
Circle of Grace 1 in The Age of Remembrance

Submitted by Brother_Francis on Thu, 04/28/2016 - 06:52

     Hi Everyone...My name is Brother_Francis and I have been on my spiritual path since the mid-1970's and I was born and raised in Long Island, NY; moved to New Jersey and lived there form 2005 thru 2011. I taught in various Long Island, NY and NJ locations. I have had the pleasure of being a guest Numerologist with astro-numerologist Lloyd Strayhorn (1982-1987) and formerly of NYC's KISS 98.7 FM's Wake Up Club with Jeff Fox (2006), then permanently relocated to Albuquerque, NM in November 2011 and love it as my new spiritually based home....I am the Founder and Chief Principal Teacher of my spiritual / metaphysical ministry called - CIRCLE OF GRACE 1 (founded 7/2/1999 AD) and its  five tiered metaphysical / spiritual institute called - The Circle of Divine Grace & Remembrance (founded 2/7/2009 AD) and both come under the Aegis & the Anointing of The Angel of Grace through Divine Providence.

Metatronic Numerology Weekly Frequency Report ~5/25-5/31, 2015~Universal Love and the Field of Potentiality

Submitted by Essence Ka tha'ras on Tue, 05/26/2015 - 19:14

~~This week is a 99 Frequency week with 00, 22 and 55 Sub-frequency influences, 33, 44 Minor frequency influences and a 111 Active Potential. It also holds an 8/11 Dual Minor frequency influence as well as a 7/11 Embedded Code.

The I AM Keyword phrases for these frequency numbers are:

99 – I Am Universal Love Shining Forth

00 – I AM All Potentiality

22 – I AM Spiritual Vision Building Sacred Structure

55 – I AM the Higher Self Aware of Divine Will

33 – I AM Compassionate Consciousness in Universal Service

44 – I Am Structured Power & Metamorphosis

111 – I AM Multi-dimensional Thought Energy Set into Motion

8/11 Dual – I AM the Illusion of Physical Reality Illumined through Spiritual Revelation and Epiphany

This week Tuesday and Thursday will be our most intense frequency days.

The Planets most strongly affecting this week’s overall frequencies are Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Saturn brings energies of Self-discipline, and accepting our responsibility for self, as well as our part of the responsibility for the Spiritual wellbeing of the Collective Consciousness.

Uranus brings energies that assist us in finding and defining our Sacred Contractual Work and recognizing our personal potential and uniqueness. It also assists in opening a more expansive vision for the Potential of Spiritual Growth for the Collective.

Neptune is the home of the Spiritual Idealist. Its energy helps us “See” the possibilities of the creation of a New Reality; a Reality of a Physical Earthly Nirvana. Neptune’s energy is that of fluid movement. It encourages idealism, imagination and a powerful sensitivity to energies. It helps us see and understand the ways in which energies interact with each other. At the center of Neptune’s energy is one place where we find an entrance into the realities of Shambahalla and New Earth.

Potential in Frequencies to Rise

Submitted by Mario on Mon, 05/25/2015 - 14:16

Potential in Frequencies to Rise

The potential is augmenting, (through disproportionate links*18), which acts on out in accords to the subliminal contacts*27, (which are gone unseen*9).

With the potential to link the unconscious system*26, which is running through creations of what we are attaining*19, momentarily becoming conscious of those things that are usually unseen*17, will bring about a shift in what we are attaining*16.

Some proponents of discomfort (is in actual demands of what we can attain*13).

The way we are interacting is (potentially given in subliminal or direct as thoughts and other senses we have*15), while utilizing them at greater awareness*14, one which can potentially be attained is, (proponents of discomfort*8).

Now what I mean by this, actual demands (are required from*7) our conscious creations.

While we attain momentum*25 (from fabrics which are bringing*10) us to something close as a transfiguration.

The potential links we attain (from the excess in utilizations which can become conscious from interactions*12), balance of accords, what we mean is this potential creation is created through processes of attraction and symbolism*28.

Some momentary adjustments, (conceptualizations of what is possible*11) in this creative force*23, which can bring about a reconfiguration of your timelines*24.

Potentially bringing in a wave (as subliminal actions*6), which are conveyed through you*29, with or without your awareness of them*20, fabricating a disposition*21, which connects substantial things as the butterfly effect*22, to potentially send on out a recreational wave of (events*1) which can be contacted by accessing information from around the world.

