Lisa Gawlas

The New Light Body Takes Form as the Waves of Evolution Speed Up!

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 03/06/2013 - 07:03


tree of life tentacles


We have embarked on an extraordinary journey together.  Magical, mysterious and it is going to feel like we just entered school to learn something that is so brand new to us.  There really is something extraordinary being born into us.  But, before I get to that…

There are more and more people moving into their “alignment” within the black hole area of their life.  The first couple of readings on the field showed us that with spirit saying the next “wave” is preparing to go thru the portal and there will be more and more waves as we continue thru this month, the speed and assimilation picking up faster and faster.   If you start to feel dizzy this month, just sit down, hold on tight and enjoy the acceleration!!

I had also became vividly aware that my antenna is still very much-needed for those still making the journey thru the black hole into the galaxy of the heart.   My tentacles cannot pick up imagery or information prior to that transition.  At the same time, those who have made their way thru the black hole, my antenna picks up nothing, it can only be seen and experienced from the heart tentacles.

The Black Hole, The will of Desire/NonDesire and YOU!

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 03/05/2013 - 08:02

Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ Lisa Often Refers to a black hole energy. A Black hole type of energy, SUCKS... and is where the ego unconsciousness acts as a blackhole which sucks the life force energy out of the being, this is why this Planet has Had Physical death. Humanity has been giving all of their life force energy to a blackhole. We wanted to clarify this. All our Love The Earth Allies



Before I start today’s sharing, I want to bring clarity to something I feel I left kinda confusing yesterday.  The sentence of: “If just your presence alone is creating such a gravitational pull on the fears and worries of anyone around you, you’re gonna end up pissing more people off than getting hugs from. Celebrate this!!”

Lisa Gawlas ~ The New Book Of Life Is Created With Invisible Ink

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 03/04/2013 - 09:25

 The Heart Is The Only True Reader ~ 4 March 2013

invisble-inkHurray, hurray, hurray!!  Can you see me jumping around with excitement saying, OMG, I get this!!   Thanx, of course to YOU and some freedom of information (or figuring out how to work this new field.  Whatever it is, I am just so excited!!)  I think the only way to really explain where we are at right now and what is really happening is by using a metaphor.

If you can look at the imagery we have been seeing of your heart field looking very much like an earth energy view… blues and whites and blacks as a brand new  never before read before, fresh off the press, Book of your New Life.  All that energy is the words, paragraphs and chapters to your New Life, your New Story.  I personally cannot see it’s content because you are still deciding which words your going to use, which paragraph and chapters your going to live, which you may (or may not) toss out….

The Clarity of In~Sight Is Coming On~Line!

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 03/03/2013 - 07:46

Lisa Gawlas


clarity universe


There is something happening within us, around us, that is our new map of the moment.  Sudden clarity!  My first reading of the day yesterday really took me by surprise in the way she showed up.  There was this extraordinary clarity to her energy field.  How I seen her is really difficult to put into words.  There was nothing at all that I had seen, no imagery that is, but a circular field of super intense clear energy.  What was even more strange is that her energy showed up half way between the back yard and inside my house.  As I started to remember the last time I had seen this imagery her team instantly stated it does not mean the same now.  What is being shown is how balanced her inner and outer worlds of creation are.  One harmonious state of Being.

With the fresh breath of morning filling me (smile) I understand what was shown more clearly (pun intended lol.)  Part of the initial process of arriving and Living in this new expanded galaxy of the heart is to infuse all that blue, white and black energy into your whole Being.  How you do that is as unique as you are (but please, let me give a shout out to meditation as the most direct and quickest way…smile.)

Allow vs Action And When To Apply Each!

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 03/02/2013 - 09:24

dualityLife, in all its beautiful glory is filled with ups and downs, highs and lows, great times and sad times, great adventures and misadventures.  We have come here for that very reason!  To fully experience pleasure in the realm of pain.  We also tend to look at it as punishment and reward, since we are knee-deep in duality.  To grow completely into our higher awareness, our higher Self, we absolutely need the contrast.

I think we lose sight of all that as we curl up in the comfort of the words “spiritual path.”  That suddenly, because we have awoken to a greater reality means bye-bye hardships, intense learning lessons.  From my own personal experience, I found it to be quite the opposite.  The lessons get tougher  much more challenging .. giving me (us) a chance to choose differently (from the higher mind) thru whatever is presented.

Expanding the Orbital Field of the Heart Galaxy.

