self love

We are entering a period for enormous growth potential!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Fri, 12/11/2015 - 01:06

We made it! The new moon is here! Phew!!! I can’t speak for others but my Spiritual growth seems to be governed by the waning and waxing of the moon. During the waning stage I’m releasing, and during the waxing stage I’m expanding in Soul consciousness and therefore growing. It is perfectly normal to go through periods of intense growth and other periods when you feel you are going nowhere, so don’t allow anyone to tell you different.

There are those out there who give the impression they are cruising along without experiencing any bumps in the road. Let me tell you it is impossible to grow spiritually in this way. These people are deluding themselves.  If you are truly on a path of spiritual enlightenment, and this is what ascension is all about ~ transcendence of the human consciousness ~ you will experience periods of pure bliss followed by periods of self loathing. The self loathing happens when you have the courage to look at yourself and see ALL THAT IS NOT LOVE within you.

During the periods of self loathing you will find it more difficult to stay in touch with your Divine Consciousness which will cause you further distress. When this happens you will need to make a real effort to sit in silence and meditate to find your inner equilibrium again. For me this is achieved in nature.  Spending an hour or two down by the lagoon helps me enormously. I am blessed to be able to do this. There is a reason why we’ve been guided to move closer to nature because the higher vibrational frequencies of nature are invaluable to us during our spiritual growth.

It’s important to remember during your periods of releasing (all that is not love) not to get caught up in the emotional turmoil and further blame yourself for whatever comes up.

In this, The Age of Transparency, Know That Love Will Find a Way…

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Wed, 02/25/2015 - 22:57


Love is patient, love is kind. Love is gentle and simple by its very nature. Whenever something appears as complicated, know that it is not of your Heart.

Recently, when searching for a way to reach someone close to me who needs help, I came across Louise Hay’s teachings again. I have known about darling Louise for many, many years.  All maladies, discomforts, dis-ease, you name it, stem from one source – Lack of Self Love. From this source springs the countless beliefs we have stored away in our sub-conscious minds. One that springs to mind immediately is this one – I am not good enough.

So from this perspective take a look at yourself. This is the Age of Transparency after all and there is no thing…..nothing you can hide from anymore! Least of all from your Self! There is NO WHERE to hide! So peel off those layers you have been covering yourself with. Look in that mirror. Place your palms on your heart and tell yourself out loud (and insert your name in the blank space please) – “I love you _______________.” Say this to yourself for 10 minutes a day, every day for one month, and then notice the difference. Perseverance pays…

Ascension Update ~ Changing Your Perception About The NEW Energies

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Thu, 02/19/2015 - 05:57

Most of us have been in transcending or ascending our lower states of Be-ing and consciousness for some time now. Some have only recently woken up and are starting to feel major changes happening within their physical bodies. At whichever point you’re at in your transition you are likely to be feeling some minor or major distress in your physical vessel. We know by now that influxes of energy occur with each alignment such as with the Solstice, Equinox and Eclipses, and also with the Full and New Moons monthly. Solar activity also causes a certain influx of these light packets of energy. Know that your Higher Self is governing these energies for you!

Physical symptoms appear and then disappear over time. Sometime they disappear and then reappear again in the same area. This has happened to me time and time again. For instance I have experienced major toothache on and off for more than 6 months and also jaw and ear pain mostly on the left side of my face. Two days ago I awoke with a partially swollen eye and itchiness over the front and back of my neck. I have had major dizzy spells, nausea, muscle weakness and heart palpitations, and also been so exhausted and lethargic that on some days I find it difficult to even walk. Do I run to the doctor? No, because I know that it is all to do with releasing the old energy and that my body will heal itself. I trust my Higher Self and I am guided on what to do and what to eat. Mostly the advice I receive is to rest and sleep as much as possible, and to stick to light foods and drink plenty water. Recently I heard “Crystals grow in water…” We know that our physical vessels are becoming Light-er (more Love) and crystalline in their cellular structure.

A Message From Your Soul: “Never before have you been so loved as you are now!”

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Fri, 11/07/2014 - 14:29

You are so brave, and you are so loved. Right now, right here in this moment, you are loved more than you could ever imagine yourself to BE loved. You are valued and appreciated and honored for your courage and strength.

We wish for you to know that it is safe for you to love your Self and to be loved in return. Your Higher Self and Soul longs for your love. Your body longs for your love, and is nourished by Love. Love is your Soul Food. Love heals, love changes.

There is a saying “Time heals…” It is a saying that people use to comfort themselves, but in reality time does not heal, love does. Time only dulls the ache and the pain and the sadness, but it does not heal the wound.

The message today is guiding you to let go of the judgment you have placed upon yourself. Let go of the feelings of being unworthy, and not good enough. You DO deserve to be loved, and you ARE worthy of BEing loved in return. You always have been. Your earthly sojourn has not changed that. If anything it has been magnified, because never before have you been so loved as you are now!

No matter what you have gone through in your life, no matter what experiences life has shown you, you have always deserved love. Start now, today. Stand in front of a mirror and tell yourself “I love you!” Open your heart and FEEL love for yourself. Put your arms around yourself and give yourself a BIG HUG! Go on…. Don’t be shy! Do it, please!

From Judgement to LOVE

Submitted by lisa33 on Sun, 08/24/2014 - 17:31

SPIRIT has no judgement.
The UNIVERSE has no judgement.
The experience and energy of judgment comes
from an old fear based paradigm existing only on this planet.

Most of us grew up with some form of judgement.
Whether it was about aspects of our physicality, our intelligence,
our abilities at school or our social skills,
the judgement beliefs take hold and eventually become
embedded into our cellular makeup.

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