
Becoming Whole – A message from Amira, By Mario Arseneault

Submitted by Mario on Tue, 01/24/2017 - 14:35

Welcome Lovely Beings, in this Message We are Going to Let you Understand, what we are doing in these day’s for Humans around the World whom Connects into the Higher Vibratory States of Being. You see “The Veil” is Thinning, the Connections we make Within Ourselves, which composes Messages as these, can become Known as and Energetic Assembly Line, Composed from the Frequent Thoughts we have as Desires… And Through/With Intention, of a Higher Ordered Frequency of Thought, we can Dissimulate Prospects of Folks whom have a ratter “Harder Time” in their Lives by “Choosing” Either Consciously or Not, THEIR POWER, to KNOW and UNDERSTAND that Thoughts are Emitted around you and In the Universe, (The Universe Corresponds) by Bringing you INTO ALIGNEMENTS with your General Thoughts which are Ongoing within you.


Submitted by Angel News Network on Sat, 09/12/2015 - 06:17


By Phillip Elton Collins


To commit to a PERSONAL PROCESS 

Of an in-depth examine of self

To know how self relations 

Effects all relations and nations.


Inspired by Archangels Gabriel & Michael and Ascended Master Saint Germain 

“Know thy self” and “To thy own self be true” may be some of the wisest words ever thought, felt and spoken.

Many teachings from the higher realms are reminding us that the greatest need within humanity is to have the awareness and loving support of a SENSE OF SELF. This will allow the individual to know they are an aspect of the universal whole. In effect, the Self and Universe belong to each other, as One. We have been asleep a long time. It’s all about becoming conscious. Time to wake up...

As students of truth, there is nothing more important than understanding and accepting Oneness. All of our separations and duality and confrontation have been a result of absorbing “me” into the “we”. It is time for our belief systems within our religions, corporations, and governments to support We Consciousness coming forward. And no longer bringing the unhealed me into the conscious, we. Or we will not be happy with the consequences.

The Pause: how to convince the mind that it is safe to be in peace?

Submitted by Loved One on Fri, 11/14/2014 - 01:07

The Pause- Safety at Peace. (c) Gil DekelThe universe opens up a Pause when we struggle, allowing us to enter the peace that is ‎everywhere and everything. There is an initial sensation of vacuum feeling, so to speak, in ‎which the music of the universe starts to play. But to hear that music and to feel its love, we ‎need to be in the Pause. We need to pause our mind from its non-stop chattering and ‎worrying, and we need to move into simply Being – Be Present, Be Feeling, Be Aware of who ‎we are.‎ Read More...

The Pause- Safety at Peace. (c) Gil Dekel

Creative Writing: Part I -The Reign of Power

Submitted by onica on Mon, 09/02/2013 - 12:23

The following is an early version of my first co-creative writing venture:

Once upon a time and for many lifetimes thereafter, it was in my best interest to suppress my gifts.

For in the past, showing even the first inkling of lightbearing abilities immediately invoked persecution, ridicule, and torture. Fear, along with his cousins Hate and Depravity were the dark minions of an evil reign. Power was King. Talents and knowledge that once lived in each heart of our beloved Kingdom of Light, were stigmatized and maligned as dangerous, impure, and evil.

Organized Religion was created to be used as a tool of Power. It was used to manipulate and control the masses. A hierarchy was created made up of those closest to power. These termed elders became puppets of Power. They buried ancient knowledge and changed history. The Church began to serve as a throne for Power and Fear became the preacher. The strength of Power would not be denied and his thirst for the blood of his once equal brethren only grew.

To survive, many people relinquished their gifts to Power and accepted the meager roles Power offered. Some fully embraced Fear and Depravity and helped to "convert" and "conquer" others so they too would become subjects of Power. This was done so they might earn the favor of Power...

The Kingdom of Power grew exponentially. Fear proved to be a mighty ally, however Power is never satiated. Those not persuaded by Fear, met with Depravity.

Death ceased its role as a harbinger of Peace and Transition and became a harbinger of Hellfire and Eternal Damnation. The mere rumor of dissent could have dire consequences.

Accused were brutally and publicly executed. Some were burned alive, some crucified, the lucky beheaded. Corpses of the enemies of Power were desecrated and mutilated. Some were skinned alive, others tarred and feathered.


Submitted by SophiaLove on Tue, 08/07/2012 - 12:02

That old fisherman just headed down to the lake again, pole and bucket in hand.  It’s so quiet here.  I can hear the hollow sound from his bucket when he first sets it down on the ground.  I like that.  There’s a comfort in the ordinary. I grew up far from this tiny lake, surrounded by water.  Fish and clams and minnows and fisherman were my everyday.  This familiar scene runs very deep and soothes me somehow.


Little else does right now.  I feel as if I am at a masquerade ball.  We are dressing up in costume for business as usual, while beneath these masks it is anything but.  We are unrecognizable.  Nothing is at it seems.


A hawk circling high overhead, just swooped down low,  a few feet in front of my eyes – as if on command.  An omen.  We are entering powerful times. Every cell of my body feels it.  I couldn’t sleep last night.  My “Mom” mask may be buying school supplies, but my light worker self can barely contain her excitement.  It’s pretty wild to be contemplating the price of notebooks while simultaneously saving the world.


We are super heroes in disguise – We look like regular people, yet beneath these calm exteriors lie powerful forces.  Don’t you feel like that?


It’s like every fantasy rolled into one.  There’s good guys fighting corruption, space ships, natural disasters, help from the heavens and everlasting love.  It’s all here and yet, while it goes on, we pay our bills, mow our lawns and talk about the weather.


We have families to raise, money to earn and a planet to save.  Not just anyone could do this you know.  It takes one powerful being to pull off such a stunt.  Our masks are so well constructed the vast majority of the population will never even know they exist.  We are that good.


One Light Force

Submitted by SophiaLove on Thu, 08/02/2012 - 10:13

For it is love, self love, that brings you to an “ascended” state.  It is agape that is key, the pivotal action; necessary in these times of upheaval.


Remain steadfast in your love.  There are no greater or lesser beings than you – you are One.  A mass of love, all rolled into One – humanity. We have not known this truth.  We’ve been admonished via our religious texts to love as an action, as something we must do.  Yet their missing ingredient is a definition of where this action called “love” is sourced.


It comes from you.  You are the wellspring of agape.  The supply of love in this world does not come from outside you – it springs from your soul.


You are love; not a body with a soul, but a soul with a body.  The soul/heart/generator of life is love.  This is truth. This is you.


We are drifting in a sea of dates, predictions, wishes and fears – conditions.  The truth is without condition and exists without requirement.


Stand in your power and love.  This is who and what you actually are.  What you can do right now is utilize your power of visualization to get you through this swirl of conflicting reports and information.  When overwhelmed or confused or anxious, recognize that now your love is needed.  It is needed more than ever.


For love is truth.  See yourself lock arms with every other being, our feet firmly planted on a groundswell of agape; the force of our light emanating out, altering our world.  This vibration of love attracts every light being and repels all that are not. We are a force that broadcasts “The dark shall not pass”.


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