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 03/01/2013 - 07:47

heart field


Sometimes, I swear I can be so slow on the uptake of, what now seems obvious information!!  I was sitting down between appointments yesterday re-reading my blog, I will do that when I feel like I missed something or don’t fully understand something.  Granted, my sharings are done in my personality, but rarely do I actually write them.  I am learning too thru it all.

When I got to the image of the earth and the continued way I am “seeing” you now, how on earth am I surprised that your heart center looks like a sky view of earth??  We are, after all, creating the New Earth… just dah!!!  In that realization it was like a liquid warm ran thru me.  Even the sudden, and to me, drastic way I now connect with you, actually makes sense.

For the last 10 years of reading/connections, I have done it fully thru the pineal gland, an expanded view of the field of Light that is within all of us.  This allowed us to connect even beyond the heart creation to look at the extension of life we all move in and out of every day.  That extended part of our story was crucial to get us to Here.

Arrival in the Heart Galaxy and Getting Out of Passive Complacency!

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 02/28/2013 - 08:26


heart galaxy


Holy Shift batman!!  Whatever has taken place these last few days is truly something like I never seen or experienced before.  The first thing that changed was my own orientation to your field of Light.  With my first (and all the rest) reading of the day, I did like I always do, bent over to crank out my antenna to the field… nothing!  Before I could get disappointed about another day with no readings I hear my team tell me to sit up in my chair and open my heart.  Huh?

Lisa Gawlas ~ Warning : The Intense Magnetic Pull Of YOUR Light Body

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 02/27/2013 - 08:20

black-holeI have got to share a dream I just woke up with, it is really funny, yet at the same time, information rich as well.  I was watching myself move down towards the earth from above it and seemed to stop about 10-15 above earth.  There was this crazy magnetic field coming from my whole body that very much looked like a black vortex and objects were leaving earth and moving into my magnetic field.  I mean, large objects like houses and cars and every little thing too.  The people on earth were panicked.  I could see mothers scooping up their children and getting out of dodge!  I woke up because the fear from the people running around the streets scared me… and I seemed to be a little clueless that I was causing this wide-spread panic.

I find it interesting I have this dream…. today.  When I am anticipating the new galaxy that we have been sucked into via that black hole, should be settled into created reality for us to “see” and start understanding the significance of.  I am hoping that the dream was an over exaggeration to show a point… just how strong our magnetic field of attraction has become.  Of course, I had to go see what the sun was doing too…:

Just Processing and Working Things Out

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 02/25/2013 - 09:03


changing realities

It is really funny how conditioned our brains are to the mental galaxy.  Even when the perception within starts to let go and allow the full realness of the heart galaxy to be present and expand, the mind kicks in instantly and changes it back to “what it is supposed to be.”

Let me explain…

We didn’t get to do any readings yesterday at all.  Instead, the field presented itself as a screen of gray/white/blue/silver energy.  Period.  Altho I know this pause for the cause is a really great thing, it still makes me kinda sad when I cannot read, fulfill my schedule and get information thru YOU.  I am such a nosy girl lol.  So I was between my 3rd and 4th appointments (still hoping the “next one” would show us something) and sitting here at my lag drenched computer, my fist on my cheek just wondering… and then I seen my computer start to breathe.. complete expand and contract as if it had lungs and was breathing.  My first and immediate thought was… what the hell was in the Fruity Pebbles I just ate??  This is so reminiscent of the days I did blotter acid in my teen years.  Of course, in that instant, my computer stopped breathing.

~ A Meditation To Orient Yourself Into The Galaxy Of Your Heart

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 02/24/2013 - 08:37

rainbow-serpantI am sorry I didn’t get this meditation out yesterday like I said I would, I completely forgot in order to do that, I needed internet juice so i could listen to the recording from our reading.  I had zero internet juice yesterday for the better part of the day.  I so forgot it is the weekend!

I am going to start out by giving you all the elements of this meditation, and please don’t think you need to do it all in one sitting.  Keep going back until each series of symbolisms are done.  Then do it again….

Keys -Kite-Snakes-Hammers-Golden Umbrella’s/Parasols-Shimmering Sparkles-Chunky Cement-Sand-Skipping Stones-Comforter-Rose 

Keys:  Many golden Keys were released from her first box.  Golden keys represent openings to doorways.  Take one key at a time and feel the vibration from the golden (magnetic frequency) key and open the doorway that presents itself to you (it may not look like your traditional doorway either.)

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