Lisa Gawlas

Love and Cash PLUS The 4 Pillars of Creation.

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 03/21/2013 - 07:33




What an extraordinary kick-off to spring yesterday was!!  Granted, I woke up really late and didn’t have time to put a sharing together, but that extra sleep seemed to turn the joy faucet onto full capacity, because joy was running thru my veins from the first opening of my eyes to the last (and continues today.)  Maybe something within me already knew the day was going to be profound with understandings and revelations that just sent everything into holy cow-ness!!

Do you ever just read something and that something just lifts up off the page and wiggles around in a dance, like it is there to notice and feel with.  I had a precious soul send me a donation the day before yesterday with a message added to it.  I seen this come in just before I went to sleep… and (part of) her message went to sleep with me: “sending you love and cash.”  It must have expanded in my sleep because when I opened the her gift again to send a thank you and reread what she wrote, it became an even bigger present than the much appreciated monetary donation.  LOVE and CASH.  How often do we really infuse love into our money?  Into what we do with our money?

Solar Storms Germinates The New Growth of our Lives.

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 03/19/2013 - 08:02



We are accustomed to having major weather storms, where we get rained on, and rain on and rained on for days.  It is very obvious when this happens because we can see it.  The water pools up in our yards, the streets, our creeks and rivers start to raise…  But what about a sun storms?  There is no visual measure in front of us that says, yeah the energy is coming down hard and is starting to pool up around us.  But yet, that is exactly what has been happening to us from March 12th thru the 17th.  5 Days of being pummeled by the energy of the sun.  I only really became aware of this energy flood yesterday (the 18th) when I attempted to connect to my first lady of the day.

Nothing.  Sorta.

I could feel the energy.  I could hear the deafening silence.  I could not see the first visual or even really interpret the energy that I could feel.  Something felt very very different about this inability to connect thru either my antenna or my heart.  Finally, the information came.  The sun has been intensely watering the earth for the last 5 days and now we are in the midst of electrified change on every level of Life.  Every version of Life.  There is not a dimension or timeline unaffected by this purposeful round of solar storms.

The New You!

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 03/18/2013 - 07:47


treasure chest

Things are really starting to get interesting in our beautiful field of Light.  We have officially started hatching into our new and quite interesting forms and finally, with some instruction on where to start to harness your (beginning) power field.  What I am absolutely sure of, meditation is the only key to harness and really understand how to use the new you.  You have become alive with multidimensional fields of energy and their ain’t no way the brain, in all its wonderful glory, will know how to use any aspect of it!  Not without the instruction set from the soul itself.

I have a good friend, Andrea Sartori, who has taken up the joy of teaching others how to meditate, from beginners to advanced and everything in between.  As she is building her own website, I put a space on my website for her to help not only her, but especially those that need extra help in becoming fluid in meditation.  Please click here to visit her page: One Soul

Becoming the Witness 24/7 and Embracing the Unexpected!

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 03/16/2013 - 08:03


From the end scene of the move Avatar


Boy was I knee deep in a lesson all day yesterday that I didn’t even recognize as a lesson until I was on my drive home from the cancer center.  I have also fully realized, being a (human) witness in readings, is 10 times easier than being the witness in your own life.  My day started out dysfunctional and remained that was until I left my house for my follow-up appointment.  First I ran out of time to finish the complete story in my blog, so I published half the story.  (Hey, I had at least that part written, why not publish it!! lol)  Then my appointments started going a rye thanks to the sudden change to daylight savings time and skype using the cloak of invisibility!  We won’t even talk about my cell phone dropping an international call each time I attempted to dial it.  By this time, I was already frazzled because during one reading, my propane man showed up.  I put my guy on hold while I ran outside to ask my propane guy whats up with my tank.  I filled it full of propane back in July or August and here it is March and I am still showing 80% full… that has to be wrong.  He thought I was cheating on him and getting propane elsewhere… I assured him, I don’t cheat!! (smile)  He went to the tank and gave it a huge thump… my needle dropped to 5%.  Well just shit!!!

The Human Now Witnessing Love in its Expression and Magic!

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 03/15/2013 - 08:42



I am really starting to learn some new things about Love.  I think, up until this morning, I have always seen the energy of Love as a passive player on earth, in life, in our hearts.  Allowing, without intrusion.  I have decided, I am wrong.

Love has an agenda and it has come out of the closet for full on interaction.

How many times have we referred to our soul, our higher consciousness as “the silent witness.”  It has allowed life to unfold according to each human.  Learning, observing, taking notes.

In the setting of the readings, especially this month of March, I realized something huge changed in the way the readings happen.  I, the Lisa part of me, have become the silent witness.  The energy of my soul, those crazy ass tentacles that are now the energy and Source of the readings (for those who have allowed themselves movement into their orbital field of the heart) runs the show in every way.

