letting go of fear

Happy New Beginnings ~ Choosing Love over Fear

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Fri, 03/25/2016 - 22:51

Happy New Beginnings ~ Choosing Love over Fear

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My Beloved Higher Self teases me and tells me I’m becoming religious since I’ve been listening to Hillsong’s new song just released in time for Easter called Grace to Grace. I reply “I know…” He smiles. I ask him if Spirituality is becoming the ‘New Religion’, and he says no because there is no dogma in Spirituality, only Love.

Love is the Source of All That Is.

Guidance From The Angels ~ Let Go of Your Fears

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Thu, 09/03/2015 - 04:44

Your Guidance from the Angelic Realm for today:

Let us help you let go of your fears. When you have fear energy within you, you’re attracting to yourself more fear energy which only serves to make the situation worse. Let us help you overcome your fears. It is natural to feel fear, it is your ego’s way of keeping you safe. But we want to guide you today that you have nothing to fear! You are safe! You will see that when you place your trust and your faith in the Divine, you become strong enough to let go of the fears and then you will know that the strength and courage to do anything lies within you.

Stay in your Heart Beloved and connect with the Divine part of You that wishes your life to be abundant in every way. Remember you are always loved and supported Dear One, but never as much as you are now. Never before have you held within you so much Light!

You are literally being held in the arms of Divine Love.

~ Guidance From The Angelic Realm No. 42

Have an awesome day Earth Angels!

We Love You!


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Learn how to reframe FEAR using your Higher Mind

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Wed, 05/13/2015 - 08:05

Many are being challenged now to face their biggest fears, and in so doing, they are bringing onto their path some rather large obstacles that can appear to be insurmountable. This is a good thing, believe me. With each Full Moon you are encouraged further to let go, let go, let go!

Letting go of all that heavy baggage that has been holding you down for most of your life is your main priority at this time! It is time now to SOAR to great heights!

Beloved, where you are going requires nothing, no-thing, and certainly no bags. There is no check-in counter! All baggage must be left behind if you are to move forward now into the next phase of your transition.

The Full Moon once again has given you a great big boost of energy to help you let go of all that is not love within your energy body. Make FULL use of this time now before the New Moon on the 18th to let go as much as possible. All this releasing is making way for the NEW when you will once more enter a time of enormous GROWTH. All babies go through growth spurts, and you are no different!

Much like toddlers, you are learning to balance yourself in this New Reality. Fears are just obstacles that the ego creates in an attempt to give you a sense of security, however false that may be. The ego will try to hold you back from spreading your wings because it is afraid you will hurt yourself. It will put walls up and tell you that you cannot do something whilst your heart will whisper “Yes, you can!”

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