Evolutionary Astrology


Submitted by AstroEyes on Fri, 06/05/2020 - 22:20


AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey


Welcome June! A very powerful month ushering in Eclipse season (3 Eclipse’s…the one today, one on June 20/21st and one on July 4th)....5/6 planets retrograde, 2 Eclipses (one happening right on the Summer Solstice), the Summer Solstice, the powerful conjunction of Pluto/Jupiter….Mars, which is squaring this Full Moon Eclipse, enters (later in the month) Aries (Mars rules Aries intensifying its energies) for 7 months instead of the usual 4 and more. That sounds like a lot and it is.  But remember…the Universe never gives us more then we can handle. 


Submitted by AstroEyes on Fri, 05/22/2020 - 18:08


AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey


This Gemini New Moon is a very important New Moon…. one that can bring opportunities or setbacks, in all types of Relationships and Communications…on many levels.  

Gemini is about information and communication and how communications…especially with the virus going on and all the different opinions and information coming out….seems to be so chaotic right now.  Sprinkled with a little anger, angst, and division (New Moon square Mars)……that at times you just want to go inward and to a place where you can feel peace, love, and calmness.  It is an amazing time we are living in right now.  With the New Moon’s square to Mars (the warrior energy on the gray side)….and the fact that we have 5 planets retrograde (which means that it is a time to go inward and think, meditate, and internalize)…you can definitely feel the duality at this New Gemini Moon…. and it is our mission to figure out what we want to keep and what we want to discard in our lives.  Which part of this energy are you going let fall away and what part are you going to move towards?  Trying to find some solid ground to stand on is a bit of a mission within itself at this time in our history.


Submitted by AstroEyes on Thu, 05/07/2020 - 17:40
AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey
This Scorpio Super Full Moon is a powerful and emotionally charged one…making things feel a bit uncomfortable at times! This Scorpio Full Super Moon is also a healing Moon. Scorpio pulls us into the Magical and Mysterious depths of our Soul. Scorpio’s energy is about deep psychological transformation…..through the unconscious (dreams, imagination, emotions), as we then acknowledge this, we begin to communicate with our consciousness. Through our deep desires….we learn to let some of those intense desires go and begin to create the unknown through trust. With this Scorpio Full Moon, desires peak through emotional intensity and experiences…..even if they are hidden (Scorpio).


Submitted by AstroEyes on Wed, 04/22/2020 - 17:34

        AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

What a Magical day it is today….not only is it a New Moon in Taurus but it is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day! Earth Day is not just for one day…it is to bring into our consciousness that now is the time period to bring the Earth, her beauty and energies into your life on a daily basis for next several months!! But take time today, this evening and the following days to sit and "be" with the Earth in quiet. Feel Her vibration, Her energy.....listen to what you hear and what you might "see" and "feel.” She has wisdom beyond belief. Honor her today and the days that follow while enjoying her beauty......She is Magical!


Submitted by AstroEyes on Tue, 04/07/2020 - 18:42


AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey



This Full Libra Super Moon is a powerful one!   It is very energized…intense and presents us with some Radical Transformations while we experience Accelerated Evolution!  These chaotic and transformative energies are affecting us all and at times…. bringing in angst and fear. We are in uncertain times, with this virus that is all around the World… but staying out of the fear is extremely important.  This is a World Wide event….one that is pulling all of us together…and this Libra Full Moon is about love, relationships of all kinds and balance! 


We have had a lot of energies surrounding us and being downloaded to us over these last few months.  Through the portals of the recent Eclipse’s, and the portal of the Spring Equinox…. as we observed and felt the activations it opened.  Along with the connection to the Earth energies that surrounded us at that time,  bringing us into the Astrological New Year.  Wow!   This is a lot of energies and downloads to process in a short period of time.   The energies have become chaotic and urgent. I couldn’t help but take notice of how these energies are playing out in “real life”…with the beginning of the Virus and how it has affected…our own life…the political “life” and the World “life”.   



