venus transit

Livestream of Venus transit via NASA: watch live!

Submitted by Madame Butterfly on Tue, 06/05/2012 - 15:45


Nasa is broadcasting the transit of Venus live:

In the early 1600's mankind actually figured out the distance to Venus, and indeed the size of the entire Universe, during the event that is about to occur...but that is a long story for another day. For now...people around the world are gathered once again to watch this incredible event, which will be broadcast live by NASA.

The Venus transit is also the beginning of a new cycle, one which heralds the return of the Divine Feminine, according to New Age beliefs. Thousands of people around the world will be meditating on world peace, love, and abundance for all. If you are interested in joining the video link above provides times for each specific time zone.

Here is another link to watch the Venus transit from Keck University.

Fran Zepeda ~ Sananda ~ May You Be a Kaleidoscope of Oneness ~ June 4, 2012

Submitted by franheal on Tue, 06/05/2012 - 00:03

Sananda ~ May You Be a Kaleidoscope of Oneness ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ June 4, 2012




No matter where you are in the energy spiral, you are all rising in frequency. The energy surge accompanying the present alignments now occurring will cause massive jumps in your consciousness. It is only necessary for you to open your hearts to a degree you have not yet attained, dear Ones. The energies will assist you; you must only allow the awakening to occur.


All across the universes a massive domino effect is occurring, and will continue to occur as you open and lead with your hearts. By now you are becoming quite adept at this and the question is only how much you desire to embrace the unprecedented surge of Light and Love energies being poured into your hearts as we speak.


Dear beloveds, these are your moments to surpass all expectation of your ability to absorb the maximum of Light particles ever absorbed. It is up to you; it is up to you to harness them and catapult them in the form of intention and visualization for what the New Earth would look like if it were as balanced and abundant as an array of colors representing every hue of the rainbow in complete radiant explosion.


You may have guessed it: You and each one of you and every Being of all the universes has the potential to light up like a firefly producing a kaleidoscope of radiant colors, each unique to each Being, but in totality producing such a beautiful combination, unique unto each part yet so balanced and synchronized in Wholeness.


This Power needs no force

Submitted by SophiaLove on Fri, 06/01/2012 - 07:09

It’s taken several days to get my heart around today’s message.  The hesitation springs from a reticence to force action.  Force is what has been typically used to accomplish any effort on this planet; with war, punishment, law, coercion and power.  Images of impending battle and rising up to conquer, reach deep within us and inspire.  A heroic victory led by one valiant leader – this is what movies are made of.


The Return of the Goddess yields no such images, yet this power is beyond anything we’ve seen thus far. This power needs no such force; it is your very essence.  You’ve been lied to.


Love has been purposely downplayed.  This is like the story of the Animal School: . In this school there were no leaders, no stars, and no extraordinary animals.  This was because they were all tested in the same manner and their scores averaged or “normed”.  There was a swimming test, a flying test, a running test, etc.  The birds aced the flying test by failed all the others, the fish excelled at swimming and the rabbit at running.  Each animal went home believing fully in their mediocrity, when in fact they were all stars.


We are about to finally realize our own brilliance.  Man or woman, our true strength cannot be separated from the love that we are.  Our greatest moments come quietly and are experienced deeply.


In order for balance to be reached there must be an equal and opposing force to what is now here.  This planet has been ruled these many years by powerful masculine energy.  This is the energy of facts and figures; single and divisive, controlling and owning.  What is needed now is love.


Occupy Your Heart - Nikola Tesla - Live Online Concert June 5/2012

Submitted by drmoe on Fri, 05/25/2012 - 08:16

Attached are links to 2 videos recently shot at Niagara Falls announcing our upcoming concert for Lightworkers, Starseeds, Indigos, Wayshowers, all of you who are now aware of your role as Carriers of the Light for Ascension 2012.

This concert will be broadcast from my Home Studio, 10 minutes away from beautiful Niagara Falls, a power center of significant proportions, whos Hydro Electric capabilities were launched by the genius of Nikola Tesla.


June 4 is a partial Lunar Eclipse followed by the June 5/6 completion of the Venus Transit. On concert day, June 5, 2012, we will be celebrating our work as lightworkers, starseeds, wayshowers and ascension seekers through my style of Inspirational Rockin Blues.


We will also be honoring Mother Earth for her wondrous gifts and the gifts of energy given to us by such a genius as Nikola Tesla.  It so happens that June 5 is my deceased mother's birthday. It also happens that her name was Rhea.  In many of the world's mythologies, Rhea is the name for Mother Earth.  I call this a Kosmic Koinki Dinki!


Please join us won't you, and bring your friends.  We are finally coming out of the closet as the Wayshowers of this New Age


Promo Video Link:


Dr Moe's YouTube Channel Link for Music Videos:


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