Lisa Gawlas

Dancing in the Rains of Shambhala

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 02/24/2013 - 08:01


girl in rain


There is so much I want to share and yet, at the same time, so much feels incomplete in the ability to share.  We are still moving thru the energy of the black hole, well, at least as of yesterdays field of readings.  Some are still reading themselves to move into that black hole energy.  Like my lovely lady said… its a matter of moving to the right zip code!!    Nothing before its time and place on the field of life.

The first lady had a very wonderful element to her imagery.  I could see her being sucked up into her thick black biology funnel moving thru the black hole itself, she actually had head and shoulders into the new galaxy (which is actually ancient, but seems new to us right now.)  The intensity of light was so bright I couldn’t see thru it.  But it was what I did see on her funnel thingie that just made me smile, well it was really her description of it that made me smile.

It was as if it was fall on her funnel cloud, all these dead leaves were falling away and to the ground.  As if on cue (and she was) she said “ohhh my BeLeafs are falling away!!”"  What a great visual and just… perfect.

THE SHIFT: The Galaxy of the Mind vs The Galaxy of the Heart: Where Do You Reside?

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 02/23/2013 - 08:21




For as long as I can remember, well, at least since I have started walking this path of awareness back in 2000, people talked about The Shift.  Some even referred to it as “The Shift of the Ages.”  But, no one could really tell me what the hell does that mean to us.  A lot of people talked about the shift via earth changes… well, ok that is happening and has been for some time.  Some others talked about the shift being a reversal of poles… well, we know that magnetic north has been moving position for quite a while, so that part  is true too to a lesser degree.  Some others said the shift was how we looked at life again, how we looked at each other again, not separate but part of each other.  Yes, we can see that too happening on a large-scale.  All of it is indeed happening.

When I created this blog, “The shift of time and energy,” I really did it as a notebook to myself.  Something more than all of the above is happening, I could see it in myself, I could see it thru my massages and now, most especially I see it thru the readings of Your Soul.  The Shift is deep within us.

Your Life Is Going SuperNova and Forms the Black Hole to the REAL Side of Life!!

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 02/22/2013 - 07:46


black hole


I have said this so many times in the past, but I have got to say it again today.  The perfection of the universe absolutely humbles me.  What it must take to align you perfectly on my reading schedule.  One the right day, in the most perfect order… not only for your personal understanding of where you are in the vast process called life, but equally, to make sure your personal story fits together with the larger story being revealed day by day.

My first lady of the day yesterday appeared with all the wonderful elements that showed up during January and February all in one place.  But, before I get to the imagery, let me tell you about the music.  I love when readings start out with music playing.  Whatever her song was, it was rockin!!  Happy, fast beat, melodic… nothing I recognized, yet it filled my air with so much happiness in its tune.  I am also starting to realize that when music does happen in readings, it is emitted with a yellow energy… direct from the soul!

The Melting of the Reality Construct’s Fuels the Turbine Engine called YOUR Life!!

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 02/21/2013 - 08:30


It is rare that I actually dream on any given night, well at least dream and keep the memory of it.  So I have got to really pay attention when I have the same dream two nights in a row!  I woke up again this morning being taught how to harness that energy… that energy I call frustration, only without being frustrated.  We must have been working hard because I woke up with a doozy of a headache!!

Yesterday, while writing my blog within my own silence, I felt sooo great.  I didn’t cough prit near all morning and that was a reason to celebrate alone.  That is, until I attempted my first reading of the day.  The moment I tried to use my voice, my lungs and throat threw a hissy fit and launched me repeatedly into coughing jigs.  But with the intense coughing I realize my lat’s hurt sooooo bad (the muscles on the sides of the body) as if they were severely overworked.  I didn’t have this discomfort the day before.

Let’s Go Wayyyyy Down the Rabbit Hole and Bring Jesus and Mary and YOU there too!

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 02/20/2013 - 07:51



It feels soooo good to wake up and feel prit near human

again!!  But I am also realizing someone tweaked my dream world these last two days.  So yesterday i wake up with these very simple symbols, and to the many folks who suggested it is part of the Merkaba, I agree very much.  Not that i studied or can even say I know a thing about the technical aspects of the merkaba, but I did feel very much connected with some aspect of sacred geometry, another pool I do not swim in!  (smile)

This morning I wake up with my team teaching me how to become spontaneously frustrated, well, harnessing that same energy within without having to become frustrated.  I think some of you musta been in the boot camp with me, cuz there was a whole row of us there, spirit(s) in front of us, teaching us how to harness and move the concentrated feeling that happens when we are frustrated.  Maybe we should all practice this!!  Lets me very clear tho…  the energy has nothing to do with words, at all.

