
Dear Little Soul, Kirsty

Submitted by kirstyg on Sat, 12/21/2013 - 23:34

As you go through this life you will face many challenges. Some of them will be big, some of them will be not-so-big. The one thing to remember is they are simply there to strengthen your resolve and make you embrace your magnificence.

You, dear child, have so much love to give.

You were born of love, and your heart beats strongly with the energy of love.

Your heart is HUGE and open and it has immense power. Because of that, sometimes you may be afraid of it.

Restoration of Your Divine Soul

Submitted by luckyvn on Mon, 11/25/2013 - 05:31

The Masters will guide you through Restoration of the Soul so any time throughout the ages you have seen less than the Presence of God in yourself or all of life will be removed from your Akashic records and your body so you can truly live on Earth as your God Self, Presence to Presence with others. Don't miss this opportunity of a lifetime!


School of Balance

Submitted by NatureFlow on Sat, 11/16/2013 - 19:44

I am here, but not here.
Exist & dissapear.
Smile and then tear.
Vanish, then am clear.

I am Dead and then alive.
Humble, then full of pride.
Hurt, then full of bliss.
Neglected, and then missed.

I am yesterday then tomorrow.
Joy fused with sorrow.
Afraid and then brave.
A king and a slave.

I am Constantly changing.
A Transforming sensation.
Memory Erasing,
Flowing Embrace.

Here then not here,
Dead & Alive.
Live in eternity, but reside in time.
The impermanent story of humanity divine.
Experience all emotions from depression to sublime.
Day to Sunshine, constant continuation.
One with the earth we are....always in rotation.

- Nature Flow

Find Nature Flow -

Movin' Pretty Fast

Submitted by newenergy on Sun, 09/15/2013 - 20:20

At this point in our ascension it feels like our soul is in charge and we (our human self, our body, mind and our emotions) are just trying to catch up.  Original song, "Movin' Pretty Fast" and graphics by Maria Chambers

Transformation, Freedom,Creativity, Shape shifting, and Soul Evolution

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 09/10/2013 - 16:41

Dear Beloved’s, today is a day of transformation, freedom, creativity, shape shifting, and soul evolution.

Today was a great day for integration of all  aspects of self and knowing that the God within is on schedule.

Take note of the most important issues that are confronting you at the point in time. What state of change are you in regard to these issues?

These powerful messages remind us of the butterfly, when born it goes through the smallest of hole to birth itself. So beloveds, you are doing the same.

To the Native American’s the butterfly is believed to carry Joy! This is a dance with the nature, and to take things a little more lightly, not so seriously. Medicine for the dear souls that you are.

Get up and move, have the courage to fly past your limitations. The divine in all of you will know how far and wide you can travel.

When it is time to move to the next level we must let go of yet another layer of emotional, physical, mental, thought forms , keeping us from our most precious goals.

It is imperative if we as a people keep our thoughts lofty and confident in the light, we can move mountains and hold steady the light grids that hold us and our Planet together.

Each of you is like a Chrysalis structure, which is forming above you, for the full formation and activation of your thirteen spiral systems or Chakras. This Chrysalis like structure will encase you with the light codes needed to fully activate your divine blueprint and bring forth great healing and release.

Take time to rest and breath through these healings and integrations. The next stage of your spiritual evolution depends on it.

Lady Nada: All The Signs Are There ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ June 28, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Sat, 06/29/2013 - 08:37


LadyMasterNada13Lady Nada:


Hello dear ones. The time has come to assess your abilities and capabilities, as they are many. Some are under the surface waiting to be discovered and elicited by a need or request, and others are being put to use as we speak. Some of these you may not even know you are utilizing, for you may still be using them in dreamtime or in your meditations but not be consciously aware of them as yet.

But the whole point, dear ones, is that many new abilities and capabilities are waiting for you to discover and utilize. As you become accustomed to your new perspective and view of things, many new things will become clear to you. In some cases you are just waiting for the last wisps of fog to clear for you to realize what is “right in front of your noses”, so to speak.

And it brings you into a whole new world as you access and get acquainted with your essence and your status – as you welcome your orientation into a new phase of your life, your complete orientation into a new way of seeing and acting and being. And it is looming before you and within you now, dear ones. You are accessing complete areas of knowing and truths that have never been visible up until now. And from this you are already greatly changed.

Lady Nada: Surrender and Open to the Wisdom of your Soul and of Creator ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ June 21, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Fri, 06/21/2013 - 18:05

LadyMasterNada13Lady Nada:



Hello dear ones, I greet you on this auspicious day and period of cosmic activity and opening up to your True Selves in a deeper way. It has been foretold and it is so, dear ones.


