
rumors and wars

Submitted by Jazz on Sun, 01/13/2013 - 11:30

It seems theres a divide as of late. I would hope to be on the right side when the worst happens. There are plenty of us focusing on the right things, on what SANDY HOOK and similar incidents SHOULD move us towards. Plenty of messages to unite us and walk in the light with love towards each other.


Source around the globe seem to indicate another war coming, a separation of European countries from the US Yanks.Too much pressure on IRANs program and nuclear war. More cold war between US and RUSSIA... we all know how the last one ended. Korea in the middle.. well they dont want war, but seem running right torwards it.They always have.


With so much devastation already, events like HURRICANE SANDY and that massive tidal wave in THAILAND, that the new movie EPITOMIZES(make me want to puke at hollywood).. These are real unignorable events.


I see a division in hope for humanity and the reality we live in. I would hope those above see it. I would hope they intervene. But I know the reality for that to happen means that we must turn away from exactly what were running towards: EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF, that HUMAN trait.


It will only destroy this planet.And we are within a 12 month window with IRAN it seems, just as we were with SADDAM HUSSEIN in IRAQ, just as we were with AFGANISTAN....


The very wars we CANNOT AFFORD and WILL NOT SUPPORT. The very civilian murders that SHOULD NEVER BE, exposed by military members on the ground.The friendly fire on US NAVAL ships, that I firsthand witnessed and interacted with. And these people perpetrating this HAVE the UPPER HAND.




I will admit a third world war has always been in the back of our minds as to when outsiders(ET) would come or interact peacefully. But it does not have to be that way.As many of you have said, WE CREATE OUR REALITY.

YEAH...its like that.

Submitted by Jazz on Fri, 08/03/2012 - 17:01

Steve and Wes, as Im sure things get around from here... :-)


You both bring joy to mine ears reading this..THIS..well, ok SOME of THIS..this tech Ive seen.

And if I havent worked with it all, Ive seen snapshots of similar on TV.


GENE RODDENBERRY's EARTH series shows some similar to what you describe.


The ship's AI..how do i describe an ALLIANCE like vessel, and even if it meant a higher dimensional Federation craft, HOW does one describe Intelligence equal, and in some cases beyond themselves that IS a machine?


Ive used something like this before, and let me tell you...blink of an eye folks and your doing maneuvers you can only dream of. Its THAT sensitive!


Babylon 5 has a few similar vessels shown from the 'Angelic' like races hidden in suits..


Very advanced stuff..


portables...Ive heard some things, used others myself.


Nichole, as it were in the Sonic comics...thats more than a GPS and PDA unit the Princess carries around...FAR FAR MORE. I had Nichole on my arm at one point, hardened in stone back home within a statue i asked to be my epitapth. I believe Nichole was a gift to the Princess some time ago.


makes me wonder whats in part TWO...



And maybe the Commander has something on this....knowing WHAT is there, WHO is there....

the TECH that is...those that TRUELY know ME and where Im from..OH yes, I know you. No one else would dare speak of the statue in the Great Hall after i left, let alone contact the only one who KNEW where I was...Sara knew i left, but no, not a word from her since Dreamland..


Wouldnt have thrown my career away and gone to that Sirian-like space station otherwise..

disclosure and ET(s)

Submitted by Jazz on Sat, 07/21/2012 - 12:57

With all of this ET visiting about to occur, after going thru my documents folders Ive noticed a few points, some of which are covered. I will try and link the PDF file in here somehow.


Basically, it goes over the hows and details about how or how not disclosure will or may happen and the ramifications thereof.

(The despising of secret governments, how we all look alike to most ET races...)


I would not blame you ZRs for what happened any more than I blame the Humans in the Secret Governments. This tit-for-tat, though... WE ARE BETTER than this. ALL OF US.

TEACH these HUMANS something they can learn. Yet I still see this sometimes on Facebook in our own groups...


ET IS listening folks... Might not be Draco or Zeta Reticulan, might not be Terran from Tau CETI, but ET is listening. We need to start acting like 5D beings. My apologies to those caught up in the Dreamland disaster of recent years. These scared humans dont know how to react sometimes.


There is to note also that some ETs may have tried to make contact last year and are making point about this arcaic computer technology.I will say this on that matter:


These Humans seek confirmation to the communication and imagery we see in our minds, to know that it is not our own imagination. The only way we know how is to verify with others of like minds, to use our methods of communication, digital and otherwise. To some I can see why this is seen as NON-SACRED or why it is seen as such. ASCII is understood by some of you, and unfortunate as it may be, it is primitive form of communication. Telepathy would be better, but find me a good telepath these days, and I will find you a hundred fakes.


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