Weekly Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report ~ 5/4 ~10/4, 2015 ~Time for Expansive Change & An Expanded Perspective

Submitted by Essence Ka tha'ras on Wed, 05/06/2015 - 11:47

~~This week holds a 5/11 Dual Frequency with 22 and 55 Sub-frequency influences, a 44 Minor frequency influence and a 111 Passive Potential. It is also an 11:11 Encoded Frequency week.

This week Saturn, Uranus and Pluto are strongly influencing Earth’s frequencies, with Saturn adding energy to the 11:11 Encoding, Uranus strengthening the 22 Sub-frequency and Pluto adding momentum to the 55 Sub-frequency and the 44 Minor frequency. The combined energies of Saturn and Uranus are also adding to the 111 Passive Potential.

Saturn brings us the energies of Self-discipline, and accepting our responsibility for self, as well as our part of the responsibility for the Spiritual wellbeing of the Collective Consciousness.

Uranus brings energies that assist us in finding and defining our Sacred Contractual Work and recognizing our personal potential and uniqueness. It also assists in opening a more expansive vision for the Potential of Spiritual Growth for the Collective.

Pluto brings in the energies of Transformation, Transmutation and Metamorphosis. It shows us a clearer understanding of the Constructive use of our Personal Power, and adds much in the way of the creation and expansion of the Group Collective Conscious Mind and its importance in the Spiritual Growth of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity as we move into the Multi-dimensional Realms.

The I AM Keyword phrases for the 5/ll Dual, 22, 44, 55 and 111 are:

5/11 Dual – I AM the Revelation and Expansion of Divine Knowledge brought forth through Spiritual Growth and Change

22 – I AM Spiritual Vision Building Sacred Structure

44 – I Am Structured Power & Metamorphosis

55 – I AM the Higher Self Aware of Divine Will

111 – I AM Multi-dimensional Thought Energy Set into Motion

Before moving into this week’s full frequency report I would first like to address the 11:11 Encoded Frequency.

Communiqué from The Q4~Via: Cosmic Master Azure LOA: Part 1

Submitted by Essence Ka tha'ras on Thu, 09/25/2014 - 11:11

In the September issue of the Indigo Sun Magazine Ms. Ginger McCord honored me by publishing one of my articles. This article was an edited (for space) version of a communiqué I received from Cosmic Master Azure LOA of the Q4 in response to my asking for information to share surrounding the upcoming Shambahalla~Metatronic Meditation and Rejuvenation Retreat I will be hosting and facilitating Thursday, October 2nd through Sunday, October 5th, 2014.

For any who may be interested in attending this retreat, there is still room available and the price has been reduced to $350. For more information on this event follow the link below.

Shambahalla~Metatronic Meditation and Rejuvenation Retreat

I would now like to share the information he communicated. This article is Part 1 in releasing that information.


“Greetings Spirit Family of Earth,

I, Cosmic Master Azure LOA, come to you in this NOW amid the energies of Love, Unity and Synchronized Harmony.

I would share with you in this moment, information concerning the process of Creation within your Universal System.

Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report: 2014 Equinox-Northern Hemisphere-Autumnal/Southern Hemisphere-Vernal & Sept. 2014 New Moon

Submitted by Essence Ka tha'ras on Mon, 09/22/2014 - 13:43


Following is the Frequency Report for the Northern-Autumnal/Southern-Vernal Hemispheres Equinox and the New Moon of this month.

This year’s September Equinox occurs on Tuesday, September 23rd at 2:29 UTC.

This means for those of us living west of the Prime Meridian on the North and South American Continents the Autumnal Equinox will occur during the evening hours of Monday, September 22nd, and for some parts of the planet far enough east of the Prime Meridian it will fall in the morning hours of Wednesday, September 24th. And don’t forget. It is only the Autumnal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere it is the Vernal Equinox; more commonly known as the Spring Equinox.

Time and Perspective are so relative!

It is these Hemisphere differences, North/South and East/West that play a big part in the balancing of the energies of our planet and of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity. But this is a topic for another time and another article. Today we are looking at the Frequencies this Equinox is bringing to play in our lives; and we are also going to look at the Frequencies the New Moon of September 24th is bringing into play.


This Equinox holds a 9/11 Dual Frequency influence with a 22 Sub-frequency influence. It also holds a 222 Active Potential and a 999 Passive Potential.

