John Smallman

Messages from John Smallman

To awaken is to let go of fear.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 08/25/2018 - 13:55

We, all of the divine creation, are on a path of spiritual evolution that is eternally ongoing.

You may ask “Why?  Are we not all already perfect divine creations?”  And, yes, of course we are, but, being creative beings, there is always more to create, infinitely more, and that is one of the joys of being One with Source, there is always the joy of discovering more to create. Quite a paradox!

Thus joy never ceases, it just expands and intensifies.  However, words – verbal or written language as used by beings in form – are a totally inadequate means of communing.  All are in divine relationship, and relationship is a state of communing.  Humans, as social beings, understand this very well, although, of course, there are times when you wish to rest from relationship, to have quiet time within, at your holy inner sanctuary.  However, when you awaken and find yourselves fully aware that you are One, in every moment, then relationship is constant but unintrusive, a peaceful state which is always present if you choose to engage, offering Love and making no demands.  A state that is difficult for most of you to imagine because you have all experienced many demanding relationships.

You are all loved beyond measure.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 08/11/2018 - 17:34

As so many channels are telling you, humanity is moving collectively forward very rapidly toward the moment of awakening.  And there are signs of this in many places where loving concern and compassion are arising in discussions about the major issues that need to be practically resolved in order to prevent further, and possibly irreparable, catastrophic damage from being done to the planet, which could cause mass extinctions.  Humanity is at a tipping point, a point at which balance must be restored allowing and encouraging a whole new way of living to be established that honors all life forms.

There is no separation, and to attempt to live as if separation is real, while at the same time refusing to honor all life forms, is truly insane.  Much of humanity now sees this, but there are still many people with power and influence whose sole agenda is to maintain their positions regardless of the cost.  They tend to be the ones on whom the mainstream media focuses a lot of attention because they are powerful and influential.  Nevertheless, the days when people like these could arrogantly enforce their wishes on the subservient masses are over, period!

Negative self-judgment, recrimination, and blame closes you off from the Love that is your true nature.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 07/14/2018 - 12:05

All the apparent ongoing chaos in the world most definitely does have a purpose and that is to encourage and nudge humanity to move forward enthusiastically along the path to awakening.  In this context moving forward means to recognize and become fully aware of all the “stuff” that no longer serves you, and then to very consciously intend to release it.  The recognition is easy, but the releasing can be very demanding, especially when people attempt to deny and disown what comes into their awareness in this fashion because it is seen as unacceptable, unreal, and shamingly painful.  No one enjoys becoming aware either of their inadequacies or of their unkindness in their relationships, and yet there is no one who is free of words or actions that have been driven by these attitudes or behaviors.

Love is contagious.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 06/07/2018 - 13:13

Hello, this is John. As you are no doubt well aware I have not been posting Saul messages for some time – taking a break – so here instead is Chapter 24 from the book “Our Divine Destiny : A Saul Book.” Enjoy.

24 Love is contagious

The life that a human leads follows a path of opportunities and learning-experiences of incredible complexity. It has been designed with the assistance of many wonderful, loving guides and the wise cooperation of many other souls who are to be a part of the same incarnational group.

Truly, there is nothing to fear because there is only Love.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 05/21/2018 - 14:07

As humanity continues to grow in wisdom and maturity, and it has always been in the process of doing this, changes of an amazing nature will continue to occur.  You chose to build the illusory world of separation in order to experience aloneness, abandonment, and loss of meaning and purpose in your lives so that you could then evolve spiritually and return from that experiential state to the Source from which you have never been separated.  This endless journey back to Source is your life purpose and gives it meaning.  It is endless because time is endless . . . until you choose to be aware that time is illusory, that there is only the ever-present now in which all of creation has its permanent and endless existence at One with Source, Love, Mother/Father/God.

Time is a tool that you use so that you can evolve in meaningful steps that suit each of you individually.  There is only the One, but that One expanded and extended Itself in Love that gives and shares and extends Itself limitlessly. Everyone who is conscious, sentient, alive – and everything in form in the visible universe, from rocks to humans, has some consciousness – is evolving spiritually and purposefully!  But because you chose to be unaware of your permanent and unbreakable connection to Source, to Love, you are struggling with a sense of insignificance, inadequacy, and often intense worthlessness because in physical form you are so insignificantly small compared to the vastness of the universe around you.

