Learning Mind

7 Stunning Examples of Art and Math Working Together

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 03/06/2016 - 09:02

I’d like to be honest with you. Normally, I would cringe at discussing anything mathematical. I know, but bear with me. This time, I want to show you something awesome, even to those of you who aren’t the biggest fan of numbers, like me. This time, it’s not just about learning about equations in the classroom. This time, art and math work together to produce stunning results.

Now even I find that interesting. (You’d just have to know me.) Math may seem, to most of you, to be a pursuit of formulas, but math also produces ratios that create the most striking works of art.

There are seven instances that art and math worked together to break left/right brain scenarios.

1. Snow Art

How do you create art with mathematics? The epic snowscapes in the European Alps, created by Simon Beck, is a prime example of exquisite mathematical art. Using only his compass and snowshoes, Beck created a Koch Snowflake and Sierpinkski Triangle in 11 hours flat. Wow!

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These Incredible Psychedelic Artworks Are Created by Pouring Paint and Resin onto a Canvas

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 12/30/2015 - 09:30

Bruce Riley is an ingenious artist with a unique style who creates incredibly vibrant captivating psychedelic artworks by using a combination of dripped paints and resins.

Riley was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, United States and has lived in Chicago since 1994. As a student at the Art Academy of Cincinnati, he enjoyed spending his time studying the works in the Cincinnati Art Museum. The artist also studied fine arts at the University of Cincinnati where he discovered The Princeton University Press’ Bollingen Series. These published works of renowned philosophers and progressive thinkers like Eric Neumann, Carl Jung, David Bohm and J. Krishnamurti, contributed greatly to the artist’s development.

“I can’t stress enough the importance of this find and its impact on my art and life. This body of work exposed me to a literature that explored the mysteries of the human condition, something that I felt I was looking into with my art. I’ve always known my work was about everything, all at once. This reading began to give me an intellectual tool to investigate what I knew and felt,” the artist writes on his website.

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Dream Sanctuary: the Role of Recurring Settings in Dreams

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 10/18/2015 - 16:02

dream sanctuary

My previous article regarding dreams and how they’ve influenced my life started the same way I’d like to start this one: It has been an age-old debate as to what exactly dreams are. Many questions have arisen on the topic, and dreams are filled with so much speculative history that it has become a concept of wondrous intrigue. Throughout documented time, dreams have been revered, feared, judged, and interpreted. Entire careers have been created for the purpose of understanding dreams, and entire lives have been spent driven toward answering the question: what are dreams and how can they help us? This article is not meant to answer these questions specifically, but to shed light on one aspect of our dreamscape which I have personally studied in depth: our dream sanctuary.

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Physics Behind the 7 Chakra System and Where Chakra Energy Comes from

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 09/23/2015 - 13:10

First, let’s define what physics is – it is the branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy. If we take the description of what chakra is, we will discover that it is one of the seven major energy centers in the body. If we combine our knowledge of physics and our knowledge about the properties of chakras, we might be able to find a simple way to describe a 7 chakra system through physics. Even though many people still consider chakras to be just a part of a spiritual belief system, their work has a strong influence on the quality of life we are experiencing.

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How to Use the Power of Words to Fulfill your Wish, Desire and Command

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 09/15/2015 - 19:17

To be more precise, the power of documented words when activated verbally and fulfilled with intention.

Words and Water

Your first thought on this subject probably goes in the direction of the late Dr. Masaru Emoto, and why not. His extensive research clearly demonstrates when written and spoken words are applied to glass jars containing water, the molecular structure is altered. He would flash freeze samples enabling him to examine the variations under a microscope. Later tests with rice in water were visible. When one jar with words attached like peace, happiness, joy and I love you, were compared to a jar with words like bad, horrible, disgusting and I hate you, the loving jar of rice in water would remain clear and pure for a long duration, whilst the jar with I hate you, would rapidly change color and decay.

My personal favorite is cutting a freshly picked apple in half and placing the two pieces in separate glass jars, again using the written words followed by a daily verbal citation of the words. One half of the apple stays fresh whilst the other half decomposes quickly.