The Passion Of The Christ Within Gives Way to the Gas Turbine Engine Called YOUR CORE!!

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 02/19/2013 - 08:48


Christ Buddha


Yesterday, as I was sitting here just feeling my body (which at this present moment, is a really unpleasant experience) and trying to understand what is really happening (thru the congestion storm in my chest migrating to my head) I kept asking within myself… what the hell is happening this time?  I do know that whatever this “change out” is, is in direct relationship to the throat chakra (since that set itself on fire first) and the high heart (an elephant has taken up residence there and is squashing the ba-jesus out of me.)   Thru the depth of congestion and my deep inner pondering I hear my team utter one single word.  ”Turbine.”

So I do what I do best when completely perplexed… I googled turbine.  A series of groggy ah-ha’s started to spill over me.  I found a site and some of the things that explained what a turbine was.  The first sentence caught me:  A turbine is a type of engine that can extract energy from a fluid, such as water, steam, air, or combustion gases.

What Is Your Vibration and How Do You Truly Raise It? Part 2

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 02/18/2013 - 07:19


raise vibration


Thank you for bearing with my two parter.  I wish I could say I feel better this morning, but at least I can say I don’t feel worse!!  But lets back up into the middle of yesterdays sharing, there are some very important things I did leave out.

As you are going thru the constant process of changing out the atoms of your body, there are what could be deemed unpleasant and diffidently inconvenient side affects.  I never had so many “colds” or “flu-like” symptoms as I did the first two years of this journey.  The head snot, the chest snot, vomiting, diarrhea  the aches, the fevers.  Sometimes you produce only one or two of these releases, sometimes, on those huge conversion times, close to all.  Who ever coined the phrase “you’ve got to go thru hell to get to Heaven” was not understating that trip at all!!

What Is Your Vibration and How Do You Truly Raise It? Part 1

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 02/17/2013 - 10:14

Lisa Gawlas

atomic vibration

Man, my whole body fell apart rapidly yesterday.  By the time I was done with my 2nd reading of the day, I could feel the scratching and burning in my throat, a cough starting… by the end of my day, I had hot chills, cold chills, my throat felt like a flame torch was placed inside.  I suppose, the wonderful hazard of sucking on the tailpipes of so much atomic energy (smile)!!  Gotta love a leap of biological matter!  *sigh*

Although I woke up this morning with every intention of writing about all the exciting readings from yesterday and where we are heading, seems spirit has another focus on their collective mind and they keep hanging that intention in front of my face.  So lets talk and really understand what raising our vibration really means and how that REALLY happens.  It seems we are going to keep this understanding in the vein of atomic energy, since that is our ultimate goal within.

Everything single thing is made up of atoms.   Lets be clear about atoms (taken from a science website)

Get Your “But’s” Out of Your Hand and Blast Off!!!

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 02/16/2013 - 07:17

blast off


Isn’t this the most exciting, extraordinary time to be alive, in body and consciousness on this precious place called earth!!  Spirit has been saying, consistently that on February 15th, the third elliptical was going to be placed into the ready within the atomic energy symbol… well, seems the powers that “be” didn’t want to leave any of us wondering if that actually happened!!

I cannot help but sit and revel in the readings of this past week or so, the things YOU showed me… that played out in every detail yesterday in Russia!!  The intense flash of light that many in Russia said was as bright as the sun.  The sonic boom… in the readings, we have heard the “thunder” and angelic voices singing, creating bulging in what appeared to be a sun on the ground.  The images of solar release in anthers reading.  We must not underscore coming into February was all about intense winds.  Winds of change to facilitate all that we have chosen!!  And the most exciting part… the crystal ball energy.  For some it melted away, for others it exploded, sending debris everywhere.  Shards of Glass was the most prevalent result upon the sonic boom impact!!

Let The Fire Of Love Release and Raise You Onto The Next Octave of Earth!!

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 02/14/2013 - 07:44

fire of love


Ohhh the state of flux all of life is in, again, right now.  Change at its core.  The acceleration or deceleration of every person on this planet!  It seems January, we became suited up to arrive at the greatest choice points of our collective lives as we stepped into February.  At any given time, there really is only two real choices; hold on or let go (fear vs trust.)

I could have never imagined the earth we arrived on in January was a gateway point.  Kind of like the pit-stop area on a race track.  But, there’s a lot I cannot even imagine, maybe that is what makes these times so incredibly fun and interesting to me.

My first lady on the field yesterday gave us more understanding of what is currently happening than I ever realized during her reading.  It took me until about the 3rd reading of the day to feel and understand the huge thing that is happening on all of earth right now.

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