Rosangel Perez

Join us for 29 Days of Expressing Your Inner Child starting November 1st, 2013

Submitted by Rosangel on Wed, 10/30/2013 - 08:42

Join us on Facebook's " The Gratitude Movement" Page for 29 Days of expressing your inner child.

For 29 days we challenge you to be spontaneous... to celebrate your divine inner child by doing things a lil out of the ordinary...

Tap into your inner 5 year old... Make it super fun...

Here are some ideas to help you on your journey!

1) Make a funny drawing of yourself.
2) Scream like a dinosaur in the middle of the street
3) Start laughing uncontrollably just because
4) Start your day with some fun silly movement
5) Share the lions roar
6) Share a video of yourself singing your favorite song.
7) Share the advice your inner child has for the world.
Run as fast as you can
9) be creative
10) Take a "fun break" every 50 mins of work
11) Share funny pics
12) Smile at everyone who passes you...

you get the idea..

Get a "Express Your Inner Child" Journal to record this precious month and lets celebrate the month of November in Thanksgiving and with gratitude for our inner child.

Join us on Facebook's " The Gratitude Movement" Page for 29 Days of expressing your inner child.

Thank you for allowing me to share...


RA lil wolf Perez "La Shamanessa"

Host & Creator of Radio Show Cafecito Break

Founder ~ The Gratitude Movement

Sister Partner ~

They Say That One Person Can Make a Difference... by Rosangel Perez

Submitted by Rosangel on Wed, 07/17/2013 - 18:53

They say that one person can make a difference and everyone should try. So here it goes...

My intention is to share the natural healing gifts of laughter, dancing, and connection with communities who want to take classes with me, but simply can not afford it.

My reason is simple...
In this chaotic, fast moving, stressed out world, many people have forgotten how good it feels to share a hearty laugh with someone, how amazing it feels to dance uninhibitedly, and how freeing it is to be in a space where you can share a "primal" scream as loud as you can and not have to worry about what others think.

It is a healthy way to release pent up energy and stress in a safe setting...

Which is why I am asking you to contribute and help me bring more laughter and joy to communities that really need it. In the past three years, I have shared my classes with hundreds of people and I want to reach even more.

What are the benefits? I often hear that people feel less stress and tension... Headaches and body aches gone or reduced... Most people feel relaxed, lighter, and happier.

The irony of life is that most of the people that need and want this the most, are the people that can not afford it...

Did you know that on average children laugh about 200 times a day, while adults laugh about 12 times a day? Let’s change that!

I believe in the power of community. I believe in you.

29 Days of Gratitude: Appreciating Men, Appreciating The Masculine ~ Starting July 1st, 2013

Submitted by Rosangel on Fri, 06/21/2013 - 21:10

The Gratitude Movement is dedicating the month of July to our beautiful brothers.

We realize that so often, it is the men we leave out or celebrate the least. We also realize that often we have not allowed our brothers a safe space where they can be themselves freely, where they can cry, allow their soft side to express, or simply sit in stillness.

Too often we find ourselves sending low vibrations for those brothers who have taken actions that have hurt us, our earth, women, children, other brothers, and beings. Our special focus and intention is to send love and light to all men all over the world, especially those brothers who are lost or are in places of so much darkness.

Our intention is to love, honor, appreciate men and everything masculine... So please share your gratitude and appreciation here.

Darkness can not drive out darkness. Hate can not drive out hate, but love and gratitude can outshine anything.

Let's lead the way in this mastermind of love and appreciation.

May our brothers feel our love and know that they are appreciated. May our brothers feel our intentions and know we energetically hold them up. May our brothers know that in this sweet gratitude event, they are being held unconditionally within the divine feminine embrace.

(You can do this face to face with a partner or in a group. Speak this aloud and look at the person in the eyes. Set the intention to connect heart to heart )

Here's to Gratitude Womb Love: Mother Womb Mantra

Submitted by Rosangel on Mon, 05/06/2013 - 11:19

I have been contemplating my womb, mother earths womb, and all wombs all over the world.

Why?  Because in most of our cultures, we don't revere, uphold, respect, honor, or pray to our wombs...   And the more this sinks into me, the more I ask myself, Why?

We all came from the womb.... It is our first home.  Yet, when I honestly ask myself what are the first adjectives I used in reference to my womb, it would be shame, suppression, hatred, & confusion.

I learned shame from my first religion.
I learned shame from culture & familia.
I learned shame from society and from the stories that were handed down to me.
I learned to look at my monthly cycle with shame from mainstream societies cruel jokes about our sacred menses, for example.
I started to hate my cycle and looked for ways to control it.
I learned suppression of my womb from so many examples around me. And as a result, I shut down and suppressed the essence of my true wisdom and power.
I now release confusion and allow forgiveness to enter me and move through me. I know now that many of the things that I learned or have been exposed to are not true. For this I am grateful.

My womb is home. It is my foundation. My womb is the heart of my power, my wisdom, and my strength. My womb is to be upholded, revered, respected, prayed for, and loved. And this womb loving starts with me and not any expectation that someone else has to do it for me.  This womb loving starts with you.  This womb loving starts with us.  It is time for this shift. Now now now...  ;-) I lovingly invite you to join us over on The Gratitude Movement on Facebook and share in the co-creation of womb love, healing, and empowerment.

Here's the womb love.  Here's to womb truth. 

Facing The Mirror

Submitted by Rosangel on Fri, 01/18/2013 - 09:50

In this episode I share some personal insights, talk about ascension, facing the mirror, anxiety, forgiveness, nurturing yourself, being gentle with yourself, co-creating, community, and what’s coming up for Cafecito Break…

We are creating our show schedule for the year and welcome show suggestions.  Please email us at

My Interview with Host of New Realities, Alan Steinfeld on 2012, Dec 21st, ET's, Disclosure & Ascension

Submitted by Rosangel on Wed, 12/05/2012 - 09:41

Hot of the presses... Enjoy this wonderful interview with Host of New Realities Alan Steinfeld talking about the significance of 2012.

For those who have questions about why this date and this time is so important, I highly recommend you check out this interview.

For those brothers and sisters who are starting to feel fear around this date... LISTEN TO THIS SHOW... You will feel better and lighter and if you are like me, in complete heart space.

For the record, I am looking forward to this date... I am feeling the intensity of the love and light and the acceleration of time.

My being is calling for me to slow down, be present, and enjoy the sweetness of stillness.

Happy Awakenings!

love ya!!!


Sources: New & 2012

In this space, time doesn't exist

Submitted by Rosangel on Thu, 08/23/2012 - 18:56


I have a confession...

This song moves me.

It sends me to a place where I connect with the soul of my roots and where I feel my ancestors dance around me in joy.

This song transforms me.  It transforms the energy of the room with a sweet of the sweetest taste of me, of my people, of my culture, and of my history.

I play this song over and over and over til I forget the time and allow myself to be in a space between.

In this space, time doesn't exist, neither does the past or the future.

I am present. 

In this present moment, I find that I am eternal.

The music invites me to breathe, to inhale a joyous breath, to be grateful for being alive and for the blessing of being able to move this body in joyous movements.

My body moves effortlessly, moving away from its rigidity, allowing the melody to melt away tensions.

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