

Submitted by Soul SiStar Ch… on Tue, 04/02/2013 - 15:05

(Originally channeled on 3/31/13 Easter Sunday. View origanal post

Today holds a blessing from the sacred chalice, a reminder, a symbol of the Holy Grail of spiritual wholeness. Love with the highest and purest intention so you may be in union with the divine.

to f r, or not to f r

Submitted by Chewy on Sun, 11/18/2012 - 22:27

f  r kills goals and dreams. It stops you from going through the vails in your meditating. it stops you from achieving out of body experiences. but f  r is nothing more than an illusion. f  r only dwells within becuz there's a lack of awarness and you allow it into your Being . The biggest f  r in life is not death, but to know who YOU truly are. There for, self awarness is freedom....


Renegade of Light,



Unlocked from All Illusion - For Gaia, Humanity, all of God's Creations!

Submitted by lynmarie8 on Sat, 11/10/2012 - 16:51

All of Humanity and Gods creations will receive on 11-10-12


All who are open to receive and be released from:


Removal of:

All programing Locked into Dark energies.

Being locked into seeing, hearing, speaking in the illusion.

All spiritual gifts locked into the illusion.

Being locked into the illusion of time.

Being locked into the illusion of Karmic Debt.

Being locked into the fear of the dark forces of the master plane of illusion forever – to have the human experience.


All of Gods creations Agreed to trade part of their soul or it was used as collateral to come to earth for the human experience. And allowed it and accepted it knowingly or unknowing to be here.


Download of:

I have the Creators truth perspective understanding, definition of: how to, when to, where to, what it feels like to, that is safe and possible to:  see, hear, speak, and know the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.


These things will be placed in the Grid for all to receive; whoever is open has the awareness of this can receive. All you have to do is “choose”, and “ask for it”.






Fran Zepeda ~ Yeshua ~ Abide by the Light ~ June 28, 2012

Submitted by franheal on Fri, 06/29/2012 - 01:00





Greetings all beautiful Beings of the Light! I send you my Love and abiding protection.


These are intricate and delicate times, dear Ones, times of decision of focus. The amount of Light and observance of the Light within you and without will be the tipping point to your journey to Oneness.


This is your moment, dear Ones. How will you play it? Will you choose to focus on absorbing and building on the Light from the great Central Sun and make it your World? Will you use it as building materials for visions and dreams for what you want in your life and your World? Will you start to see yourself as one and the same with Source and All That Is?


The moment of decision has arrived, and it is what you do with it that will determine your future. Are you concentrating on the Light and what you want to do with it? Are you constantly processing it through your Light Bodies, allowing yourselves to become more enlightened each moment?


The true meaning of the enlightened life.

Submitted by hilarionra on Sun, 06/03/2012 - 16:13
The true meaning of the enlightened life.

There are misunderstanding’s in society in regards to what it means to live the enlightened life. One of them is the fact that communication isn’t necessary because when you’re enlightened, you see all as they are and have no questions about it, because you see yourself as you are and thus you know it all. You’re able to reveal all the secrets of the universe perfectly as they are. I’m not saying you aren’t able to relay certain details about what’s going on here and there, or able to simply just be the truth and tend to simple matters because you are. What I’m pointing at is the fact that those who identify with the unconscious reactive conditioned ego mind’s contradicting believing conflicted control mechanism have identify with it’s incessant need for internal dialogue which says “this is how an enlightened being is like”.


Due to this fact, they cannot see true reality. From this, they cannot see past it’s projections and they cannot see the truth that is living the enlightened life. Due to this, they genuinely test you to see just how enlightened you are in accordance to their scale of what it means to be enlightened. They also regurgitate as accurately as they can remember, that which you spoke. If that which you spoke, isn’t again aligned with the mind, then it’s not enlightened. Instead they speak of how mentally ill you are, and that you need help. This is because they have no understand in their awareness of what it means to truly live the enlightened life. They all want a free ride in life. They want you to give them ALL the answers to ALL life’s question’s because to them, that’s how an enlightened being is supposed to be.


The questioning nature of the self and the non questioning nature of the ego mind

Submitted by hilarionra on Wed, 05/30/2012 - 19:17

The questioning nature of the self goes against the ego, the mind, the conditioned state that the ego mind is. Those who identify with the conditioned ego mind, are all over planet earth = heart. They can be seen going through many varying experiences. Gay's,bisexuals, beings with sex changes, excessive eaters, sleeping too much, any activity that's experienced “too much”. This isn't saying that beings who fast, sleep a lot , or don't get any, or eat a lot (kriya yoga), or have sex or no sexual intercourse, are identifying with their ego mind. That's a common misunderstanding on this planet.

Beings who claim to be gay, bisexual, or have had or are planning to have a sex change, will claim that there is nothing wrong with being this way. Same with over-eaters, smokers, sleepers ,drug users,non drug users. Use your own individual ability to seek the truth and discover what it is I am pointing at here. These beings who claim to be in the right, are wrong. They will fight you over this, so look out. Same with beings who claim to know what love is. They get upset with you at the fact that you say that they do not know what true love is, same with the true meaning of what true intimacy is,ethical living, and family oriented living is.

This also goes for beings who go for being violent towards another being, no matter what kind of violent behavior it is, violence is still violence. I'm not saying to watch a violent program, by all means go ahead, but the key here is learning about all the variations that violence can come in. When you go over the line from being loving, to being vicious. This also goes for beings who claim to not care at all

about how it looks, the way they come across, their lifestyle choices. They say they do not care, yet all of their actions show otherwise about this statement. Every one of them has a chip on their shoulder.

Fran Zepeda ~ Yeshua ~ You Are Love ~ May 22, 2012

Submitted by franheal on Tue, 05/22/2012 - 18:19





Greetings, Souls of the Earth, my beloved Lightworkers, and all of Creation!


There is much said about Love. Love is the highest vibration. It makes up everything, it is in everything, it is of everything.


You know this, but have you stopped to observe it in action in your World around you? It is in the beautiful song of the birds in your garden, and in the forest or woods where you walk and enjoy the beautiful offerings of Mother Earth. It is in the delicate petals of the fragrant flowers you so love to enjoy. It is in the beautiful sunsets all around your World.


Most of all, it is in you and it is of you and it is You. Love is You. It has never left, dear beloveds. It is being uncovered and discovered everywhere inside and around you. You know this, but do you take the time to feel it in your hearts constantly? Do you breathe it and stoke it like embers in a fire, and do you see how much the warmth can color your whole reality? Take the time now to breathe it and stoke it and spread it throughout your heart like a furnace ignited with all the good that is in you.


My dear friends, you have made so many changes in your World already. You feel it in your hearts, and in your bones and it is in the air around you, that magnificent yet sometimes subtle fragrance of change that some do not yet embrace with as much Grace as we see many of you doing. What a wonderful spectacle it is to see from our perspective!


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