Message from the Ashtar Command 8/15/12 ‘All Remains Possible for You’
Hold on to your dreams and to the desires and the visions that you have had for your new lives and your new world, for they are just as possible as they have always been. They have gone nowhere. All and everything that has been discussed with you is still possible for you, you just have to make it happen, that is all. There is no reason to give up now. There is no call to see gloom on your horizon, for nothing has changed. Why are there those of you who believe anything at all has changed about your prospects, your outlook, your timelines, anything? We would like to know this today. We would like for those of you who believe that something has changed for you, that suddenly something is not possible for you, to share with us and explain to us what that is and why you feel some kind of rules have changed or that some kind of promise has been broken or that you can no longer have something that you thought you could.