Spiritual evolution is humanity’s purpose and intent.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 05/07/2018 - 10:41

Humanity is at the cusp or tipping point – at the moment of enormous change – when the collective intent to choose meaningful and attentive discussion to resolve issues on a global scale is initiated, instead of resorting to flagrant and disrespectful rhetoric that practically always leads to conflict without resolution.  This is an extremely important moment in your human evolution because you are consciously choosing to change your attitudes and behaviors so that issues may be resolved peacefully and for the benefit of all, instead of continuing to react defensively or preemptively when you feel threatened.  This truly is a magnificent moment, one that should be and will be widely celebrated when realization dawns of the enormity of the change that is occurring as humans of all colors, races, political systems, and creeds finally recognize and acknowledge that all are indeed one, and that the thoughts, words, and actions of each individual affects everyone on the planet without exception, thus constantly modifying the world you all experience.

You are always unconditionally accepted and infinitely loved.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 03/16/2018 - 08:59

As humanity’s awakening process continues and intensifies more and more people are finding themselves swamped or overwhelmed with emotional stuff, stuff that was so deeply buried or so strongly denied that they just did not know it was lying there waiting for acknowledgment and release.  You are not your emotions, you are not your feelings, you just experience them . . . if you will allow them to arise.  You cannot release them if you refuse to experience them, and mostly you keep them hidden, buried, or denied out of fear that the pain they will cause you will be totally overpowering.  Well yes, the pain can be intense, extremely unpleasant, but it will not overpower you because you are far, far stronger than any emotions or feelings that could ever arise within you.

What you seek you already have!

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 02/16/2018 - 22:42

Here in the spiritual realms we are observing humanity’s ongoing progress towards awakening with joy.  You are making astounding progress and moving forwards very rapidly as all the issues that have been buried and forgotten about arise into the collective consciousness to be addressed and released.  Many lightworkers and wayshowers are working hard and most effectively to connect via your modern communications networks with those who are starting to come into awareness of their spiritual nature.  It is very confusing for most of them because they have been living their lives as humans – looking after loved ones, earning a living, and dealing with the daily issues that humans have to deal with – while basically remaining completely unaware that there is far more to life than just being human.

Now these spiritual inner stirrings are demanding attention and most people have no idea to whom they can turn to discuss these unexpected and strange feelings.  Even though for the last fifty or sixty years many have been channeling and sharing uplifting spiritual messages, writing spiritually uplifting books, and offering workshops and seminars, the vast majority of humanity has remained unaware of the resources available to them simply because they have not been interested in such seemingly esoteric subjects.  Living an earthly human life has required all their energy, and so any energy they have at the end of the day has mostly been used to zone out in front of the television to watch sporting events or a movie.

Life is a most wonderful gift, but how you use it is almost entirely up to you.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 01/24/2018 - 21:55

Humanity’s awakening process is progressing beautifully.

And that is, of course, to be expected.  It is a divine plan to awaken you from the dream in which it seems that you had become lost.  However, dreams are but ephemeral wisps of unreality in which you cannot really become lost.  You are a little like a small child who hides in a dark closet or in the dark space under the stairs and then believes that it is lost and abandoned.  It bursts into tears, terrified, screams for help, and then its mother, father, or older sibling comes rushing to rescue and comfort it.  And, as a result, it learns that they are always there for it, and that it can never be truly lost or abandoned.

As the beloved children of God you are eternally embraced by and held within the field of divine Love that is the Reality in which all of creation has its eternal existence.  You can never be truly lost or abandoned because there is nowhere else, and within it you have no needs because God has already given you everything, which of course is LOVE, and that is what you are.  You only appear to have needs when you refuse to accept the Love that enfolds you, and then you seek satisfaction of those apparent needs outside yourselves in the illusory world of matter – the dark closet, or dark space under the stairs – that you collectively constructed in order to play the game of separation.  Your only need is to know that you are not separated.

As humans you want to live forever for the good times.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/12/2018 - 11:22

You all have high hopes for 2018.  Much has been promised and much will be delivered!  The awakening process is proceeding apace, and this not new information, it is just further confirmation of what we in the spiritual realms have been telling so many of you over the last 2 or 3 years.  Yes, that long!  Nevertheless, major changes are occurring all over the world as humanity’s collective intent to awaken continues to intensify.  More and more are daily choosing to live only lovingly whatever arises, and the powerful energies that these choices are putting into effect keep intensifying.

The collective choice to awaken has been made, and is irreversible as you well know, so let go of your doubts and intensify your efforts, while at the same time totally forgiving yourselves whenever it seems to you that you that you have not been holding your intent purposefully enough.  You are all doing great work to assist in the awakening – as you truly intend – even when it seems that you have forgotten to intend !

When a New Year commences many make all kinds of resolutions that they believe will enable them to live better – more efficiently, more productively, more courageously, more lovingly, more compassionately, more thoughtfully, more happily, etc., etc., – and then, very quickly, those resolutions get forgotten.  All those resolutions, made and forgotten, are but signs of a deep sense of dissatisfaction with the self.

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