Lisa Gawlas

Walking On and With The Sun!! We Are On Fire!!

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 02/13/2013 - 08:58


walking on the sun


I am so amazed and so excited to see the energy of the sun itself start to show up on the ground in a few of the readings.  There is actually so much happening, so much coming thru these days, I have no possible way of sharing it all…. but God knows, I am trying!!

The other day, or maybe it was yesterday (geez, these days and the readings are so starting to blend together as one dynamic energy I cannot tell the time difference any longer) I had a lady show up on the field and the sun was glowing in her west field.  It could have been an image straight from  Kinda like this:


sun eruption


Jesus Christ This Is Getting Very Real!! (smile)

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 02/12/2013 - 07:36


jesus christ


Sometime last week I had talked about my “stray hair” dangling about in my core energy called my personal issue with winning anything on a lottery ticket.  The day my team told me that “we want to help you, but you won’t let us” and showed me what was rumbling around in my energy field… the very moment I seen it for what it was, I changed it instantly.  But let me tell you, being able to dispel discordant energy within myself from myself instantly has been a very long work in progress.  I had spent the first 8 years of this journey diving into my deepest darkest goo and changing it over time and with tremendous conscious effort… until doing “that” became… instant.  Of course, I get sooo excited when I see something discordant within me, because I KNOW, the moment I free that, it turns into the opposite!  It free’s a significant flow of energy within.

Lisa Gawlas~Moving Out of Separation and Moving Into The Real Awakened Life.

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 02/11/2013 - 08:39




I think, for the very first time, I finally and fully understand why the field, our spiritual teams, have gotten so damn picky with the words I choose to use in readings and sharings.  It really is a strange feeling to go to spit a word out of your mouth and the field is pulling off my tongue before it ever hits the airwaves, often times, without a replacement word.  I fully realized yesterday we use words loosely and often times, quite inaccurately and then become comfortable in the inaccuracy.

There was one particular word that hit me like a ton of bricks after the soul gym session yesterday.  Awake.  In my own spiritual upbringing (smile) people would call themselves awake once they realized the illusion of life is not as true as they once thought.  This created the feeling of waking up out of the dream.  Actually, the correct word (according to spirit) would be aware.  We are aware that we are dreaming.  We are aware that there is so much more to life than what we see in front of us.

In yesterdays soul gym session one of the lovely ladies was talking about being “half awake.”  I said everyone in here is awake, again, using the word itself as I have been taught its meaning.

Lisa Gawlas~ Breaking Thru The Veil to The Most Amazing Luminescent Being Called YOU!!

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 02/10/2013 - 08:53


There is one thing I am absolutely sure of, we have broken thru to a clearer, more luminous version of ourselves here in the realm of matter.  I use the words “broken thru” because that is what spirit referred to it as yesterday.  My first and last readings of the day were so visually similar, breath-taking really.  For those who arrived here, there is no more crystal ball energy that I see, but yet, it seems to have left its fingerprint in the field itself, because there is an enhanced energy zone I know to be your inner heart space.

However, it is what I see floating all around the field of light, that is just stunning.  Bits and pieces of the most luminescent, translucent, light filled fragments I have ever seen.  And fragments is not a true word, but I have no words that would make it, well, what it is.  If you can imagine you took pits and pieces of jelly fish…


jelly fish

Lisa Gawlas~Finding Nemo Within the Confluence of Our Self’s!

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 02/09/2013 - 09:44




Can you feel the energy on the planet changing in the last several days?  I think the only way I have describing how it feels to me, is more solid, more malleable.  We have been expanding and stretching for sooo long… and it is like we have reached our deepest outer atmosphere of Being-ness and bringing that energy back into us.  Back into the fullness of created life.  Solidifying, for our use, what was once esoteric.  Well, depending on how much you have prepared your vehicle to house and use it.

The recent earthquake (Feb 6th) in the South Pacific really caught my attention… the numbers of it.  Life itself is all-ways speaking to us… always.  The moment I seen that it was an 8.0 earthquake produced a 3 foot tsunami wave that claimed the lives of 5 people, four elderly and one child… I instantly seen in my mind’s eye the atomic symbol from the reading a week or so ago as well as the words: 2 by 2 by 1.

Lisa Gawlas~ Are You Ready To Play The Song Of Your Heart??

