Archangel Michael Trinity of Blessings Attunement

Equinox Message of Encouragement from our Sisters and Brothers of the Light

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 03/18/2018 - 21:17

Dear Readers,

I asked for a message today that will set our minds at rest over the huge changes that are currently unfolding all over the Planet. This is the message I received:

You are currently experiencing the most powerful influx of the Diamond Light codes ever. Never before Dearest One has the Earth and her people been the recipient of so much Love! It is there for you, for the taking, for your choosing. Realize that you are the co-creator in your reality and it is up to you what you choose to do with this powerful creative energy. It is through your intention and free will to create the reality of your choosing that you bring forth your New 5D Earth reality. But know that with all great change comes a great releasing also of all that which was and is still being mis-appropriated (mis-created) by those who are not yet awake, or fully awakened, to the great shift occurring on the Earth. Therefore be prepared for great changes both within and without as this great releasing takes place.

Within your own energy matrix you are already seeing how much more connected you are to Spirit, and how much clearer your inner Voice is becoming, and how much more intuitive you are becoming as you align more with the Truth held within the chambers of your Sacred Heart, as you BEcome the God/Goddess, Priest/Priestess of your choosing. You have a keener sense of the intense support and unconditional Love that flows from within you, through and around you, from the Almighty I AM Presence, the Father/Mother of your Being.

True Archangel Michael Stories by Deborah Faith

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Tue, 09/19/2017 - 02:31
The Feather

In October of 2012 I had a dream that felt so incredibly real. In the dream a large dark ominous looking ‘thing’ was moving towards me. I was terrified and screamed out Michael’s name 3 times and the next thing I knew I was being physically lifted out of the dream. I woke up safe and sound in my bed and as I turned the light on I noticed the most perfect white feather I’d ever laid eyes on. It had been carefully placed on my side table, where he was sure it wouldn’t go unnoticed. I knew then that he’d saved me! What I didn’t know at the time was that he’d saved me from a figment of my mind and over active imagination. I had been listening to the fear-filled stories of my online friends and these stories had released a deep seated fear for demons which had been installed within my psyche from a young age.

Over the next couple of months Michael patiently worked with me helping me to overcome my fears. He taught me there is nothing to fear except fear itself and even then it shouldn’t be feared because fear is an illusion. Only love is real! He showed me how powerful the human mind can be.

Since then he’s never left my side. He’s been my confidant, my mentor and closest friend. He taught me about unconditional love and he continues to guide me in every area of my life.

Read more stories here:

Thank you!


The Trinity of Blessings ~ What the World needs now is your Love!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Thu, 08/24/2017 - 09:25
Archangel Michael Trinity of Blessings

T h e  T r i n i t y  o f  B l e s s i n g s™  A t t u n e m e n t

f r o m  A r c h a n g e l  M i c h a e l

What the World needs now is your love! When you practice being love, and expressing love, you are automatically also attracting the same back to yourself, enhancing your own life and the lives of others which has a reverberating effect, what I call the Boomerang Effect which starts as a ripple, then becomes a wave as it gains in momentum, eventually becoming a giant Tsunami! You see, Love is pure magic! Through its magical vibration, you magnetically attract the vibrations of peace and joy to your life also, by default. This is why I LOVE the Trinity of Blessings! It worked for me, and I know it will work for you! It will transform your life. And the bonus part is, that once you take a step forward in the direction of love - of becoming MORE LOVE - Spirit takes several steps towards you! Read on for more information:

The Trinity of Blessings™ is an attunement which was originally received from Archangel Michael through its patron Theresa Helton in 2010.  This attunement will help you become aligned with the energy of Divine Love which will also brings the energy of Peace and Joy into your life. This higher vibrational energy will help you to transform your life as you allow more Divine Love to fill you, you are also becoming once more your True Self, a Being of Divine Love.

The Full Moon Goddess Energy is Pregnant with New Life!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 07/09/2017 - 07:47


The Full Moon Goddess Energy is Pregnant with New Life!

This morning we awoke to a glorious full moon on a cold and drizzling 5 C degrees in Cape Town, South Africa. We couldn’t see her, but we could feel her. “Pregnant with New Life”, is what I heard Michael telling me. The Divine Feminine energy is an important factor at this juncture as she holds the blueprint for the creation of our New Earth which is now in the process of manifesting into Form. The Divine Feminine energy can best be described as the womb that is holding us and supporting us, and in which the gestation of our new crystalline body, and the crystalline body of our New Earth is occurring.Therefore it is important to merge into the energy of the Divine Feminine during our daily energy practice because this energy is supporting the NEW You being birthed now. I just love the image in this post because it represents BOTH the Masculine and Feminine aspects of our Being. One cannot do without the other, and as I’ve often heard Michael tell me, “There is no Other, we are One!”

What is really important now is that we let whatever energy that does not support us go. Simply release it, surrender it, without further ado. It is longing to return to the Light from whence it came! All of that which is not supporting us aka everything that is NOT love, is being released and transmuted so much easier now as well.

Energy Reading ~ Lady Kuan Yin steps forward with a message today.

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Tue, 06/13/2017 - 08:02

Allow yourself to be nourished by the power and love of the Divine Mother flowing to you now.

“The Divine Feminine is encouraging the awakening and empowerment of all living beings upon the Earth plane. When a seeker is trying to find his way there is much help sent. It makes sense therefore to be open to receive it. So step forward and drink from the emerald fountain which is the unconditional love flowing from within the loving heart chakra of Kuan Yin, and allow yourself to be nourished by the power and love of the Divine Mother.”

It is in our quest for a sense of the Oneness of the True Essence of our being that we are guided to look past the outer exterior to the beauty within each other and ourselves. The peacock in all of his magnificent outer array helps us to understand beauty. When we look past the exterior and see the true beauty of our Soul Light within, we will realize the same Light shines from within everyone else also. Then we will see our Self reflected in the eyes of each other and we will know we are One. This card also helps us to see the beauty around us, the beauty of Nature and of our Planet. It reminds us to be present and to notice the beauty that surrounds us at all times. It reminds us of our infinite creativity and of the perfection that exists within us. The Divine Creator within.

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