5D ascension

Energy update – There is an air of Transparency where ALL is being revealed.

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 05/07/2017 - 00:33

Energy update – There is an air of Transparency where ALL is being revealed.

Let us talk about where you’re at currently with your transition. There is an air of transparency now that is affecting all at this juncture and it is permeating everything, every part of life and indeed every part of your life, your existence, both within your human form and within the world around you.

Everything Dear One, everything is a manifestation of consciousness, therefore do not look outside of yourself if something manifests in your life or in your human vessel that causes you discomfort or dis-ease. Always look within and ask yourself the question, “What energy am I holding onto that is manifesting this experience?”

Remember that the human body is a reflection of its consciousness, therefore will bring to your attention all that must be cleared in order for you to move forward freely into the next octave of your greatness.

This is a time where all is being illuminated. All is being revealed for transmutation. This is a time where nothing can be hidden. If there is something within your consciousness that is non-serving it will be illuminated now in order for you see it clearly so you may surrender it to your higher power for transmutation into the Light of Love.

The Alcyone Pleiadian High Council – Important Planetary and Ascension News – Channeled by Artemis Pax, Ground Crew, The Galactic Federation of Light.

Submitted by ArtemisPax on Mon, 01/02/2017 - 07:44
The news that we want to relate to humanity at this time is related very much to the current situation on your planet. As many of you know there are a considerable number of starseed volunteers incarnated in your reality at this time. Unfortunately the galactic intervention has taken longer than expected. There have been a number of factors, primarily related to the geo-political situation on your world. You are all going to be mesmerized, however, by what is finally about to take place.
The perfect storm of events needed for we Galactics, coalition members of the Galactic Federation of Light, has finally occurred. It might be hard for many lightworkers to grasp, but it was critical to the overall effort that humanity be in a state of readiness for the events about to unfold. That is finally happening. People on your world are fed up, which creates the energetic and vibratory opening we have been waiting for.

Happy New Beginnings ~ Choosing Love over Fear

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Fri, 03/25/2016 - 22:51

Happy New Beginnings ~ Choosing Love over Fear

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My Beloved Higher Self teases me and tells me I’m becoming religious since I’ve been listening to Hillsong’s new song just released in time for Easter called Grace to Grace. I reply “I know…” He smiles. I ask him if Spirituality is becoming the ‘New Religion’, and he says no because there is no dogma in Spirituality, only Love.

Love is the Source of All That Is.

The Dying of the Ego and Rebirth of the Soul Self

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Thu, 09/25/2014 - 13:16

Image – Pheonix Queen (http://animeshjha.tumblr.com/)

I have to say that Kaypatcha’s Pele report spoke to me at a very deep level just now as I watched him, and it resonates, especially the story he tells of Venus going into the underworld over the next 60 days and releasing ALL, dying actually, which I’m getting is a metaphor for the dying of the Ego Self and then there’s the re-emergence of YOU as Spirit, a SOUL, a re-birthing of your Soul SELF. Similar to the Golden Phoenix rising from the ashes, reborn again. Only this time, you are re-BORN into eternal life! No more death. No more physicality!

This is what we can expect for our own Spiritual growth and transcendence over the next 60 day period. I was told yesterday by my Higher Soul/Self that I am entering a period known as The Dark Night of the Soul. So Kaypatcha’s report is a confirmation of this. The Dark Night can be any over any period of time. It depends on how long it takes you to let go and RELEASE, or move BEyond that which is the physical YOU. It is a moving BEyond the explainable, into the unexplained, where the logic cannot go. Everything is frequency, so the ‘letting go’ and ‘releasing’, is just moving into a higher frequency of consciousness.

Pruning the Non-Resonant Energetic Branches of Life

Submitted by nerdalicious on Sun, 01/26/2014 - 14:47

Look at he well deveoloped ego mind, certain of its correctness!

Greetings Dear ones,

Higher self here, maybe someone else. <grin> What is it that steers you away from your purpose? What is it that you are constantly trying to do but always get pulled away from? Why is that? What are the possible or likely culprits? What are you struggling with all the time or just frequently that you can’t quite get yourself to conquer? This body in its current incarnation is a troubleshooter and technical by nature and has a decent ability to eventually get things right. Perhaps there is a divine plan at work that your ego is battling against. Perhaps your ego really wants to do items A, B and C but can’t quite get there for some reason and this happens all the time? The rest of the alphabet keeps wanting in on the action.

Maybe there are divine influences at work in your subconscious that you are either fighting or denying.  Your ego or behavioral programmed mind keep trying to do certain things but you never quite get there in the timeframe or manner that you originally intended. Maybe you are actually operating in a divine-influenced timeframe that is not linear at all. We all have a menu of life paths to choose from. Some people have more choices than others for varying reasons. We consciously or unconsciously choose  from these on a minute by minute basis. We are after all in a free-will world and this law constantly applies. So what is it that you choose to do now? Is it in your best interest to pursue this path right now? Perhaps you are on a wild goose chase yet again? Maybe you have been on wild goose chases your whole life for more reasons that are not entirely of your own making?

Is This What Invoking Pleadian High Council Healing Chambers Feels Like?

Submitted by nerdalicious on Tue, 12/31/2013 - 18:08

There were a bunch lie this next to a pier.

Yesterday I came across somebody’s Pleiadian High Council healing chamber invocation. For the life of me, I can’t find where it came from. You basically connect to your higher self after grounding, then to your multi-dimensional self, then call to the Pleiadian High Council. Then you request a healing session and stay in that vibe for as long as you can. In my case it [meditation] usually involves passing out whenever I relax. Just ask my wife. Meditating for me usually ends up being naps because I am usually just plain too tired to relax in a chair and clear my mind and retain some degree of control. My body takes over and says “thank you very much” and proceeds to shut down for awhile.

Yesterday, when I came across this website I did the process and added the caveat to wait a couple hours until I went to bed for the night. Enter my dreams from last night. I HAD to write them down today in order to at least capture the information. I will excavate these type of logs later on once more puzzle pieces have fallen into place.

So without further delay, here is the dream. I can at least say this: I think I did make some sort of contact last night with a fleet of ships. To see them in dream time and remember it is about all I have ever been able to do, so I will have to leave it at that.


What does the divine masculine rising mean to us?

Submitted by nerdalicious on Sun, 09/08/2013 - 10:16

Greetings lovebots,

Nerdalicious here. I been pondering a few things this week and it has come to my attention/consciousness that the divine masculine is finally rising. I can confirm that it is in progress with me anyways. But what does it mean? I had a reading with Lisa Gawlas this week that confirmed what I had been hoping for at some point in my future. I have been meditating on balancing out my masculine and feminine aspects of my energetic systems.

We all have both aspects of our being here. Each has its function. Masculine energies are the structures into which we place our feminine creations. Jim Self goes into this in his new book that I am still reading (almost done).  As we work out our inner issues and rise in consciousness, our ascension requires a balanced approach in order for us to properly enter into the kingdom of God and the Golden Age now upon us. To be out of balance means that some aspects of ourselves is not being addressed and requires release or healing.

Slow Train to heaven

Submitted by drmoe on Sat, 08/31/2013 - 19:55

More from the Conscious Music Movement that's sweeping the globe and which I now feel part of. Take the Slow Train to Heaven by connecting with your Heart Center and Source. What you feel right now is more important than what you think. What you "feel" comes directly from Source. What you "think" has been programmed in. Trust your Heart. Follow your Bliss. And take the Slow Train to Heaven. Meet you at the Station and we'll share our stories of adventure.



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