
Using the color purple to heal bodies and war zones

Submitted by Tinahyah on Sun, 05/11/2014 - 13:13

Sunday May 11, 2014 3:03pm CDT

During worship, ComeOn said to me... "I am sad, is there a reason?"
Nephilim are sad = ComeOn is sad

Q: Does ComeOn' knee hurt? N
ComeOn feels some pain? Y
in her body? Y
physically? Y
Was ComeOn injured? N
She is feeling someone else' pain? Y
Is it her pain? N
She is trying to heal someone else' pain who is here in worship? Y
is she taking on the pain of someone in this sanctuary behind us? YES 7 rows behind us? YES
Is ComeOn' personal body shield high enough? NO
Is the person who ComeOn is feeling their pain, Judy N? YES
Can I [ComeOn] use the purple? YES
[When ComeOn started the purple sequence, she "fell" into it promptly/immediately and was experiencing a profoundly powerful drop into the "sleep" associated with channeling. That surprised her.]

Are the Nephilim sad because someone broke their promise? NO
It has something to do with earth-lings making some kind of "decision" ? YES
Humans? N
earthlings? YES
the folk in the Inner Earth also? YES
The Agarthans and the human beings? YES
did they/ we decide to oppose God? N
to stand with God? N
to do harm? N
to do good? N
run against God? N
to not go into the 5th Dimension? N
to oppose ascension? NO
to stay neutral? N
to not welcome Galactic Family? N
to go to war? YES
go to war against Galactic Family? N
Russia? YES
USA vs Russia? YES
Is the USA going to war against Russia? YES
Is it possible to stop this war before it happens? YES
What can we do NOW? send purple to the Nephilim

It was received, but more is required in order to cool this situation down.

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