Articles from Boo

From our beloved Boo Walker.

The View From Down Here: Full Moon Saturday

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 05/04/2012 - 07:18

(editor's note: Saturday is an important date on so many levels. 5.5.5, Wesak, open portals and the Scorpio full moon.

This moon integrates the opposing Taurus (security) and Scorpio (healing through crisis and transformation).

Tomorrow is the best time of year to wade through the muck of your personal Scorpio swamp in order to reach the peace of your Taurus higher ground.


So today I bring you a Wesak Full Moon video.

As you gaze up at the beauty and power of this moon tomorrow, know that you are joined by millions of us -feel our collective energies!

Stretching Science: Smart Doorknobs, Life-Size 3D Holograms & An End To Aging?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 05/04/2012 - 07:10

(editor's note: Smart doorknobs, life-size 3D holograms, and an end to aging? Say it aint' so Boo! I have a feeling that in the months to come, articles from my "Stretching Science" segment will be even more fantastic as higher technologies continue to be released to us from our Star Family.

In my daily treks through the news files of the world I'm amazed at the depth and scope of emerging science technologies! In the bigger picture of our changing world, we understand that these are stepping stones towards joining our Galactic community of scientists.
~All my Love, Boo)



'Smart Doorknobs' and Gesture-Controlled Smartphones: Revolutionary Technology Enables Objects to Know Your Touch


Natural Remedies: Black Pepper - The Fat Blocker

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 05/03/2012 - 06:48

(editor's note: Traditional Eastern medicine has long used black pepper for various maladies. A new study reveals how this popular spice can actually block the formation of new fat cells!

In time, the science of light and sound will advance so that we can update our medical centers, similar to those used on our Healing Ships.
Awakening within us all is the ability to completely heal ourselves.
As our bodies evolve from carbon-based to a crystalline-based structure, we must all learn how to properly nourish and treat our physical body.
Through this "Natural Remedies" segment I hope to introduce you to methods of healing you may not have tried, as well as building your knowledge base so you can help others.
~Be well, all my Love, Boo)


Unmasking Black Pepper's Secrets as a Fat Fighter


Despite that long medicinal history, scientists know little about how piperine (the pungent-tasting substance that gives black pepper its characteristic taste) works on the innermost molecular level. The scientists set out to get that information about piperine's anti-fat effects.


Natural Remedies: Muscle Pain

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 05/02/2012 - 06:17

(editor's note: Painful muscles -we've all had them. Whether from strain, misalignment, tension or a host of other causes, when they scream -you listen! Today I bring you some remedies designed to reduce inflammation and pain of those sore muscles as they stimulates healing.

In time, the science of light and sound will advance so that we can update our medical centers, similar to those used on our Healing Ships.
Awakening within us all is the ability to completely heal ourselves.
As our bodies evolve from carbon-based to a crystalline-based structure, we must all learn how to properly nourish and treat our physical body.
Through this "Natural Remedies" segment I hope to introduce you to methods of healing you may not have tried, as well as building your knowledge base so you can help others.
~Be well, all my Love, Boo)


Painful Muscles can be relieved by baths and massages, gentle muscle training and stretches, even slight changes to your diet can help. Many people use a combination of therapies to have them comfortable and moving with ease once again.


Natural Remedies: Mother Willis And Her Mystery Concoction

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 05/01/2012 - 05:58


(editor's note: Jessie "Mother" Willis is a 92 year old woman in Michigan who continues to heal colds and body aches of others with a recipe passed down from her grandfather.

In time, the science of light and sound will advance so that we can update our medical centers, similar to those used on our Healing Ships.
Awakening within us all is the ability to completely heal ourselves.
As our bodies evolve from carbon-based to a crystalline-based structure, we must all learn how to properly nourish and treat our physical body.
Through this "Natural Remedies" segment I hope to introduce you to methods of healing you may not have tried, as well as building your knowledge base so you can help others.
~Be well, all my Love, Boo)


Mich. woman concocts 'Mother' of alternative medicines


Mother Willis was born eight years before the accidental discovery of penicillin.

Natural Remedies: The Era Of Healing Lights Has Begun To Hit "Mainstream" Medicine!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 04/29/2012 - 06:24

(editor's note: I am thrilled beyond description today!! A study has just been released by the University of Colorado describing the effects of light therapy to  prevent and treat heart attacks! Be on the look out for more "new" sciences of the healing properties of light and sound.

In time, the science of light and sound will advance so that we can update our medical centers, similar to those used on our Healing Ships.
Awakening within us all is the ability to completely heal ourselves.
As our bodies evolve from carbon-based to a crystalline-based structure, we must all learn how to properly nourish and treat our physical body.
Through this "Natural Remedies" segment I hope to introduce you to methods of healing you may not have tried, as well as building your knowledge base so you can help others.
~Be well, all my Love, Boo)


Intense Light Prevents, Treats Heart Attacks, Study Suggests


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