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4 Easy Ways to Step Past Your Comfort Zone Today

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 09/05/2015 - 09:35

Too often we find ourselves within our comfort zone, we get into a rut that we just cannot step out of. How does this improve us as a person? It doesn’t. Yet, stepping out of our comfort zone is a daunting task for many of us. Here are four of the most useful tips to be found to help you push your boundaries and get more out of your days.

1. Take Risks

There are times where taking a risk is stupid. Jumping traffic to get to work a few minutes early, skip that. Yet, offering to pick up a project at work when you know your boss is going to offer it to someone else, yeah that is a manageable risk. It might mean you have more on your plate for the day or week, but you will be in the eyes of your superior. Now, they can see you are an asset to the company, and that could mean a promotion.

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5 Life Lessons I Wish School Had Taught Me

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 09/03/2015 - 08:50

Whilst school feels like a century ago, there are often moments I think back to my school days and ponder upon the things I wish somebody had taught me when I was younger. There are plenty of skills, information and general pieces of knowledge that should be taught in schools that would save a lot of stress, heartache and embarrassment in our later years. Whilst our wise owl teachers probably did pass on some nuggets of advice throughout our school years, it was very unlikely that we actually listened or realised how important it was. If I could add self-awareness and life lessons to the curriculum, here’s what I would teach:

1. Failures are okay

So in school, a fail is a bad thing, sometimes even an awful thing that you get told is going to affect your life forever. Sure, qualifications are important to get you onto the next stepping stone in life, but they aren’t the be-all and end-all. It’s okay to fail a test, or not be able to score that goal. Making mistakes is the only genuine way to learn and the sooner you realise that, the better. Accepting your mistakes is something everybody should be taught to do from a young age and that as long as you learn from them, you are doing okay.

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Here Is Another Great Reason to Live Near Trees

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 08/26/2015 - 19:02

Trees are beautiful, and we all know their importance on the overall environment. What we question now is, does proximity to trees affect our health in general and are people who live near trees healthier than those who don’t? Maybe, let’s take a closer look.

Healthy Trees

Researchers report that people in urban areas with more trees are healthier individuals. This means having fewer cardio-metabolic conditions like heart disease and diabetes. Of course, green is better for the health, but do we know the direct correlation between humans and individual trees? How much can a tree on a city street affect man’s well-being?

Test subjects were chosen from Toronto because of Canada’s universal health care law. This means that access to doctors should not vary as much as in other areas making the health impact from trees an increased factor. Although the unive

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How Your Music Tastes Give an Insight into the Way You Think

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 08/24/2015 - 14:32

Your music tastes or the type of music you listen to can actually give big clues into the way in which you think, researchers at the Cambridge University have found.

The study, which was published in PLOS ONE journal, focuses specifically on two types of thinking: empathizers and systemizers. Empathizers are able to tune into the emotions of others whereas a systemizer is more likely to prefer rules and patterns that they can analyze, rather than something as subjective as human emotion.

Why we listen to the music that we choose to listen to is a big debate within the psychological field. What determines if we like a particular singer over another? Why do you like one specific genre over the others? One of the largest factors over why we favour specific types of music over others, researchers have argued, is explicit traits such as age, but it goes much further than that.

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How to Train Your Brain Hemispheres to Boost Your Mental Capacity

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 08/23/2015 - 14:31

Throughout the history of neurological research, it’s been proven that one’s involvement in exercise expands one’s brain functioning; in turn, I think “exercise” is a paradigm where several different fitness modalities can fall under. In this piece, I will discuss the notion of unilateral loading on one’s body, as well as the mind. You will learn how to train your brain and body to achieve great results in increasing your mental capacity.

Brain, On Exercise

The National Library of Medicine conducted a study showing that “Physical exercise has been shown to increase brain volume and improve cognition in randomized trials of non-demented elderly”. Now, throughout this trial the exercises were restricted to the confines “Tai Chi” and other accredited fitness practices. Imagine, if one could extract the mental benefits of exercise without getting caught up in the mishegas of today’s fitness crazes. Enter, the unilateral loading.

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