Higher Realms

Happy Love Day!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Wed, 02/14/2018 - 02:29

Dear Readers,

Every day is a celebrated Love Day in the Higher Realms!

What this means is that you can celebrate love every day if you will only elevate your consciousness into the higher realms. The higher realms are not ‘out there’ someplace, flitting about in the ethers! They are within you, right here and right now!

Yesterday, once I’d finished a private channeling for a client, I noticed my energy was still soaring higher than I’d ever before experienced. I lay down to enjoy this blissful experience which cannot be adequately described with mere words. Nirvana perhaps? Why label it anyway? It is LOVE in the highest frequency that I was able to feel at that moment, which thankfully stretched into a rather l o n g moment!

Now for the first time I understand why Lord Adama has said that when a channel has had the privilege of communing with a higher dimensional Being that for at least 2 hours afterwards, the channel can still enjoy the blissful energy of that Being by remaining in a state of stillness and openness and receptivity within. And the same goes for the client receiving the channeled messages because there is precious energy in those words!! And the energy remains there for as long as you are open and receptive to feeling it. Many clients have told me every time they read their written channeling, sometimes months later, they still feel overwhelming love and peace infiltrate into their being! The same is appropriate for live and recorded channeling.


Submitted by Angel News Network on Tue, 02/02/2016 - 08:37


Co-founder of the Angel News Network
We are all designed and destined to be channels of the higher realms, communicating with frequencies and consciousness beyond the human mind and bringing that wisdom into humanity. In fact, it has never not been that way. All of our past golden ages be they Lemurian, Atlantean, Egyptian, Greek, Aztec, Mayan or otherwise were all supported and created by higher realms support beyond the human experience. Entertain the thought that the human mind is a receiver of this higher wisdom. We have never been alone. In the past this was common knowledge. It is time for this to be common again.

Archangel Zadkiel: “You are nearing the end of this clearing, many of you….” ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda May 6, 2014

Submitted by franheal on Thu, 05/08/2014 - 23:01

Zadkiel.ashtarcommandcrew.netArchangel Zadkiel (Received May 6, 2014):


Hello dear ones of the Light, ever-increasing and ever-growing in illumination. Bravo for all the clearing, dear ones, for it has not been easy.

As you absorb more energies and subsequently download all you need to build and maintain your developing crystalline bodies, you subsequently must clear what is in the way. And so it is an ever- expanding process, but please know dear ones, that you are making much progress.

Mother Mary: Breathe Out The Breath of Creator – Channeled by Fran Zepeda – April 29, 2014

Submitted by franheal on Tue, 04/29/2014 - 21:05

Mother Mary:


Hello, my dear sweet beautiful Beings of Light. And so rightly addressed. For you are all taking on such a beautiful hue and radiance not seen ever. The recent downloads of light and energy, still continuing, have blessed you all with such an increase of radiance and luminance that it is difficult to quantify on any present scale of definition.

Yeshua: You Are Endowed With Everything That Is Of Creator ~ As Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ March 17, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Sun, 03/17/2013 - 22:18




Hello my dear friends, fellow Lightworkers and Love-gifters. I greet you with much Love and appreciation for all you are doing. You are stepping up to this monumental task of building your New Earth with ease and grace and gratitude, and for this I give you my immense gratitude.

You may wonder why I say “with ease”. Well, dear ones, this journey has certainly not been easy for you, I grant you that, but the ease I speak about is the fluidity you impart to your mission and purpose, and the generosity with which you give of your Love, your Divine Unconditional Love.

Have you noticed that the more Love you give, the more Love you can hold for yourself and others? Have you noticed that you are able to tap more resources and abilities as you commit yourself to the task of imparting Love and creating a world full of it and all the gifts endowed by Creator?

You are endowed with everything that is of Creator of All-That-Is. You are gifted with everything that is Creator. You are uncovering all that you already are, and what a journey it has been.

You will most likely start to notice in the coming days that it is much easier for you to connect with that part of yourself that is the Divine, that is the impartial Reality that is expansive abundance and clarity. You will find thus that the trigger for manifestation is much more accessible, and it will be due to the release of your True Essence illuminated by all the Light and Love you are allowing into your Being.

Yes, dear ones, the clearing you have been so rigorously participating in is beginning to show in the increased glimmer and shine of your Light Bodies. Your soul is becoming integrated and enhanced and much more expanded and present.

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven: Step Into Your Glorious New Light-Filled World ~ December 19, 2012

Submitted by franheal on Wed, 12/19/2012 - 16:23


Yeshua.peacenewselves.3Yeshua and the Company of Heaven:


Greetings, One and All, my fellow Lightworkers, the Love of my Heart, the Love of our Hearts. We present you today with another offering about your ascension.

For many it is already happening, and as I have said, it will happen in just the right way and time for each of you, if that remains your choice, and for you reading this, I trust it is.