You are awakening to the deepest part of yourselves and you are magnificent in your clear opening, made manifest by your intent to open to the clear part of your heart, and assisted by the energies being graced upon you now. You are resplendent in this opening and expansion which will just continue on in a deeper way the more you surrender and open to the wisdom of your Soul and of Creator.


You are connected far more now and the lines of communication are becoming empowered as you clear away the dross of your experience and growth into this new period of empowerment and grace. I stand before you with assistance and love in this very auspicious time in your history.


This period will be looked back on as a pivotal and turning point in your development and so it is necessary to just move through it with the most open heart you can muster and with the intention to keep the lines of communication open to Creator and all the parts of your Soul and Higher Self.


Push beyond the boundaries of your experience with your Soul up until now, and explore the deep, still, place of power within you, my beloveds. Your connection with Source is now magnified and so it is time to adjust and revel in the deep and powerful feelings of connection.


Yeshua: Embrace Your Multidimensionality ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ June 20, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Thu, 06/20/2013 - 19:21




Hello my dear ones. On this beautiful day I come to you bearing tidings of immense love and promise, for you have reached yet another marker for your development and transformation into the Celestial and Galactic Beings that you are.

Take stock now, dear ones. You are not what you were yesterday and tomorrow you will not be what you were today. And so it goes, as you greet the solstice and super moon energies with sheer openness and courage to not accept the old ways of doing things and to embrace the new once and for all.

You are constantly changing. Behold the promise of ever more change – in that brings immense expansion and for that you can thank yourselves first, for without you we would not be speaking of the immense evolution taking place here and now and always ever-increasing in intensity and value and promise.

My love for you cannot be described adequately and all of the Company of Heaven rejoices in your presence, in your courage and in your perseverance. For you are the saviors of the world – for you are the forerunners and you are the game-changers.

Behold your magnificence. Behold your value. Behold your ability to shape-shift and transform and encompass all parts of yourself simultaneously. For that is becoming easier and easier for you, my dear ones.

Now is the time--Your Other Dimensional Self!

Submitted by kimpunkrock on Fri, 05/31/2013 - 20:53

Have you ever seen the Krishna society books that are sold on the street in a most of the big cities of the world?  There is one that always peeked my interested and that was "Journys to Other Planets".  I never really understood how in meditation we could consciously journy to other planets in a etheral body like form, but I wanted to try it.  The Krishna society books are some of the best spiritual books out there and EVERYONE can afford or find one.  For those of you who understand the truth about UFO's should remember that in the days of Krishna the skies were full of Vemana's or space ships.  I highly recommend those who are into spirituality and UFO's to stop and pick up some of these Krishna society books that are out there.


It took me years to finally be able to journy to other planets as if I was walking down the street but now I spend more time in the other realms than I do in this one on the planet Earth it seems.  Now is the time to take control of your other dimensional self and use it for good.  the energies are such on this planet where the ability to travel in the other dimensions with whatever body you choose has become easier.


Your other dimensional body can look and be whatever it chooses and it doesnt have to look human.  Mine just happens to be a male human/pliedian body, that not only do I use to travel to other realms, but to be married and have a family in the other dimensions with my twin flame, this relationship is the most rewarding, satisfying relationship I have in my life on earth.  Being with your twin flame right now is EASY, we just have to open up to it.  I not only have children in the other realms but homes and a loving wife that I adore more than anything on Earth.


Mother Mary: Let Yourself Soar Into The Stillness That Is Your Core ~ Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ May 19, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Sun, 05/19/2013 - 20:55




Mother Mary:


Dear Souls, Love everlasting that you are. I come to you today to bring my love and my support for you in your journey towards greater enlightenment and towards your divine purpose and your Divine Selves.

Up until now you have had just an inkling of your power as well as your breadth of power in your divine nature. Be prepared to experience it more in the coming days. It is important to surrender and allow it to come forth in greater degrees. For yours is not to “try” but to allow and absorb and BE within the expanding matrix of ascension into the higher dimensions.

My beloveds, breathe Love and Light in deeper and with more determination now. Feel the expansion 24/7. Get comfortable with it. You are so much more than you have been experiencing of late. And the process will be speeding up.

Feel my love for you. It is delicate and strong, silky and sweet; it is powerful, yet oh so subtle at times. This is the quality of Love you can experience, that you do experience. Embrace it, dear ones.

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