The I AM Keyword phrases for 9/11 Dual Frequency, the 22, 222 and 999 frequencies are:

Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report ~ Partial Week: Tues. Sept. 16th – Sun. Sept. 21st, 2014

Submitted by Essence Ka tha'ras on Wed, 09/17/2014 - 15:31


Greetings to All My Spiritual Family,

Well here we are, beginning a new way of sharing the Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report. I believe I have determined the best way to still share information about current frequencies affecting our lives while at the same time freeing up much of my linear time so as to share other information as well.

This initial report is a partial weekly report. This just seemed the best place and way to start.

After this report I will be sharing Metatronic Numerology Frequency Reports on a weekly basis; giving an overview of the frequencies as they combine and weave throughout the week. This will take us to the next level of Self Responsibility in working with this information, as now we are not being led by the hand each day, but are now instead given an outline and summary of the week ahead of us.

Beginning with the next report you will notice that, even though technically our calendar week begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday, I have been led to calculate these weekly reports beginning on Mondays and ending on Sundays.

The reason for this is because the vast majority of people on our planet begins their work week on Monday and considers that the beginning of their week, with Saturday and Sunday considered the “Weekend”.

This may go against the “norm” and be considered unconventional; but I AM nothing if not unconventional and one who exists outside of the norm!

September 2014 Work of: Purification in Preparation for Returning Home

Submitted by Essence Ka tha'ras on Wed, 09/17/2014 - 15:28


I AM sharing a link to this article with only minimal excerpt from the full article because there are 6 videos in it.

To read the article in full please follow the link below....

September 2014 Work of: Purification in Preparation for Returning Home



September 2014

Work of:

Purification in Preparation for Returning Home:

Purifying our Individual & Collective Energy Matryx Grid of Karmic Imbalanced Energy


Following is a list for each of the particular Karmic Imbalanced Energy to focus on purifying from our Energy Matryx Grids during the month of September and the dates associated with each.

Also listed is whether the focus on any given day is on our Individual Energy Matryx or the Collective Consciousness’ Energy Matryx. Along with this you will also find listed information about each type of Karmic Imbalance and how it manifests in our daily reality, as well as basic instructions on how to do this work, specific Solfeggio Frequencies and videos to use with the purification of each Karmic Imbalanced Energy, and a Guided Meditation for use with this work.

Metatronic Numerology Daily Frequency Report: 9/15/14~The Changes Begin ~ Taking On a New Level of Responsibility

Submitted by Essence Ka tha'ras on Mon, 09/15/2014 - 21:26


Today is a 4/22 Dual Frequency day with a 77 Sub-frequency influence.

The I AM Keyword phrases for 4, 22 and 77 are:

4 – I AM Form and Service

22 – I Am Spiritual Vision Building Sacred Structure

77 – I Am the Divinely Inspired Synthesis of Spiritual Intuition and Physical Intelligence

Well, here we are; the day of the last Metatronic Numerology Daily Frequency Report. What a year and twenty-eight days this has been!

Once again, Thank You All for your Love and Support and for walking the first leg of this journey with me. I AM Honored and Appreciative beyond what words can convey.

Today marks the first day of the Second Phase of me sharing my work with the Q4 with you and the rest of the world. I AM Excited! And I cannot think of a better Frequency combination for it to begin with.

The 4/22 Frequency combination is very powerful and a one we have seen very few times since I began doing these reports back in August of 2013.

I personally see this frequency combination as something very special and a true gift to us from Spirit, especially associated with the creation of a New Reality for our world; one we are so diligently focused on and working toward.

Metatronic Numerology Daily Frequency Report: 9/4/14~Truthful & Illumined Communication through Universal Compassionate Consciousness

Submitted by Essence Ka tha'ras on Thu, 09/04/2014 - 13:48


Today is a 2 Frequency day with 11 and 33 Sub-frequency influences.

The I AM Keyword phrases for 2, 11 and 33 are:

2 – I AM Balanced Communication

11 – I AM Truth Illumined through Spiritual Revelation

33 – I AM Compassionate Consciousness in Universal Service

Do you think today is about learning to better Communicate with each other in a Truthful, Loving and Compassionate way?

I have to say, I love the way Spirit Communicates with us through synchronicity! I just never tire of it, and the confirmations it brings to us as humans.

I say this because Kyra and I just finished recording a Guided Meditation to share for use with this month’s work of Purification in Preparation for Returning Home through the act of purifying our Energy Matryx Grids, individually and Collectively, of particular Karmic Imbalanced Energy. In it I was instructed to have us send spiraling grounding cords out from our Throat Chakra centers; a form of grounding I have never used before, and honestly, was a bit surprised to see. But now, after seeing today’s frequencies, it makes a lot more rational (human) sense!

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