planetary ascension

Energy Update ~ We are here to serve Gaia as Co-Creators!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Thu, 09/07/2017 - 09:56


Image sourced from Pixabay

I wasn’t sure whether to write this blog or not…but then one of my readers sent me such a beautiful email earlier today that helped me to regain my confidence, and my balance. Thank you Lumanthra!

Things are hotting up! To put it mildly… So hang onto your breeches!

It seems the message I received from Michael not so long ago is coming to pass. The energy is churning us all right! Churning and indeed turning us inside out, and in so doing, bringing the best of us right out into the open, out into the Light. It is helping us to release all that we have mis-created which has been acting as the Veil of Illusion separating Heaven and Earth.

It may help perhaps to change our perspective just a little by thinking of this mis-created energy as also longing to return to the Light from whence it came, which it is! This energy is our energy and that means it is Source energy which has been mis-created by us, and just like us, it is longing, yearning even, to be returned to Source, into the arms of Divine Love, just like we are. It doesn’t even matter anymore which of us created it. We are One! We are a Collective Consciousness and there is no more separation in this new energy. We are here to serve Gaia, and to clear the air [ether] of all that we have mis-created as the Human Collective upon this Great Earth.

You have chosen to be a part of the ascension of Planet Earth

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 03/19/2017 - 07:53

You have chosen to be a part of planetary ascension and this is essentially why you are here now. You may be feeling as though you are no longer a part of this world but know that you cannot completely take yourself out of this world because you being called to work with people who are still living in this world and in the illusion of the old paradigm.

You are learning how to adapt yourself to both worlds. And you will develop the level of unconditional love and compassion needed to do the work you have come here to do.

There are still many who do not understand who they are. These people have been called “the lost ones”, although in truth no one is ever lost. These people do not understand why their world is the way it is. They cannot accept their role as creators. They look outside of themselves for someone or something to blame, and they continue to believe that this has caused their reality to be what it is. Your work is to be among these people and to touch them with your light and with your love. This is all that is needed.You will do this by expressing the light and love within you. You will express your God Self by being the light, the vestibule, the channel (vessel/cup), the one who expresses unconditional love and compassion, understanding, kindness etc., whether that be with a smile, or by doing the grocery shopping for someone who is ill, or by washing the feet of an elderly person who can no longer do it for themselves, or by simply listening to their woes and being there for them in their hour of need. The world is filled with people in need of unconditional love and there is a multitude of different ways and possibilities open to you each day to make a difference in someone’s world, to light the spark or ignite the flame of Divine Love within.

July 14, 2013 - New Awakening Arch Angel Michael and Thoth

Submitted by Dr.Madalynk on Sat, 07/13/2013 - 15:47


I’m Archangel Michael

The winds will be blowing in different directions now.  So be wary, be alert, make sure you keep your protection around you at all times, call to me, keep Ba close at hand; he can stay right there in your back pocket for whenever you need him because the winds are change.  It is going to get very stormy before it gets clear.  But we are prepared and most of you are prepared too.  

This 33 day period that we spoke about much earlier on has seem to come to the end.  When it ends, it is just the beginning of something else new starting again.  For the first major 33 days is when most of humanity, this vehicle and other close connections to this vehicle, noticed different changes, vibrationally, emotionally, physically, throughout the planet, spiritually, all these changes were part of the beginning of this 33 day period.   

When the 33 days are over on July 13, starting July 14 is like a new awakening.   This is when everyone can breathe in the air of the Masters.  It’s a shared airspace, you see, the exhale and inhale and from the 14th of July it’s a shared in-breath of incoming manna from the Masters, from the Divine God Source.  The energy that is made up of that breath of that manna from the Great Central Sun and the God Source there would have made a lot of its changes already and will be coming through the human form as the humans inhale it.  It is part of the development, part of the growth, part of the Divine-ness awakening.  

Source Speaks About Ascension -- Channeled through Janisel of Sananda's Eagles

Submitted by JTariah on Wed, 03/28/2012 - 22:27
Lightworkers, Starseeds, Galactics, Star-Wanderers, Jedi's, Hybrids, Earth Angels, Old Souls, Crystals, Indigos, Rainbows, and ALL!

To help ASCEND THE PLANET, join Project Eagle Triad -- aka Ashtar's Trinity -- please email janisel (at)

                                 === +++ === +++ === ~~~ === +++ ===
                            ... ... A Message from SOURCE for All ... ...

Channeled Through Janisel

Your personal ascension is your own internal process. What is going on in your world right now is in illusion, remember? Forget everything and everyone in this illusion. Concentrate only on your own Heart Center and coming Home to me. That is all that is truly important now. Stay in touch with Me. I will guide you all the way, and I will not let you face more than you can endure. My love is always with you, and that is all you really need to sustain you.

Let the past fall behind. It's over. Move on into communion with me. Stay in the NOW and know that in that NOW moment you are Home.

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