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 02/07/2013 - 09:41



Did you ever have one of those days, where what we are doing and how just becomes so incredibly clear?  And the beauty of it, it was all shown in five different ways to make it all unmistakable.

My first gentleman on the field gave me such a wonderful burst of melodies being played.  As my vision connected to where this beautiful music was coming from, I was in awe.  There in his entire field from present to future (well the month of February’s future) and across his the width and height of his field were strings of yellow/gold thready energy…. all was horizontal, moving outwards.  All I could think of was a harp, only not a single row of strings, there was depth and very specific placement patterns to where these strings were spread out in his entire field.

Lisa Gawlas ~The Fuzzy Gray Of Change Turning Into The Light Of Our New Empowered Life

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 02/06/2013 - 09:22

 If You Dare Live It ~ 6 February 2013

Nature PhotographyWell if yesterday wasn’t one of those ongoing weird days!   Just as I finished writing yesterdays sharing, I felt it… my brains started crashing.   The next thing I know, my whole flipping body crashed, I could have sooo crawled back into sleep and just hung there for the day.  The universe must realize, I DON’T have time for this!!  Or at the very least, unplug me after my day is done!

Thank God I have the greatest most understanding people in all the world on my schedule.  I attempted to connect to my first lady of the day and I got back gray fuzzies.  Ya know, I can be really slow on the uptake!! lol  I just realized I was actually wearing a gray fuzzy sweater the exact same color and texture of whatever on earth I was connecting (or not connecting) to on the field!

It was the fields way of saying… your entire heart center and reach for life is changing…. coming on-line!!

Lisa Gawlas ~ Multidimensional Merging And The Melting Of Our Reality Construct!!

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 02/05/2013 - 09:54

melting-realityYa know, I so often feel like there is always a major wind storm blowing around in my consciousness, debris of information blowing around and around and around.  Sometimes the debris finds other like debris to start building something that makes sense in my mind, mostly tho, there’s a lot just chucking around in there.  (smile)  There are two things I do know about the way spirit releases information, first, there is ALL-WAYS a reason for it, even if it never seems to make any sense to you when presented.  And two, sometimes they throw in a piece of information that seems so random and out-of-place with the ongoing story and may take years before they ever get back around to adding to that.  It is this part, that I say makes up the debris field in my (very crowded) mind.  I know there is a method to their (spirits) madness, but I have never been able to figure it out!  I mention this today, simply because I can all these dangling pieces  rolling about the forefront of my mind this morning and I still don’t know where to fit them.  I wonder if there is a “defrag” button for the mind!! lol

Weaving The Dream Into Reality!

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 02/04/2013 - 07:19


dream weaver


Yesterday was kind a really strange day in my body.  My left hemisphere of my brain was taken almost completely off-line, an experience I have not had quite like that before.  But it really, I mean really showed me the intense value of our left brain, but equally, how far into the outer reaches of understanding, consciousness and connections can happen when it is not so… present.

The left brain makes our world constructible.  Without its full presence, I couldn’t even put food together.  I went to the store and got a boxed pizza, I almost never eat anything that comes out of a box, but without that left brain, the task of putting the pot roast that I pulled out into a meal… was not happening.  Even walking down to the river was a challenge.  The left hemisphere orients you into time and space, shows you where your own center of gravity is.  I wobbled to the river.

Nothing Is Ever As It Seems, Nor Will It Be Again!! Happy February!!

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 02/02/2013 - 08:11



If yesterday is any real peek into what February is going to feel like and Be like, I’ll take two bowl fulls, thank you very much!!  I have a feeling, what is really (energetically) happening right now, is going to change our entire, internal mapping system!!  Phew baby!!

My first reading of the day, man what a jump-start to, what would eventually become, a super extraordinary day!!  This man was part two of a reading I had shared a week ago about a man in a suit (higher self aspect) walking out of the intense (multicolored) storm clouds in the sky almost as if on a beam of light and when I looked at his body it was in such a state of change I could not see anything but his tailbone and lower lumbar being covered in a silver that resembled the texture of Mercury.  All I can say is, holy change batman!!

At first it was hard to see anything due to the sheer volume of incoming blue, white and red molecules of energy.  They were everywhere in sheer abundance that blocked my view from everything else.  However, I am seeing a theme these days again.  The focal point of my vision was on his South side of his crystal ball.  What is already in your life, fully ready (for what, I guess we shall see.)

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