

Submitted by Angel News Network on Sat, 09/12/2015 - 06:17


By Phillip Elton Collins


To commit to a PERSONAL PROCESS 

Of an in-depth examine of self

To know how self relations 

Effects all relations and nations.


Inspired by Archangels Gabriel & Michael and Ascended Master Saint Germain 

“Know thy self” and “To thy own self be true” may be some of the wisest words ever thought, felt and spoken.

Many teachings from the higher realms are reminding us that the greatest need within humanity is to have the awareness and loving support of a SENSE OF SELF. This will allow the individual to know they are an aspect of the universal whole. In effect, the Self and Universe belong to each other, as One. We have been asleep a long time. It’s all about becoming conscious. Time to wake up...

As students of truth, there is nothing more important than understanding and accepting Oneness. All of our separations and duality and confrontation have been a result of absorbing “me” into the “we”. It is time for our belief systems within our religions, corporations, and governments to support We Consciousness coming forward. And no longer bringing the unhealed me into the conscious, we. Or we will not be happy with the consequences.

Holy Energy, Batman!

Submitted by yourgypsysoul on Fri, 01/04/2013 - 11:09


I'm feeling weird today. I think that I knew something was up yesterday, that there was a lot more energy. I was hesitant to take a personal day so soon into the year... but I did and went shopping with my sister. We got frozen yogurt and it was delicious. I think that's why I didn't notice anything yesterday. I was having fun and my vibrations were higher. Today, though, I am sitting in my cubicle and my heart feels like it's a ballon in my chest. It makes it uncomfortable and a little hard to breathe, but it's not something that I'm afraid of. Synchronistically, a little after feeling this I saw the Earth Allies' message about the energy of today. Just before this feeling in my chest, I was insanely aware of myself. I was sitting in my chair, I mean really sitting there and just taking everything in. I can feel it coursing through me and it is intense. It's overwhelming. It's exhilarating. This is the start of something new. New ideas. New hopes. New dreams. New reality. It's coming, my dear and you can't stop it. You can't hurry it either. YOu must be patient. Oh but it's so hard to be patient when I'm hearing that our New Age will be wonderful beyond comprehension. I just want to comprehend it!

The questioning nature of the self and the non questioning nature of the ego mind

Submitted by hilarionra on Wed, 05/30/2012 - 19:17

The questioning nature of the self goes against the ego, the mind, the conditioned state that the ego mind is. Those who identify with the conditioned ego mind, are all over planet earth = heart. They can be seen going through many varying experiences. Gay's,bisexuals, beings with sex changes, excessive eaters, sleeping too much, any activity that's experienced “too much”. This isn't saying that beings who fast, sleep a lot , or don't get any, or eat a lot (kriya yoga), or have sex or no sexual intercourse, are identifying with their ego mind. That's a common misunderstanding on this planet.

Beings who claim to be gay, bisexual, or have had or are planning to have a sex change, will claim that there is nothing wrong with being this way. Same with over-eaters, smokers, sleepers ,drug users,non drug users. Use your own individual ability to seek the truth and discover what it is I am pointing at here. These beings who claim to be in the right, are wrong. They will fight you over this, so look out. Same with beings who claim to know what love is. They get upset with you at the fact that you say that they do not know what true love is, same with the true meaning of what true intimacy is,ethical living, and family oriented living is.

This also goes for beings who go for being violent towards another being, no matter what kind of violent behavior it is, violence is still violence. I'm not saying to watch a violent program, by all means go ahead, but the key here is learning about all the variations that violence can come in. When you go over the line from being loving, to being vicious. This also goes for beings who claim to not care at all

about how it looks, the way they come across, their lifestyle choices. They say they do not care, yet all of their actions show otherwise about this statement. Every one of them has a chip on their shoulder.

The Light of Sion

Submitted by Doreen Smith on Sun, 05/13/2012 - 09:17


                                         LOVE YOUR MOTHER!





What would you do if you weren't afraid? This is the message of Sion...To overcome our fear..connect with our higher self..operate from that finer, higher place...NOW is the time for us to do this. To put away our fear, overcome our limitations and become the true Divine humans we know we can become..


Much Peace, Joy, Light and Love to ALL! NOW! :) <3

“Love: the religion of new, a convincing worldview.”

Submitted by angelfish on Sat, 05/12/2012 - 01:45

A personal perception rooted only in evidence, logic and existential repugnance.  Love and working through the worldviews of today demand a strong faith in truth and its priority to discover it.  Love is often a fluctuating, overflowing emotion constricted by the walls of its own flesh. No matter the challenge; God, the quest to achieve and maintain the ultimate reality, and a strategic and pure discovery and application in ethics will always be available and viable as an optional and objective resource when seeking the truth of the Sole. 

      Since we as humans are wired with an intense set of emotional energy and intelligence, we are forced to address that and take a 360 degree review from inside and outside perspectives, in our journeys to the “Big Picture”.  Love, is the one, Global commonality that nobody can deny, unless the Nile is the only venue our boat chooses to sail.  This was an imperative component to consider when discovering my or anyone’s vibrational frequency to which they resonate.  Love is also the only tangible artifact that has been a constant throughout all of history and global existence of all things.  Yes, we all may have our own eyeballs for viewing but regardless of language, the interpretation of the “feeling” is all translated to the same conclusion.  Thus, perfect evidence to value when forming a flawless worldview. 

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