Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/13/12 ‘Ascension Science’
Holding you back in some ways is your resistance to change in some areas. There are for some of you new concepts and new ideas that are foreign to you, strange to you. You do not resonate with them, for you have never experienced anything like this before in any of your previous or recent incarnations. We of the Galactic Federation of Light wish to assist you smooth this transition for yourselves and assimilate these changes more efficiently and effectively, more positively, more securely and more confidently.
At this time, some of you are demonstrating great difficulties when reading our messages to you. These individuals are displaying behaviors not suitable for higher dimensional existence in many ways. These individuals are demonstrating for all to see that they are not yet prepared, they have not yet enabled themselves to rise above the frequency levels of a 3rd third dimensional existence. This is their choice and we, as we always do, honor and respect the choice that all will make, however, these beings may wish to understand that they will not, because they cannot, ascend into the higher dimensions until these deficiencies in their personality constructs are purified, are corrected, are brought into alignment with higher dimensional consciousness.