Dear Little Soul, Kirsty

Submitted by kirstyg on Sat, 12/21/2013 - 23:34

As you go through this life you will face many challenges. Some of them will be big, some of them will be not-so-big. The one thing to remember is they are simply there to strengthen your resolve and make you embrace your magnificence.

You, dear child, have so much love to give.

You were born of love, and your heart beats strongly with the energy of love.

Your heart is HUGE and open and it has immense power. Because of that, sometimes you may be afraid of it.

girl-dreamingIt’s okay to feel afraid, as long as it doesn’t stop you from following your dreams. Keep your heart open by staying true to your dreams always.

You have an extraordinary gift, as a child, to be in touch with your dreams, yet allow yourself to float along the river of life.

Remember this gift. It is the golden key to your happiness and success.
As a child, and a young woman, you may want to share your gift with others, by telling them about its enormity, because you are SO EXCITED!! A small word of caution here, others around you were also born with huge hearts, but they closed them through fear, and your gift may trigger fears of greatness of their own, or it may remind them how they have closed themselves down, so they will not always be as supportive of you as you may like.


Do not allow yourself to be deterred.  And use it as a lesson to keep dreaming big, focus on your dreams, and hold them close to your heart always.

Over the years, things will happen to you and you will close your heart, just a little bit each time, to love. Understand this is okay for you, because you are doing it to protect yourself, so you feel safer in the world. Remember though, that these are just choices and – just as you made the choice to stray from the pathway that was so effortless for you – you have the choice to return to it at any moment by stopping and taking a quiet moment to listen to your heart.

As you doubt yourself, and your progress, along the way, you may attract others who reflect your lack of belief in your dreams, and it may seem as though they are trying to bring you down. Some may say things that hurt you and attempt to intimidate you.

I want to tell you now, you have the choice to discard what they say and return to your heart, or you can choose to allow them to hurt you, so your self-esteem continues to fade.  Remember, that is a choice. Each day you choose to listen to them, the longer it may take to return to the place of love where you began.


girl leaderYour destiny is to lead and inspire others to greatness. Your talent is unique and it is your purpose to follow that destiny with all of your heart. If you do not, your challenges will become greater, so you may find yourself tired, ill, or alone.


There may be times, when your life seems comfortable and, to everyone else, it looks great, but you realize you have strayed from the path. At these times, to open a door of your heart that has been closed, it may be necessary to cause yourself present emotional pain.

parentchildPlease know this pain will pass, especially when you reach out for support from someone who loves you. It is simply the emotion you were storing in your heart  by closing a door, when your heart did not agree with your choice, so you didn’t listen to it.

Imagine there is a little telephone line from your heart to your head and, every day, maintain this line. Spend time every morning being still with the immensity of your heart, and listening to its guidance.

The more you do this, the more you will learn to trust it so that when it tells you to do something you think is not safe, you will understand the river of life will support you.

As you get older, have a partner, a husband, children, other responsibilities, don’t use these as EXCUSES to stop maintaining the phone line with your heart. That will only breed resentment for people you love.

Make time each day to nurture yourself. You will notice the mornings are the sweetest time for peace – rise early and drink in the love of nature’s beauty. Your heart will appreciate it.

Retreat to nature often. Your brain may tell you it is difficult when you are living in a city, but listen to your heart. It knows what to do.

love is the bridge

When you sit with nature and FEEL her stillness mingling with your stillness, you hear the songs of the birds, and you are reminded of your connection to all things.

Your heart resonates with these sounds because it is innate. Simply by doing this you are maintaining the communication line of your heart.

Sharing-my-heartAlways find something to be grateful for. Always. Do this every day, and encourage those you love to do it too.

As you focus on gratitude, the things you have to be grateful for expand. I promise you. Please do this.


When people leave you, Feel your sadness completely and then release them with love. When people hurt you, feel your anger completely and release them with love.

butterfly wings

If I can tell you this, at some point in your life you will remember it. You won’t always do it and that will mean that you are a little heavier for a little while, so you may not float as easily along the river of life. At some point you will remember.

As you float along the river, take notice of what is around you. Your soul knows where the river is taking you, so enjoy the ride. I ask you, when you notice yourself at the bank of the river, attempting to alter its course with your bare hands, and you are battling a strong current, just sit for a miute. Sit and notice. Notice how you are feeling. Are you tired? Maybe your muscles are sore. Maybe you have a headache or a snuffly nose.

Ask yourself whether you need to continue this struggle, or are you ready to trust that the rapids up ahead will not be as bad as your fears tell you. After all FEAR is just False Expectations Appearing Real.


child bomb divingWhen you know you are ready to swim in the river again, jump, dive, bomb-dive back in to that river with joy and celebrate, because you have just opened another door to your heart.


great thingsYour destiny is great and, as such, requires great resolve. You will waiver along the path, but always remember you can choose to return to it whenever you wish.

And, most of all, always remember, I Love You.


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