me and Mario, how “Brain Hacks” Work.

First Off, If you can’t Understand the BASIC CONCEPT which will be written in Here, then allow yourself to ask questions within, and receive the Answers by Visions… Things in which we will send on out TO YOU for you to UNDERSTAND that we are all Inter-Connected Beings THROUGHOUT ALL of the GALAXY and BEYOND. E.S.P Known as Telepathy is the Knowledge of Beings Inter-Connecting Multiple Vibrational Frequencies (Through Thoughts) and ALIGNING THEIR INTENTION* Towards the GENERALIZED FOCAL POINT… The POINT AT WHICH WE ARE IN FOCUS, EITHER WITHIN OURSELVES AS VISIONS OR THOUGHTS, and as OTHER MEANS (OUTSIDE FOCUSE) Meaning what you Hear, or are Looking at “Particularly” an Experience of your Surrounding.

How we work, is simple in terms of how you will NOW BEGIN TO UNDERSTAND that, THAT WHICH IS OF OUR DOING FROM THE OTHER SIDE (TO YOU) Can be EXPRESSED through Knowledge LEARN’T from within this Writing.

The Singular Conceptional Point in Time, where you are Reading These Words, Or… Re-Reading THESE WORDS, SERVES a particular PURPOSE. To Understand how we can HACK our (Your) Brains is Simple. We can Hear Every THOUGHT YOU HAVE FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE VEIL… We Watch and UNDERSTAND THAT BY “KNOWING THIS*” you can FINALLY come to THE VERY BASICS of FRACTALIZATION.

Are you of ELOHIM?

Submitted by Tinahyah on Thu, 01/22/2015 - 17:00

If you have soul background as Elohim, please post your note to me here, indicating such.
I have been given a project, for Elohim to participate in, which was initiated on Jan. 5, 6, & 7.
I will need an email address to send to you a protocol that was used on Jan. 5,6,7 ... a first wave of LEGIONS OF LIGHT summoned. A 2nd wave of LEGIONS OF LIGHT will be summoned in June. It is my hope that the 2nd wave will be more massive than the first wave. By indicating your interest and giving me your email I hope to have many many more LEGIONS OF LIGHT summoned. A 3rd wave of LEGIONS OF LIGHT will take place in October, 2015.

Q: How many total LEGIONS OF LIGHT were summoned, the 1st wave, on Jan. 5,6,7 ? 12.03 millions.
That is a good number summoned, but I'd really love to quadruple that number for the next wave in June.

As an example, when I counted up those being summoned in my summoning, there were 9 portals, over 3 days. The highest summoned at one of the portals on 1 of the days was: 70k; the lowest was 30k summoned to a portal. On the average, each day I summoned .5 million. Those who I knew were of ELOHIM were encouraged to do the work as I outlined to them, thus creating a larger total group! Great!

If you were wondering who brought in this information and outline as to what to do, it was Metatron.

I am very very interested in organizing this work by the ELOHIM, so if you know who you are and want to join in on a group activity ... communicate with me.

ByTheWay, It is not too late to get in on the summoning on Jan. 5,6 & 7. I'll tell you how to step back in time and add your energy to this 1st wave.

Peace Unto You,

~ AA Metatron – Magic Substance – YOUR link to HEALTH and DIVINITY ~

Submitted by annamerkaba on Tue, 07/02/2013 - 18:39

There is a magic substance that is abundant on your planet, a substance that is a living physical manifestation of the VIOLET FLAME, a substance so strong that it can take care and heal and cure many dis-eases, many stresses, aid in a variety of ailments, and most importantly allow you to keep the connection to your true selves and to the divine.

Dear Children of Light today we would like to address the issue of your environment and how it affects you yet again. Please understand that no matter what is occurring outside of you, YOU ARE ALWAYS IN CONTROL OF YOUR REALITY. Understand that all is frequency, all is vibration, and you are the ones that are creating the obstacles in your lives in order to learn from them. However it is indeed true, that your vehicles are affected by the environment that you find yourselves in, IF you allow yourself to be influenced by your environment, instead of having an influence on your environment.

Nevertheless, many of your vehicles are indeed of a tune up for there are many forces that are working against your biological machines which you call your bodies. And so…

Lord metatron's "Light My Fire" Activations,with Anita Bist

Submitted by janetairelle on Sun, 11/18/2012 - 08:12
Archangel Metatron wants lightworkers everywhere to step into the magnificence of their being. Many times lightwokers feel called to serve others but neglect their own God Self by putting themselves last. You were meant to have Divine Abundance for are you not Mother/Father God expressing themselves through you? So claim your Divine Power! Blast through being stuck, feeling unloved and lacking in resources or direction. Lord Metatron's "Light My Fire" Activations specially designed for lightworkers will connect you to your Infinite Source of Wisdom and deep hidden talents creating miracles in your life. For more information, please visit


Submitted by janetairelle on Sat, 10/27/2012 - 15:40
Archangel Metatron wants lightworkers everywhere to step into the magnificence of their being. Many times lightwokers feel called to serve others but neglect their own God Self by putting themselves last. You were meant to have Divine Abundance for are you not Mother/Father God expressing themselves through you? So claim your Divine Power! Blast through being stuck, feeling unloved and lacking in resources or direction. Lord Metatron's "Light My Fire" Activations specially designed for lightworkers will connect you to your Infinite Source of Wisdom and deep hidden talents creating miracles in your life. For more information, please visit

New crop circle inspires shock and awe: Who or what is making them and why is the media ignoring this incredible phenomena?

Submitted by Madame Butterfly on Mon, 08/27/2012 - 08:39


The 2012 crop circle season has been no less than mind boggling, with 26 new crop circles appearing in July alone. Now, as the last of the crops are soon to be harvested, crop circle enthusiasts scour the horizon and the landscape in the hopes for one or two more.

This Sunday they were not disappointed. The stunning and intricate crop circle that was spotted on the morning of Sunday, August 26th on Hackpen Hill, Wiltshire, exceeded the wildest dreams of all. So exquisite is the intricate weaving and so precisely drawn the detail of this newest circle that it has caused people to question whether or not the images were photoshopped.

First hand accounts from those on the ground and in the air today over this breathtaking circle have attested to the fact that it does appear to be genuine.

This circle is striking in it's amazingly intricate 'weaving' method that has been found in several earlier crops, which appear to be a new technique that the 'artists' are introducing.

Some crops do resemble others in their style and form, and individual personalities are coming through in several of these mysterious masterpieces.

METATRON ~ Twin Flames

Submitted by Madelaine on Thu, 01/20/2011 - 04:58


Twin Flames Metatron, Greetings!

Please explain to us the difference between Twin Rays and Twin Flames? Twin Rays exist an octave above Twin Flames. Twin Flames are capable of individualized incarnate embodiment. Twin Rays exist an octave above as pure light. There is confusion between the two, because they are each an aspect of the other. At the Moment you are created, it appears as a water droplet of pure light which divides immediately into two cells, one male and one female, and otherwise exactly the same in every way. These are Divine Compliments of each other in perfect balance. The first expression of this Divine Creation is a Twin Ray of Light. From the Twin Ray of Light then is born an expression in form. This expression in form of the Twin Ray becomes the Twin Flame. These are the individual forms which have expression in the physical. The Twin Rays express themselves in the Dimensions above the 352nd Dimension.

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