The Earth Workers and The Sun Workers Uniting!

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 03/14/2013 - 09:50


earth and sun


There is so much to share, finding a starting place is rather challenging.  I think I will start by describing the last reading I had and zig zag my way thru the profound understandings of yesterday and the rest of the readings that revealed their parts of our ongoing puzzle so brilliantly!

My daffodil lady!  The first thing I could see with her was her heart field.  It was so clear and so fluid it really took my breath away.  Directly in the center of her fluid heart was the most amazing flower stem, thick and sturdy like the stem of a sunflower that ran the length of her inner heart.  Directly at what I will call the top of the heart field was an opening that very much reminded me of a balloon, the part you blow into, but not tied.  This gentle, supportive opening allowed the growth of her flower head, a huge daffodil so brilliantly yellow.  And the part that surprised me more than anything was located at the very bottom of her heart field, at the bottom of her stock, was this fat root system that presented themselves as a rich maroon color.

Just a Little Tease and a Shout Out To the Divine Biology We Are!!

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 03/13/2013 - 13:19

acceleration energy


I started writing everything below here this morning when I woke up.  The more I wrote, the more I understood from the many readings of yesterday… all very much tied into the experience in my body last evening.  With the increasing downloads, I had to step away from writing, besides being married to my bathroom today… well, it was just the thing to do.  And the process continues even now.  So, I am going to tease you a bit today, and give you some high lights and then bring you the rest of the story tomorrow.

I am also taking a much needed soul day today.  The weather is too nice to sit inside so I am going to put my mud boots on and cross the river and get up close and personal to the Mesa,  I am also going to be looking for more mesa ash and rocks from the landslide too.  ….and other stuff.  So here is my tease until tomorrow.  Ohhh and I am not doing the Soul Gym today.  I am in a place I am not returning from until I have to (smile… this is a great thing lol.)  We will have the Soul Gym as scheduled Sunday at 8am MDT.


A Growth of Excitement and a Word of Caution (and other stuff)!

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 03/11/2013 - 07:00


huge jelly fish of light


From the moment I woke up yesterday, I swear spirit put their big hand around my life and said “today, we do it our way.”  With my first awakening moment it felt like I was being poured into myself, much like plaster being poured into a new mold.  My day, (according to my plans with it) went downhill from there.

I sat down to write my blog and… nothing.  It was as if my brains were all piled on top of each other and I kept tripping over thoughts.  Then,as I looked at the time on my computer contrasting the time on my wall, I realized I was short an hour, I thought I woke up at 6am (which is still really late for me) and it is 7am thanks to the spring leap.  So I gave up a blog and started to scramble for a topic for the Soul Gym which was supposed to start in an hour.  Hell, I couldn’t formulate a sentence forget subject matter that was going to run an hour and a half in duration.  Suddenly and out of no where, a clear thought arose out of my abyss… Inner alignment  spiritual hearing and seeing.  I thought, perfect, there are some topics I can talk about in my sleep, this would be one of them!

Kundalini Fire, The Ankh, The Rains of Shambhala and Some “Earth” News too!!

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 03/09/2013 - 09:53



There is so much to share from yesterday.  From beginning to end, it was an action packed, heart expanding day!!  Phew baby!!  First, let me share all the yummy details from my first reading of the day.  Let me tell ya, if you’re not sure that a 15 minute reading can produce much… think again!!

My lovely lady showed up in her clear heart field galaxy with a brand new twist to it all.  Ohhhh and what a twist!!  All around the ground (which, per the field, is not ground at all, it just happens to be my back yard placement of the readings now) there was a ring of fire about inches tall.  Just connecting to it was breathtaking to feel and see.  I instantly could feel the representation of passion, of pure kundalini fire all around her heart center.  But yet, it almost felt like something was missing.  I could not pick up any details within her heart galaxy area, then suddenly my whole vision was taken beneath the ring of fire.  OMG!!

The Infusion of Sound and Light Into Your New Being and then some!!

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 03/08/2013 - 08:03




Can ya feel it??  It feels like the barometer of life is changing and those of us in alignment with the energy of change are feeling it so deeply.  Yesterday, from beginning to end, I felt like an inflatable doll, each moment of the day serving to increase the energy field around me.  In fleeting moments, I could actually see it happening.  As a psychically connected being, I was flat on my ass all day yesterday.  No readings at all.  Even the energy coming thru the computer was way to much for my field, so I took to the couch.  Ya know something is meant to be when I have streamable internet ALL DAY LONG!!  I haven’t had the ability to stream one movie forget several back to back in well over a month.  But really, I couldn’t do much else, glad the internet gods had my back!!

However, this morning as I woke up, as consistently as I have the last 3-4 days… I am realizing something… bigger.

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