
Synchronicity 101 or Should I Say 11:11?

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Mon, 03/21/2016 - 18:38

What is synchronicity?
A dictionary defines it as: the simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.

Carl Jung coined the term synchronicity as a causal connection of two or more psycho-physic phenomena.

see synchronicity as al of this, yet so much more! It is something that excites me when it occurs in my world. We can take it as a sign that we are in the flow of the universe. It is like a cosmic wink that we are loved and we are on the right track and in the flow. In the flow refers to going with the direction our higher self is wanting to take us.

How to Know the Dreamspell Calendar

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Sat, 03/19/2016 - 16:55
What is the Dreamspell? It is a tool to observe cycles called a synchrometer. A Sychrometer is an instrument for measuring synchronicity and a perfect measure of cosmic time which helps us to attune to those energies. It is a system that is an overlay on the traditional Mayan Tzolkin (an ancient system by the Maya of observing cycles within cycles) that was downloaded by Jose Arguelles via meditation, and based on the mathematics of cycles in the Tzolkin, also called the Mayan Longcount. Through observing the Dreamspell each day and thinking about it helps us move toward the larger galactic cycles into timelessness.

Wikipedia explains the purposes of the Dreamspell as such:

1. To synchronize human beings with our "galactic roots" by tuning us in to the spiritual energy from Hunab Ku, a being Argüelles asserts is the governing deity of the Milky Way Galaxy. (AKA Great Central Sun, the center of our Galaxy.)
2. To convert humanity from thinking that Time is Money to thinking that Time is Art and thus give human beings more scope for their creativity.

Galactic Consciousness: A New Frequency for Hue-mans

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Sun, 02/08/2015 - 14:27

 I was more deeply introduced to the Dreamspell Calendar on the Winter Solstice. I had previously dismissed this way of seeing and had been a follower of the Mayan Tzolkin, the Longcount for several years, on and off. I see it as an incredible filter in which to see the human experience, and others can exist side by side with the Tzolkin. The universe loves many perspectives of experience and ways of seeing.

The Dreamspell captured my heart and imagination and I allowed it to in, and am reaping the gifts that it offers. The Dreamspell, created by Jose Arguelles, takes us into knowing ourselves as galactic beings. An intention is to connect us to the spiritual energy of the Hunab Ku which is the Great Central Sun of the Milky Way Galaxy. I see Hunab Ku as emanating source energy of creation. In connecting to Hunab Ku, we come to know ourselves as mini-galaxies of light. We expand and see ourselves as beyond human form and confines of defining ourselves as only in our bodies. We also can come to greet ourselves as energy instead of matter. Of course, all matter is energy distilled into form and our bodies and all that is matter is mostly made of space, like way over 99.9%.

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