

Submitted by Tinahyah on Fri, 10/20/2017 - 06:07

There are a group of my clients who are spiritually teamed together, who have been trained in NOW time as well as on the SPIRITUAL side, to literally MEND THE WAY for Multiplicity Space souls. Then there are additional team members who are doing soul repair work for all the souls in Multiplicity Space. With a conclusion on Oct. 21st of 611 Trillion souls being granted ETERNAL FORGIVENESS, like those in Linear Space received through Jesus. This event on Oct. 21st is a God and Jesus authorized event. THEDARK are at a loss with what has started to unfold and team members have been singled out and attacked, but the opponent has been rebuked, removed and forgiven [which is a death knell for THEDARK.] Just a FYI, the 'target', THEDARK, is NOT Satan and his kronies. For they are NOT present in Multiplicity Space. Just Linear Space.


Speak this 2 times a day for valuable assisting.

Recovering the Soul

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Fri, 08/04/2017 - 12:50
by April Bender via integrated Overself

The soul is deep, watery, soothing, mysterious and unsettling. It is the deepest parts of the ocean, reflecting back the deepest part of self. At times calm and serene, sometimes terrifyingly tumultuous, and still other times wavy and playful. Mystical and alluring in its beauty and depth, and yet unsettling when experienced as a darkened void. The souls speaks to one through restless nights as well as blissful days, through one's deepest joys as well as their pain. It reflects one's earthy humanness, in the most exquisite shades and hues, reminding one of what it means to be truly alive.

2017 Divine Love and Galactic Codes of Light Pouring In

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Tue, 12/20/2016 - 11:43

Imagine with me, this image. Imagine yourself in the crystal center of the earth. And in this image you are now miniaturized to fit on a crystal, a crystal that represents your soul.It contains the Akashic Records of your lives and experiences on earth. The end of the soul crystal is a pyramid shape, the point for you to sit on and with this it is like you are seated upon a crystalline pyramid. It is the activation of all lifetimes as one lifetime representing wholeness with all that you are, and also connected to all that is. Within this place, you access your whole souls knowing and also the earth's knowing and the galaxy's knowing. The higher knowing comes in on crystalline codes of light, through your human self now and transfers to your inner earth self, all deriving from the Great Central Sun and beyond and traveling through the earth's sun, yourself on earth, and this you that is within the crystalline core of Mother Earth, as a part of here. Receive all that is being gifted to you on the etheric level for a place of openness and worthiness of the transforming and transcendence energy to take you to a higher place.

Expand Your Horizons ... this is my seminar offering

Submitted by ballerina on Tue, 09/13/2016 - 19:57

I wrote and facilitated 'Expand Your Horizons' many years ago when I was around 16. I'm going to offer another seminar, or teleseminar this time, of same title. It's an opportunity to ask your most pressing question and hear answers to others' questions. Each time I facilitate an event, it always brings together those on a similar wave length or vibration. What are your three words that most represent your interest or focus or needs now. For example, mine are: divinity, service, find (those to serve). Another three of mine are: heal, Son, Daughter. Pls email me at if you'd like an introductory, mini consultation for whatever donation you'd like to give based on the value you receive. Just send your name, cell or home, city/state, and times to reach you daily. I'll be putting together this teleseminar as an introduction to the work I've done all my life as a Soul who chose to be here to help and as a Soul who loves being an eternal student and teacher as we are are...some more conscious of this than others.

Some tools for opening your heart...
1) regular, professional, massage therapy with someone you feel comfortable and who puts you to sleep or nearly
2) body breathing daily and eventually every moment... this will be taught at first teleseminar
3) organic, fresh food
4) distilled water to cleanse 3 weeks or months
5) New Zealand water after your energy increases
6) choose love rather than power, or being right, or getting even or anything else... this is a full topic as it doesn't mean being a doormat either
7) take 20-30min daily to go on inner, to be quiet, to breathe, to feel yourself as the divinely-loving Soul you are daily... maybe upon waking and same before sleep

Till we meet again...


Submitted by ballerina on Sun, 09/11/2016 - 11:12

Each of us has a song to live. This song in our heart is always singing. We have only to Body Breathe to hear it clearly and live it clearly. We are each magnificently beautiful when we choose to live as the divinely-loving Soul we are. I'll copy what I just posted about Body Breathing in reply to another post entitled 'Hear Me' when I get to a computer. Of coure, u r welcome to find it before that. Thanks to all the amazing Souls here and everywhere who uplift each of us daily by living as the beacons of divine love as much as we are able.

In Anticipation of The Event

Submitted by drmoe on Sun, 02/23/2014 - 06:25

Bring It On!


Are you ready for The Event?  I am. Bring it on. Once in a while I need to vent. Maybe you do too.  I can safely say it has a powerful cleansing effect while it releases a lot of internal stress having to do with how slow things appear to be moving. The following is a re-post from last year. With the nonsense and harm the cabal continues to try and propagate on this planet and her inhabitants it is time to let loose once again. This is how I feel and at times like these it feels good to say so. Back in my practice days, as a psychotherapist, I would support abuse victims in their desire to confront their abusers, once they were ready to do so. It was a very powerful moment for them and every client who took this brave step reported the same result - An end to feeling like a Victim. We are no longer victims when we stand up to those who would try and control us. Let us do so as often as necessary until the job is done.  Badda Bing, Badda Boom!



"I Apologize Therefore I'm Cured" - Really???


I am feeling angry and upset with the current state of world affairs, with the miscreants, the cheaters, the predators in suits, the military abusers of mankind. These sycophants can now readily be identified and found among our world leaders, the people who allegedly run things for the rest of us. Let them all be evacuated from Earth as far as I’m concerned, ship them off to a prison planet of their own making where they can be held to account for their oftentimes murderous abuses of mankind.


IN-Lightenment : Do You Wake Up In The Mornings And Ignore Your Self?

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Wed, 02/12/2014 - 05:54

I do sometimes… In fact I do it most mornings. I have the excuse of wanting a cup of tea or coffee first and then while I’m sitting and enjoying it, I’ll say to my Self, I’m just going to check my mail. See if anyone is looking for me…. [Smile]. He smiles back at me and waits patiently for me. Invariably I venture onto Facebook and check if there are any messages for me there and I’ll read some of the posts too. Eventually I will feel the call of my heart and I can no longer ignore it. Usually during the night I check if he is still with me, and he always answers “I am here my Love”. Just lately when I go into my heart now I hear myself saying to him “I am here…”. He replies “I have been waiting for you. I’ve missed you..”, and I’ll say “I know, I’ve missed you too.”

Once I’m in my heart with him, I wonder how I could ever have left in the first place. It feels so wonderful to be in there with him. I feel his Divine Love fill me with peace and I feel more content that I have ever felt before. Its a good time to speak to him when I am in there, because our connection is so much stronger. We meditate together, anchor our light, say our blessings, and chat away like two long lost friends. He also helps me make choices and decisions that are for my highest intention and he always keeps his word. I know that when he tells me “You will know what to do”, that he will guide me intuitively.

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