Submitted by AstroEyes on Mon, 03/23/2020 - 22:56


AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

This is a very fiery New Aires Moon and it is the first New Moon of the Astrological New Year!  Coming in on the heels of the Spring Equinox which brings in the Astrological New Year…and a couple days after Saturn moved into Aquarius for about 4 months.  It is a time for intentions and to visualize what you would like this Astrological New Year to look like. Right now the World and our lives are in a bit of Chaos.  We are in a place where it is hard to even imagine what this “Astrological New Year” will look like or what it will bring us. With the Corona Virus spreading quickly and the pandemic continuing….it feels like the rug has been pulled out from under our feet.   We really are in more of a survival mode…then a comfortable mode. The World as we know it….may not look the same as this coming year plays out.  That is ok…remember that we have to stay out of the fear.  The Universe is really serious about changes…that we as a human race….need to be making.  The Universe will also help us along…if we Ask!  Time to Meditate and to Manifest a better and peaceful World.  The Universe is very very Serious…but will help us through.  You just have to ask!!!


Submitted by AstroEyes on Fri, 02/07/2020 - 21:53
AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology-Cathy Lindsey
This Leo Full Moon – Super Snow Moon …is a very active Full Moon. This is also a Super Moon meaning that the Moon is very close to the Earth and therefore increasing and intensifying the energies that we normally feel from a regular Full Moon. As we all know…the energies right now are very urgent, intense, chaotic, a bit volatile, and disruptive. And they have been intensifying over the last several months…activating changes/transformations in both ourselves, the collective, and governments throughout the World. During these turbulent times… people are a little on edge, anxieties are flaring, and most of us feel like we are totally exhausted….even when we have had plenty of sleep. Our bodies are trying to incorporate all these unusual energies…..at times bringing in the feeling of being over whelmed. Notice how these energies are playing out in “real life”…your own life…the political “life” and the World “life”.


Submitted by AstroEyes on Thu, 01/23/2020 - 22:11
AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey
This is a very active New Moon in Aquarius as the planet Uranus (which rules Aquarius) squares (friction and stress energy) this New Moon. Adding to the already chaotic, urgent, transformative and at times volatile energies. These last couple of weeks have had very powerful events happening…including 2 powerful Eclipse’s and the major Saturn/Pluto conjunction by degree and minute. It has been a challenging time! These energies are still affecting us and will be for a while…..but it is a bit of a relief to have some of the less urgent energy of Aquarius giving us an opportunity to kind of regroup our thoughts and energies at the moment. Of course it is hard to see/feel this energy with the way the World appears at this time. The energy is still a bit heavy, chaotic etc. but keep focusing on the higher energies…the opportunities that will open up by the things being put in our faces and stay out of the fear.


Submitted by AstroEyes on Tue, 12/24/2019 - 22:27
AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey
This Capricorn New Moon/Solar Eclipse is a powerful and transformative one!! With 7 planets, including the Sun/Moon (the New Moon), Jupiter, the South Node, Ceres, Saturn (which rules Capricorn), and Pluto all sitting in Capricorn…..then add in the Eclipse energy…..and we can see and feel that the Universe is getting serious…. and the time to start moving forward is now! This New Moon/Solar Eclipse also includes 2 of 2019’s very important full-year events that will carry into 2020! A Saturn-Neptune sextile and a powerful Jupiter, South Node, Saturn, Pluto, 4 planet conjunction (all sitting together) in Capricorn! All these energies will stay with us and continue to ramp up as we move towards the Cancer Lunar Eclipse on January 10th 2020


Submitted by AstroEyes on Tue, 11/26/2019 - 14:29

AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey


We have been living through some intense and interesting times…….and I believe that the “New” that we are co-creating, is only going to get more interesting. The energies have been very chaotic and unsettling…and throw in a bit of the “Wild Card” feeling…. and you have this fleeting month of November. Mercury retrograde has also been very active this month! Miss communications and troubles with Planes, trains, and everything in between….including computer and internet mess ups and problems have shown up. Mercury stationed direct last Thursday……just in time for Thanksgiving and Family celebrations. One thing to remember and meditate on during these times is….staying out of the fear!! There are a lot of Fear based things going on everywhere. Consciously stay out of all the fear in all areas and focus on surrounding yourself with others that vibrate where you vibrate….along with the higher energies of….Love and Peace!

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