
September: Through the Fires of Transformation to the Other Side

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Wed, 09/16/2015 - 17:48
As energy sensitive people, we may be feeling a lot of emotions and maybe physical sensations. These past few months have been energetically intense yet also epic in the amount of change happening, especially leading up to August 8 which was 8-8 the Lion's Gate or Infinity Portal. Cosmic rays come to earth for our evolution and enlightenment all the time, but especially on these days and days leading up to these energetic portals and alignments. The year of 2012 was the beginning of the end of time, and also the end of the previous lockdown on consciousness. We herald the door of freedom appearing, and now we are really cracking it open more and more, or it is cracking open for us.

The Month of Power: September

MasterQuote12: Mary Magdalene and Yeshua on Bliss and ONEness

Submitted by franheal on Sun, 06/01/2014 - 19:11


Mary Magdalene and Yeshua:


“Dear Beloveds. We are blended together in Bliss as we encompass your energy in ours and ours in yours. We are Bliss Personified and together we open up new vistas and roads to the Divine today.

Forever and always we touch Source and Source touches us all. We are Source. We are Love. We are Bliss. We are Abundance. We are Harmony.

There is no separation anymore – Can you feel it? Surrender now, dear ones, to the welcoming embrace of Source, your true core – Your true Divine Nature is unfolding and never will you be the same. Pull out all the stops and melt into the Bliss that is your core, that is your True Being.

Together we embrace all of humanity, we embrace all of the Universe, and we embrace all of the Multiverse. We embrace Source in Oneness. Can you feel it, dear Beloveds? We are One.”


Channeled by Fran Zepeda June 1, 2014


Mother Mary: Breathe Out The Breath of Creator – Channeled by Fran Zepeda – April 29, 2014

Submitted by franheal on Tue, 04/29/2014 - 21:05

Mother Mary:


Hello, my dear sweet beautiful Beings of Light. And so rightly addressed. For you are all taking on such a beautiful hue and radiance not seen ever. The recent downloads of light and energy, still continuing, have blessed you all with such an increase of radiance and luminance that it is difficult to quantify on any present scale of definition.


Submitted by AndrewMartin on Tue, 03/11/2014 - 13:52


Greetings Dear Ones!

We come to you today with a message centered around the idea of surrender. So often in your world you have been taught that surrender is equal to weakness. We speak not of surrender as it relates to competition or the wars that spring from the ego. We speak of surrender to the flow of unconditional love and compassion that is yours in each and every moment. We speak of surrender to knowing that all that you desire is but the tip of the iceberg! If you could truly see the spectacular things that await you in your lives then you would not resist for one single second more!

Dream log night of 12/21/13

Submitted by nerdalicious on Sun, 12/22/2013 - 06:34

Last night was an unusual one in the sense that I can recall roughly three separate ones. I think it is relevant to what a lot of us are going through right now. I will refrain from analyzing it very much but I think it will make more sense in the future but right now it seems as if we will soon be inhabiting a higher vibrational existence that others in a lower dimensional awareness will not be able to perceive yet.

There has been assistance given to us that will come in handy in the days ahead, or maybe just for me. Maybe I have been in the fight for so long that my ego has trouble letting go and surrendering. So without further delay, here is snapshot into my chunk of the universe last night. Dream Log night of 12-12-13



Mother Mary: You Are As Big As The Multiverses, As Illuminated As The Stars – As Channeled by Fran Zepeda – September 8, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Sun, 09/08/2013 - 22:06


Mother Mary:

My dear ones, the peace in your hearts is palpable and growing, as you progress through your ascension process and your opening of your beautiful hearts for yourselves and all mankind. It is a beautiful sight to see and I stand before you to tell you that you are so loved and cherished.

You are learning to love and cherish yourselves on an even greater level and magnitude, dear ones, and for that and from that you will see much expansion. For it indeed does start with yourselves. Oneness begins from there. Peace begins from there. Expansion begins from there, and from there, all else is affected and nourished on out to infinity.

Yeshua ~ You Will Emerge With Your True Selves Intact And Ready To Shine Even Brighter In Your Divinity ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ August 12, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Tue, 08/13/2013 - 00:24



In all perpetuity it is written that you shall awaken. And shall it be so. And so it is. And this is what you are in the process of and this is what you are destined to do and this is what you are made of. In all intents and purposes you have already done so. The pieces of the puzzle have been laid and you are containing the fabric of your awakening within your consciousness. It hasn’t totally materialized in many ways, but in many ways it has.

Think of it as all the light cells in your body being prepared for a flick of the switch when all conditions are right. You are illuminated so much now, and in a short while all will be readied for that higher beam to be prompted and switched on. You are not used to having that higher illumination yet in your physical bodies and you are being conditioned and readied through all these processes of late to be able to hold the deeper brighter light and sustain it in your bodies. You have gradually been readied and you are so much stronger and able to hold it within you. And to show it to the world.

And so it goes, and so it is. And this is why you feel at times you are at a standstill. But please know that you are building and strengthening to hold this higher light and frequency that will be such a burst and catalyst for immense change once it is able to be sustained within your physical bodies.

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