You are approaching the final hours of duality and lifting splendidly. Many are feeling the effects and settling into opening their hearts and beings to the shift. From here on out it is your own unique journey and we see that many of you are embracing it with fresh eyes and open hearts.

Many of you are having a bit of difficulty letting go as you feel yourselves being swept up with the current of rising energies. Trust yourselves and trust your hearts. You are safe and protected, and you are proceeding according to your life plan and the Divine Plan, which is one and the same in many ways.

Letting go is not an easy thing, because you have been locked up in the realm of duality where you felt you had to maintain control at all times for the sake of your survival. It is not an easy thing to trust and surrender, especially now if the old realm is still making its presence known to you in these final hours.

So we ask you to ask yourselves: “Would I want to put my all into this in order to reap the highest and fullest outcome?” If the answer is yes, you know what to do.

Double Celebratory Message from Yeshua and Sananda

Submitted by franheal on Thu, 12/13/2012 - 22:36

Double Celebratory Message from Yeshua and Sananda ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ December 12 and 13, 2012

Note from Fran: The following is Yeshua’s Celebratory Message given to me in the late afternoon of 12-12-12, meant to be Part One of a Double Celebratory Message; Part Two, Sananda’s Message of today, 12-13-12, follows Yeshua’s message below. Enjoy! Many Blessings!


Yeshua.lightfilledworld11Celebratory Message from Yeshua on 12-12-12: A Light Filled World


Greetings and salutations to all my beloveds! Today, 12-12-12, marked a glorious day in your history, in your development and in your hearts – and in our hearts, dear ones. You have accomplished so much. Your embarkment on this ascension journey is well underway now, dear ones. You have crossed the threshold of all thresholds. The Light is shining ever brighter and untold adjustments have been made in your Light Bodies, in Gaia’s Light Body and in sacred Unity Consciousness.

Rejoice, dear ones. You are doing beautifully. Please keep up this progress and your meditations, for you are making great headway and more is afoot. The Bliss you are feeling and experiencing is just going to magnify and amplify, dear ones. There are no limits to the depths you can and will feel and experience.

Much expansion has already taken place in your Light Bodies, DNA and frequencies. You are setting precedent for an explosion and a great building of energies from here on out. No one will be left untouched.

Fran Zepeda ~ Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven ~ We Are One ~ December 8, 2012

Submitted by franheal on Sat, 12/08/2012 - 20:07

Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven ~ We Are One ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ December 8, 2012

weareone.2Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven:



Dear friends and beloveds, soon to be of the Celestial and Galactic Realm. We come to you today to impart information about your awakening progress, which is so magnificent and expansive.


Many of you are already connecting with the Higher Realms on a regular basis and others are getting glimpses. We are so enamored of you and so tickled and overjoyed by your advancement that words cannot express it adequately.


By now you are all preparing for even more upliftment and advancement in your Light Bodies and with your connection with Unity Consciousness, and all is progressing according to Divine Plan. You are just beginning to fathom the vastness of the scope of your reach into the higher dimensions. The more you let go and allow for the downloads and alignments, the more you will experience. And letting go is the key.


My dear friends, absorb the immense Light minute by minute which will deliver you to heights you could never have imagined but are beginning to remember. The sheaths and veils are being removed from your inner knowing and it is as if you have just entered an immense room that you didn’t know you had, full of treasures and knowledge and even realms of immense possibilities.


Begin to explore these inner reaches of your being, this Divine Being, this Spark of Creator that is so full of treasures and wonders you will be like a child in a candy store not knowing where to begin to savor all the delights awaiting you.


Fran Zepeda ~ Yeshua ~ Happy Journey, Dear Travelers

Submitted by franheal on Wed, 11/28/2012 - 22:59

Yeshua ~ Happy Journey, Dear Travelers ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ November 28, 2012



As you are speeding along your Ascension Path, the energies are constantly uplifting you. You allow yourselves to flow along the ever-increasing waves of energy that is your birthright and your salvation from the lower densities.

Your true essence is upon you. You live in it more solidly every day and you have your abiding Love and perseverance to thank for it.

Allow yourselves to receive, dear ones; receive the ever-increasing energies being handed to you, being lovingly handed to you by the Higher Realms, the realms you are becoming accustomed to as your new home. We welcome you. We await you. Nothing is in your way now.

Rejoice, for it is nigh; it is palpable; it is inevitable and it is yours to live in and enjoy, dear ones. Rejoice, for nothing can stop your Light Bodies from becoming fully engorged with Light, with Love in its purest form, if you allow it. For the time has come. Throw open your arms and hearts and accept it with abandon, dear ones.

Rejoice, for Love and Joy and Abundance are in your capable hands to spin like silk on a loom. No one can stop you now. Start choosing the colors of your fabric of Life and of your new creations so lovingly being formed and created in your capable hands and hearts.

Become like children again, who have just been presented in front of them massive amounts of modeling clay of all colors and textures, and start forming with sheer joy whatever you wish to create. Pour yourselves into it and watch what you produce.

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