They Say That One Person Can Make a Difference... by Rosangel Perez

Submitted by Rosangel on Wed, 07/17/2013 - 18:53

They say that one person can make a difference and everyone should try. So here it goes...

My intention is to share the natural healing gifts of laughter, dancing, and connection with communities who want to take classes with me, but simply can not afford it.

My reason is simple...
In this chaotic, fast moving, stressed out world, many people have forgotten how good it feels to share a hearty laugh with someone, how amazing it feels to dance uninhibitedly, and how freeing it is to be in a space where you can share a "primal" scream as loud as you can and not have to worry about what others think.

It is a healthy way to release pent up energy and stress in a safe setting...

Which is why I am asking you to contribute and help me bring more laughter and joy to communities that really need it. In the past three years, I have shared my classes with hundreds of people and I want to reach even more.

What are the benefits? I often hear that people feel less stress and tension... Headaches and body aches gone or reduced... Most people feel relaxed, lighter, and happier.

The irony of life is that most of the people that need and want this the most, are the people that can not afford it...

Did you know that on average children laugh about 200 times a day, while adults laugh about 12 times a day? Let’s change that!

I believe in the power of community. I believe in you.

And if you are asking yourself, why I am not doing this for free...
Because honestly, I can't afford it.

Allow me to share a brief summary of my background so that you can understand where I am at...

Three years ago, I believed I was living the dream, I was living in a beautiful home, and managing multi-million dollar productions for MTV Networks. Then during the summer of 2010, I experienced an Awakening that impacted every major aspect of my life. It was as if a veil was removed from my eyes. I realized I was living society's dream, I wasn’t living mine.

I began to understand the world, life, love, creativity, spirituality, connection, movement, and laughter in a whole new way.

The biggest realization is best summed up by the words of Dalai Lama..

The Dalai Lama, when asked what surprised him most about humanity, he said:

Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money.
Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.
And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present;
the result being that he does not live in the present or the future;
he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.”

And this is exactly what I was doing, I was sacrificing my health for money... I was missing out on important connections with family and friends. I was missing what it is like to really live.

Two months after my initial awakening, I walked away from my job at MTV, my home, and most of my possessions to embark on a journey of healing, self-discovery and service. And I have been doing just that.

For example...
I teach Laughter Yoga Dance Party at a Senior Center every week. The Elders I share class with teach me so much. They allow themselves to laugh. They try new things. They try movement and dancing even when their bodies aren’t feeling strong enough to stand. They still try. They make every effort to live in the moment.

When they hear a song they really like, I can see how their faces transform with excitement and joy. It is so beautiful to witness. The other day, we had an Elder participate in my class who could barely stand and was carrying a portable device that helps him breathe. He was laughing, clapping and he participated as best he could. He even joined us for the moving meditation from his seat. The smile on his face is a priceless moment. It was so beautiful and I am so grateful for the experience.

In my meditations, I was guided to be open and real about my intentions and my current circumstances. The truth is that we all need money to make things happen...

SOOO... there you have it. I am here. I am ready and super excited about bringing my Laughter Yoga Dance Party to communities that are asking for it and need it.

Everyone is born with a gift. I have discovered that one of my gifts is creating a safe space for people to tap into their own healing process through breathing, laughter, dancing, movement, free expression and sharing in community.

Please consider a contribution to the "Laughter Yoga Dance Party Project. May your contributions be multiplied abundantly. and big hugs of appreciation!

Allow me to leave you with this quote:
"I just got one last thing, I urge all of you, all of you, to enjoy your life, the precious moments you have. To spend each day with some laughter and some thought, to get you're emotions going." ~ Jim Valvano

your sister, Rosangel

About Rosangel Perez
Rosangel lil wolf Perez is Radio Host of "Cafecito Break" on Blog Talk Radio & Founder of The Gratitude Movement on Facebook. She is a Movement Shaman who shares the natural healing medicine of laughter, dancing, gratitude, expression, and chanting thru Laughter Yoga & Shamanic Movement/Expression Classes. Her focus is uninhibited, present moment movement...

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